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the invasion of iraq


Pre-Viewing Lesson Plan
  • Iraq Timeline: 2002-Present
  • Student Handout: Crossword Review: Iraq Timeline
  • Crossword Solution

  • Viewing Lesson Plan
  • Student Viewing Activity: The Invasion of Iraq
  • Student Handout: The Invasion of Iraq: Student Viewing Guide: Part 1
  • Student Handout: The Invasion of Iraq: Student Viewing Guide: Part 2

  • Post-Viewing Lesson Plans
  • A "Catastrophic Success"
  • Examining World Opinion
  • Letters From the Troops

  • Internet and Other Resources

    Printable .pdf of Entire Guide
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    » Pre-Viewing Lesson Plan

    Iraq Timeline: 2002-Present

    » Lesson Objectives:

    In this lesson, students will:

    • Review the events leading up to and after the invasion of Iraq
    • Identify major events and individuals involved in the conflict

    » Materials Needed:

    » Time Needed:

    25 - 35 minutes

    » Procedure:

    This lesson is divided into two steps:

    Step One
    Infoplease.com offers a timeline of the Iraqi crisis from 2002 through the present that highlights the key events of the invasion of Iraq starting with the president's Jan. 29, 2002 State of the Union address in which he declared Iraq, Iran and North Korea to be an "axis of evil." The timeline provides the information students will need to complete the crossword puzzle in this activity.

    Allow students eight to 10 minutes to read the major events on the timeline. It would be easier for students to have a printed copy of the timeline when they do their crossword review. However, they can read it online at:

    Step Two
    Instruct students to use the information from the timeline to answer the questions on the crossword. Allow 15 to 20 minutes for this activity.

    » Method of Assessment:

    Completion of the crossword

    » Extending the Lesson:

    Iraq: How did we get here?
    This three-part lesson plan, which outlines how the U.S. government makes war decisions, who the key decision-makers are and what the role of the United Nations is, can be found in the teacher's guide that accompanies FRONTLINE's film "Truth, War and Consequences" at:

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