digital nation - life on the virtual frontier

Six Words on the Digital Life

September 16, 2009 _ 15:11 / Digital Nation Team / comments (2)

Over the past few months, Your Digital Nation has grown into a rich collage of experiences and perspectives on life in the digital age.

Fascinated by what you have to say, we decided to add a new platform for you to share your stories:

Digital Nation just launched a really exciting contest with SMITH Magazine to hear your stories about life in the digital age. In 6 words. Yes, in six words, tell us how the web and digital technology are changing the way you think, work, live, or love.


I was immediately excited by this contest: What better way to comment on digital life than in the "language" of the age: Twitter- or text message- sized bytes.

In the first two days of the contest, we received over 200 submissions, including:
"Stay on-line, miss out on life."
"Son won't friend me. Step-daughters will."
"Mom on cell, kid in carseat."

Six word submissions that are accompanied by photos/drawings/images will be posted on Your Digital Nation on the FRONTLINE Digital Nation website.

Here are some examples, from the Digital Nation team:

"Three kids. One dog. Five laptops."
Rachel Dretzin

"Who's the person behind that avatar?" Ramona Pringle

Whether you've done things unimaginable just a few years ago ("I have even Twittered during sex") or are trying to make sense of how rapidly the world is changing ("Dull persona. Second Life ego enormous"), we want to hear who you are, in you digital life, in six well-chosen words. We're giving away prizes, too: Winners will receive a DVD of the FRONTLINE shows. The top six will receive a copy of a Six-Word Memoir book from SMITH Magazine, and be featured in a Digital Nation video.

On Twitter? Help us spread the word! Just copy and paste the following Tweet:
RT @dig_nat CONTEST "6 Words on the Digital Life" (or:"My dad has more MySpace friends"), from PBS & SMITH @smithmag #6WM

I can't wait to hear from all of you!

-- Ramona


this is really cool! what a great idea!

hailey / September 18, 2009 _ 11:13

O_O My six word memoirs is being used as part of the name?! That is so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Daryle J. / September 19, 2009 _ 07:44


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posted February 2, 2010