digital nation - life on the virtual frontier

Guest Blogger:'s Rachel Fishman Feddersen

January 28, 2010 _ 14:51 / Digital Nation Team / comments (0)

Rachel Fishman Feddersen is the editor-in-chief of and a mom. We asked her to share a story about how the web and digital tools are affecting her life and her family. Read what she had to say, and check out her video on Your Stories.

In my video testimonial for Digital Nation, I talked about how I'd like my son's childhood to remain as screen-free as possible. Although there are times where a video comes in handy, I'd rather he play creatively than get sucked into the TV. (He gets waaay too into it - trust me, he gets the zombie face)

But that's not to say that I'm not a totally geeky lover of tech - I am. Checking out my Google reader is my first to-do every morning. Traveling today, I am keeping in touch with what's going on in the office via my Blackberry. At 5 months pregnant, I'm getting a constant stream of info about my baby with our online pregnancy calendar. We're letting our readers know about fresh new content as soon as it's live on Twitter. And I'm getting constant feedback about our mag and site from the folks on our boards and our Facebook page -- no more waiting for letters to the editor to come in to find out how we're doing.

So suffice it to say - I don't know how I could live without the many screens in my life. But, at least until he's a little older, I'd like my son to.

Rachel Fishman Feddersen



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posted February 2, 2010