digital nation - life on the virtual frontier

A Collaboration with the Public

January 07, 2010 _ 09:08 / Digital Nation Team / comments (0)

Since we launched the Digital Nation website in March 2009, hundreds of people-- teens, grandparents, online stars, avatars and everyone in between -- have shared their stories with us about life in the digital age. You've told us about all parts of your lives, from romance to parenting to addiction, and in so doing, you've helped us piece together a panorama of technology's impact on ourselves and our world.

oliviawong.jpgsonyaarias.jpg Along the way, we've partnered with some great organizations who share an interest in exploring this new virtual frontier. Our colleagues at MTV recently launched a campaign called "A Thin Line." The effort is aimed at helping teens recognize and deal with abuse online (a topic we covered in our previous FRONTLINE report, Growing Up Online.) We went with MTV to the Woody Awards to hear how teens are coping with digital life, and we discovered a mix of perspectives: teens are plugged in all the time, some sending "thousands of texts a day" (Sonya Arias), and yet many still prefer face to face communication for serious conversations. (Olivia Wong)

Through Smith Magazine, another partner, we received more than 850 entries to the Six Words on The Digital Life contest. Submissions like "Introverted autistic son blossoms on internet" by Claire Luna-Pinsker and "Sexting is saving our relationship" by Dana Newsome revealed that the digital frontier is no less complex for adults. Here's a video compilation of some of the best entries:

We still want to hear from you. Take a look through the site and share your thoughts, and after the broadcast on February 2nd, send in a video telling us about your own Digital Nation experiences.



Behind the Scenes

Digital Natives


Living with Technology




Virtual Worlds

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posted February 2, 2010