digital nation - life on the virtual frontier

New video: Going Digital at 83

October 23, 2009 _ 14:05 / Caitlin McNally / comments (6)

"I became everyone's Grandmother all over the world!" So spoke the indefatigable Bubbe, an 83-year-old Jewish grandmother in Massachusetts who made a video with her grandson, Avrom, and submitted it to our site. Bubbe and Avrom have an online cooking show, "Feed Me Bubbe," that features cooking lessons and words of wisdom from Bubbe's kitchen. In the video they sent us, they told us all about how Bubbe's foray in to the web has endeared her to an audience all over the world. It turns out there are hundreds of people yearning for the warmth and coziness of a grandmother's kitchen and a good matzo ball soup recipe; through the internet, Bubbe provides just that. We were charmed and intrigued, so we decided to head up to Bubbe's to see how she and Avrom cook up their magic, and find out what it's like to become an octogenarian online star. You can see footage from our trip here, and Bubbe and Avrom's original video submission here.


I hope Bubbe makes it to the documentary. In fact, she should have her own PBS show. She could give the Food Network a run for its money! I've seen all of her cooking lessons online. She has wonderful stories, too. Her baked fish episode had a story about how she submitted a recipe and won tickets to see Sinatra!

Laurie / November 01, 2009 _ 13:08

What a terrific and refreshing video! I can't wait till the completed video will come out this winter.

Sue Roseman

Susan Roseman / November 01, 2009 _ 21:11

In this day and age of impersonal contacts, she is everyone's grandmother they never had! Good for her! Go, go, go!!!

Jan / November 09, 2009 _ 18:55

Sick around the world was informative, but one-sided. All of the countries you interviewed are of one ethnic/race/culture; with the exception of England and Canada. Meaning that not once did you interview or show any people of a different race/creed/ethnicity. Unlike, the United States, England and Canada were we accept people of all race/creed/ethnicity. Unlike, the United States were we're a country of freedom. So, my observation of this program is one sided. Next time try to find people of different orgins; like Black/African-American/Carribean, Spanish/Latio, Brown/Indian/Asian.

johbronarts / November 10, 2009 _ 22:23

If she's everybody's Grandma because she places relating before rules, maybe there's chance for some of the rest of us--elders like Bubbe who find the impersonal mechanistic world, a new world Odour!

Emily Elizabeth Windsor-Cragg / November 12, 2009 _ 16:52

A great video~!

naoma foreman / November 13, 2009 _ 16:15


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