digital nation - life on the virtual frontier

Some new things at DN: Twitter, Your Stories & more...

June 25, 2009 _ 18:35 / Digital Nation Team / comments (1)

Digital Nation is now on Twitter! Follow us @dig_nat, and join our ever-evolving dialogue about life in the digital age... Keep tagging your posts with the #dig_nat hashtag so that they show up in the discussion.

Photo of a booth at the 2006 NECC conferenceThe DN team is heading to the National Educational Computing Conference (NECC 09) in Washington DC on Monday, and we'll be trying something new:

Digital Nation will be at Booth 1904 to talk about the project and help record Your Stories, so if you're planning on attending the event, please come by to share your stories, experiences and opinions on life in the digital age. You don't need to worry about camera setup or uploading footage, all you have to do is come by and talk to us, to be a part of the project. This Digital Nation "your stories booth" is something we're hoping to do a lot more of, and we're excited to be running the concept at NECC.

Here's where the launch of our new Twitter account comes in: We want to engage not only those of you attending NECC, but anyone who is interested in following along, or joining in on this conversation. So, over the course of Monday 6/29 and Tuesday 6/30, we will be posting questions on Twitter for everyone to weigh in on. (For instance: "Tell us how digital tools are affecting your attention span.") If you're at the conference, come by and share a story with our cameras; if not, join the conversation on Twitter (#dig_nat) or by sending in longer comments, photos or videos to the Digital Nation website.

Keep checking in here for new prompts so that you can stay up to date with the conversation. Everyone who submits a video at the NECC conference will be eligible to win a Flip cam! And, even if you're not at the conference, create your own video response to one of our NECC Twitter questions and submit it before July 6th to also be included in the drawing!

We want to hear from you, so let me know your thoughts too.

- Ramona

Photo credit: A 2006 NECC booth by CC ajc3/Flickr


Hi My Name Is Krystian.
I teach special needs people how to be safe online as a volunteer and I love this Volunteer Job.
Be careful and Be safe on the world wide web!!!!

Anonymous / September 20, 2009 _ 10:35


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posted February 2, 2010