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the invasion of iraq


Pre-Viewing Lesson Plan
  • Iraq Timeline: 2002-Present
  • Student Handout: Crossword Review: Iraq Timeline
  • Crossword Solution

  • Viewing Lesson Plan
  • Student Viewing Activity: The Invasion of Iraq
  • Student Handout: The Invasion of Iraq: Student Viewing Guide: Part 1
  • Student Handout: The Invasion of Iraq: Student Viewing Guide: Part 2

  • Post-Viewing Lesson Plans
  • A "Catastrophic Success"
  • Examining World Opinion
  • Letters From the Troops

  • Internet and Other Resources

    Printable .pdf of Entire Guide
    (Adobe Acrobat required)

    » Internet and Other Resources:

    In addition to the Web resources that are included in the guide, students and their teachers might want to look further.

    Media Literacy Note:
    Students need to be aware that Web sites sometimes present only one view of an issue. They should be encouraged to interrogate Web sites even as they are reading. Guiding questions as they work through these activities should be: What did you learn from this site? What didn't you learn from this site? Who sponsors this source? What bias might the sponsor have?


    Letters Home: Iraq
    Here, as part of the BBC World Service's World Today program's look at "end of year letters of ordinary people who lived through extraordinary events in 2003," is a letter from Yanar Mohammed, who runs the Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq. In her letter, addressed to her mother, Mohammed explains why she felt the need to return to Baghdad.

    Low Morale Letters From Iraq
    Within this story from CBS News, about family members of U.S. troops serving in Iraq, are excerpts from two letters in which soldiers express their low morale about the war and their mission.

    War In Iraq
    This site, from The Washington Post, provides comprehensive coverage of the war with pictures, letters, interviews, and opinion. The section titled "From the Heart: Final Words" reprints the last letters from soldiers who died in the war.

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