frontline: pope john paul II - the millennial pope

pope walking with staff
discussion:  general comments


When the woman was talking about women by virtue of the gender of our creation are unable to be ordained as priests in the Catholic Church. She should have said that it makes her feel that be virtue of being created as a women our souls are somehow less then men's souls or unworthy in the view of the church to be able to be a priest.

Recently, my aunt who is a nun suggested that the men have had it for the first thousand years and that women should have it for the next thousand years.

I do not pray for call to orders because of this denial of woman's value, sacredness, and worthyness of your soul's.

Carol Corcoran


The program was a dissappointment. Instead of making an objective report of either the man or the Pope the program attempts to characterize the Pope's actions in view of contemporary American beliefs. The Pope is the representative of a Church and therefore bound by beliefs. The program does not appear to give the basics of why he has acted the way he has namely his Catholicism. His upbringing during occupations but his belief and understanding of God is truly what controls his psyche. It is unfortunate that Frontline can not overcome the popular ideas of today and actually present to the public an objective understanding of this Pope and the basis for his beleifs instead of an attempt to psychologically explain his life in terms of an American belief system which obviously contradicts the belief system of true Catholics.
I do not think one would attempt a biography of the Dali Lama without attempting to explain the basic tenants of Budhism. The same should have been done here perhaps ten minutes should have been spent explaining the core beliefs of Catholics.

William Smith


What ostensibly seemed to be a review of the achievements of the pope, turned out to be a hatchet job on both the Pope and the Catholic Church. The views of the Pope are certainly fair game, but not in this one-sided way. The basis of his theological decisions is never seriously dealt with. It would appear from this special that the only thing the Pope has unqualifiedly done well is reconcile with Jews. The long line of amateur psychologists purport to know the emotional life of the Pope and the theological basis of his decisions. It seems to me that this program was created for the enjoyment of those non and lapsed Catholics who will continue to perpetuate the anti-Catholic predjudice that has always been fashionable in America.

James Coyle

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