digital nation - life on the virtual frontier

Digital Stories, Opinions, Quesions: LIVE From NECC

June 30, 2009 _ 08:08 / Digital Nation Team / comments (1)

Hi Digital Natives, residents & visitors,

We're live at the NECC Conference today, and want to hear from you. We had an amazing day yesterday, meeting interesting educators and hearing a huge range of stories about how digital technology is impacting their classrooms, personal lives and attention spans.

Here's a sample:

MollyLynne, a teacher from Virginia, told us that despite being in an amazingly hi-tech one-to-one laptop school, her students still want their assignments on paper... And she wonders why?


So, we showed some other people her video submission, and encouraged them to respond.

Jennifer Downey, an instructional technologist thinks that some of it may have to do with resources, and students not having computers at home (though MollyLynne is in a one-to-one program). She says that in her classes, they have the digital tools and still use them, but are ultimately more comfortable with paper. She also suggested that cellphones be integrated into learning.


Susan Davis, an English teacher from Houston, has had a different experience. She says that in her classroom, students write with media, no longer just words, and that digital tools have allowed them to become more thoughtful storytellers.


Stay tuned to the Digital Nation website, and our Twitter feed dig_nat as we continue to post responses to this question, as well as our own new prompts and questions throughout the conference.

Share your ideas and experiences in Your Stories, on Twitter using the #dig_nat hashtag, or by emailing

Video submissions received before July 6 are eligible to win a flip cam (WOW!!) so create a video response for Your Digital Nation, or if you're at NECC, come by booth 1904 to record yours!

More soon,
- Ramona


I love the Internet.

Anonymous / September 20, 2009 _ 10:31


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posted February 2, 2010