from jesus to christ - the first christians

Site Map

Jesus' Life and Teachings Women in Early Christianity
Gnostics and Other Heretics Jews and Judaism
Archeology Jews, Christians, and the Greco-Roman Empire
Primary Sources and Commentary Paul and the Early Christians
The New Testament and Other Gospels Miscellaneous
The Quest for the Historical Jesus and Other Issues in Scholarship
color codes:
testimony audio reading miscellaneous primary
Jesus' Life and Teachings
What can we really know about Jesus?
Jesus' Social Class
Audio Excerpt: Recent archeological findings require scholars to rethink Jesus' socio-economic background
He was born, lived, and died a Jew
The Complexity of His Religious Identity
Jesus' Ministry and Teaching
Arrest and Execution
Jesus and Jehohanan: An Archeological Note on Crucifixion, by Dr. J. H. Charlesworth
Jesus as Rabbi, by Jaroslov Pelikan
The Parables, by Madeliene Boucher
Jesus' Family Tree
John the Baptist
Death and Resurrection
Women in Early Christianity
The Roles for Women
Women in Ancient Christianity, by Karen King
The Acts of Paul and Thecla
The Martyrdom of Saints Perpetua and Felicitas
The Gospel of Mary
Thunder, Perfect Mind

Gnostics and other Heretics
Gnostics and Other Heretics
The Gospel of Thomas
The Gnostic Gospels, by Elaine Pagels
More about Q and the Gospel of Thomas, by Marilyn Mellowes
The Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Mary
Thunder, Perfect Mind
color codes:
testimony audio reading miscellaneous primary

Jews and Judaism
Judaism's First Century Diversity
Jews and the Roman Empire
Temple Culture
The Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Josephus Describes the Mass Suicide at Masada
The Fortress at Masada
Josephus Describes the Romans' Sack of Jerusalem
The Credibility of Josephus, by Shaye Cohen
Audio Excerpt: The Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Jesus as Rabbi, by Jaroslov Pelikan
He was born, lived, and died a Jew
The First Christians Wrestling with their Jewish Heritage
The Jewish Diaspora
Map of the Jewish Diaspora
From Hebrew Bible to Christian Bible: Jews, Christians and the Word of God, by Mark Hamilton

Biblical Archeology
The Credibility of Josephus, by Shaye Cohen
The Fortress at Masada
Audio Excerpt: Recent archeological findings require scholars to rethink Jesus' socio-economic background
Mystery and Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls
The Surprises of Sepphoris
Portraits of Greco-Roman Cities
Jesus and Jehohanan: An Archeological Note on Crucifixion, by Dr. J. H. Charlesworth
In the Catacombs
Audio Excerpt: The Christian Community at Corinth
Recovering the Material World of the Early Christians
color codes:
testimony audio reading miscellaneous primary

Jews, Christians, and the Greco-Roman Empire
Jews and the Roman Empire
Map of the Roman Empire
The Empire's Religions
Portraits of Greco-Roman Cities
Religion in the Roman World, by Marianne Bonz
The Collision with Paganism
Hellenistic Culture
Kingdoms in Conflict
In the Catacombs
Pliny's Policy: Execution
The Martyrs
Letters of Pliny the Younger and Emperor Trajan
Legitimization Under Constantine
Audio Excerpt: Why Rome Eventually Embraced Christianity
The Rise of Christianity: the Appeal of the Christian Message, by Rodney Stark
The Rise of Christianity: A Sociologist Reconsiders History, by Rodney Stark
Story and Ritual in Greece, Rome, and Early Christianity, by Helmut Koester
The Gospel of Rome vs. the Gospel of Jesus Christ, by Marianne Bonz

Primary Sources and Commentary
Josephus; Our Primary Source
Josephus Describes the Romans' Sack of Jerusalem
Josephus Describes the Mass Suicide at Masada
The Credibility of Josephus, by Shaye Cohen
The Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls
Audio Excerpt: The Essenes and the Dead Sea Scrolls
"The Community Rule" from the Dead Sea Scrolls
"War Scroll" from the Dead Sea Scroll
Mystery and Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls, by Hershel Shanks
The Gospel of Mark
The Gospel of Matthew
The Gospel of Luke
The Gospel of John
Gnostics and Other Heretics
The Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Thomas
More about Q and the Gospel of Thomas, by Marilyn Mellowes
The Gnostic Gospels, by Elaine Pagels
Letters of Pliny the Younger and Emperor Trajan
Paul's Letter to the Galatians
First Corinthians
First Thessalonians
The Acts of Paul and Thecla
The Martyrdom of Saints Perpetua and Felicitas
Thunder, Perfect Mind
color codes:
testimony audio reading miscellaneous primary

Paul and the Early Christians
The Jesus Movement
Map of the Communities of the Gospels
The Diversity of Early Christianity
Paul's Mission and Letters
Paul's Congregations
The Roles for Women
Wrestling with their Jewish Heritage
The Collision with Paganism
Kingdoms in Conflict
In the Catacombs
Map of Paul's Aegean Mission
Paul's Letter to the Galatians
First Corinthians
First Thessalonians
Audio Excerpt: The Christian Community at Corinth
The Rise of Christianity: A Sociologist Reconsiders History, by Rodney Stark
Map of the Spread of Christianity -- 1st Century CE -- 3rd Century CE
The Gospel of Rome vs. the Gospel of Jesus Christ, by Marianne Bonz

The New Testament and other Gospels
Importance of Oral Tradition
Emergence of the Four Gospel Canon
What are the Gospels?
An Overview of the Four Gospels, by Marilyn Mellowes
The Gospel of Mark
Excerpts from the Gospel of Mark
The Gospel of Matthew
Excerpts from the Gospel of Matthew
The Gospel of Luke
Excerpts from the Gospel of Luke
The Gospel of John
The Parables, by Madeliene Boucher
Map of the Communities of the Gospels
Q: The Hypothetical Gospel
Gnostics and Other Heretics
The Gnostic Gospels, by Elaine Pagels
The Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Mary
More about Q and the Gospel of Thomas, by marilyn Mellowes
Audio Excerpt: Telling Stories after Jesus' Death
Magic, Miracles, and the Gospel, by L. Michael White
color codes:
testimony audio reading miscellaneous primary

Chronology: Christianity from the Birth of Jesus to the Conversion of Constantine
Biblical History Quiz
Biographies of the Scholars
Symposium: General Discussion
Behind the Scenes: The Making of "From Jesus to Christ"
Notes on the Music from "From Jesus to Christ"
Tapes and Transcripts
Teachers' Guide
Viewer's Guide
Press Reactions

The Quest for the Historical Jesus and other Issues in Scholarship
The Historian's Task
Searching for Jesus
Tensions between Faith and History
Q: The Hypothetical Gospel
Jefferson's Bible, by Marilyn Mellowes
The Quest for the Historical Jesus, by L. Michael White
The Historical Jesus, by Claudia Setzer

symposium . jesus' many faces . a portrait of jesus' world . storytellers . first christians . why did christianity succeed?
maps, archaeology & sources . discussion . bible history quiz . behind the scenes
teachers' guide . viewers' guide . press reaction .  tapes, transcripts & events

published april 1998

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