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the invasion of iraq


Pre-Viewing Lesson Plan
  • Iraq Timeline: 2002-Present
  • Student Handout: Crossword Review: Iraq Timeline
  • Crossword Solution

  • Viewing Lesson Plan
  • Student Viewing Activity: The Invasion of Iraq
  • Student Handout: The Invasion of Iraq: Student Viewing Guide: Part 1
  • Student Handout: The Invasion of Iraq: Student Viewing Guide: Part 2

  • Post-Viewing Lesson Plans
  • A "Catastrophic Success"
  • Examining World Opinion
  • Letters From the Troops

  • Internet and Other Resources

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    » Post-Viewing Lesson Plan

    Examining World Opinion

    » Lesson Objectives:

    • Students will examine world opinion about the invasion of Iraq and its aftermath

    Operation Iraqi Freedom is the name given to the invasion of Iraq. When President Bush went to Baghdad on Thanksgiving Day, 2003, he gave a speech in support of this operation. The White House has posted a copy of the speech at:

    » Materials Needed:

    • Computer with Internet access

    » Time Needed:

    30 minutes

    » Procedure:

    1. Have the students read the speech and list the major points made by the president.

    2. Break the class into four groups. Assign each group one of the following newspaper articles. Ask them to read their assigned article and summarize the differences and/or similarities between the president's speech and the newspaper accounts they read.

      The Bird Was Perfect, But Not For Dinner (The Washington Post)

      Bush's Surprise Visit to Baghdad Decried by Military Families As Re-election Photo Op (Between the Lines)

      Note: Between the Lines is a weekly radio program designed to provide "a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media."

      A Review of Operation Iraqi Freedom (Al Jazeera)

      Bush Visit Showed Washington's Fear of Iraqis (Tehran Times)

    3. Have each group report their findings to the class.

    4. Assign a one-page paper as homework in which students answer the following question, using information from the class discussion:
      • How do you decide what happened when you have read different accounts of an event?

    » Method of Assessment:

    • Participation in classroom discussion
    • Homework assignment

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