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the invasion of iraq

» Student Handout

The Invasion of Iraq: Student Viewing Guide: Part 2

Directions: Use the notes you made individually during viewing to answer the following questions as a group. Each group should be prepared to present a summary to the class.


In what geographical areas of Iraq did your group operate? What was unique about this area? How did it influence your group's behavior?

What are some successes of your group?

What are some major mistakes made by your group of participants? What accounts for these mistakes?

How and why are the actions of your group different from other groups?

How did the actions of your group change during the course of the film? What accounts for these changes?

What Iraqi religious, ethnic or political groups had an impact on your group's effectiveness? How and why?

How do you view the actions of your group of participants?

Which of your group's actions did you find to be surprising?

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