digital nation - life on the virtual frontier


Guest Blogger:'s Rachel Fishman Feddersen

Rachel Fishman Feddersen is the editor-in-chief of and a mom. We asked her to share a story about how the web and digital tools are affecting her life and her family. Read what she... Read more ...

A Collaboration with the Public

Since we launched the Digital Nation website in March 2009, hundreds of people-- teens, grandparents, online stars, avatars and everyone in between -- have shared their stories with us about life in the digital age.... Read more ...

New video: Going Digital at 83

New video: Going Digital at 83

"I became everyone's Grandmother all over the world!" So spoke the indefatigable Bubbe, an 83-year-old Jewish grandmother in Massachusetts who made a video with her grandson, Avrom, and submitted it to our site. Bubbe and... Read more ...

Six Words on the Digital Life

Six Words on the Digital Life

Over the past few months, Your Digital Nation has grown into a rich collage of experiences and perspectives on life in the digital age. Fascinated by what you have to say, we decided to add... Read more ...

Field Report from BlogHer09 in Chicago

Field Report from BlogHer09 in Chicago

I just returned from BlogHer09, a conference that brought together over 1000 female bloggers from far and wide for a weekend of sharing stories from the blogosphere and meeting online friends face-to-face. (You can see... Read more ...

Digital Stories, Opinions, Quesions: LIVE From NECC

Digital Stories, Opinions, Quesions: LIVE From NECC

Hi Digital Natives, residents & visitors, We're live at the NECC Conference today, and want to hear from you. We had an amazing day yesterday, meeting interesting educators and hearing a huge range of stories... Read more ...

Some new things at DN: Twitter, Your Stories & more...

Some new things at DN: Twitter, Your Stories & more...

Digital Nation is now on Twitter! Follow us @dig_nat, and join our ever-evolving dialogue about life in the digital age... Keep tagging your posts with the #dig_nat hashtag so that they show up in the... Read more ...

Getting to know you...

Getting to know you...

I spend a lot of my time thinking about the relationship between humans and technology. What interests me most is not the technology itself, but how we can use it to bring people together and... Read more ...

Stories from Your Digital Nation

If you're new to the Digital Nation website, I encourage you to take a look at the Your Stories link. Here you'll find an ever growing collection of user-generated media, where you can share your... Read more ...

A story from the Virtual Frontier

This reader's story in particular caught our attention. It's about finding humanity on the virtual frontier: I have never considered the internet to be a frontier worthy of exploration. If I had, I probably would... Read more ...


Behind the Scenes

Digital Natives


Living with Technology




Virtual Worlds

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posted February 2, 2010