frontline: pope john paul II - the millennial pope

pope walking with staff
discussion:  general comments


What are the credentials of Helen Whitney and Jane Barnes, the writers of the Frontline program on Pope John Paul II? Why was the program so weighty in its views by dissenters and so light in its comments by members of the Faith? I was looking forward to the program but, after viewing it, felt that this holy man who has done so much for the Church and the world was very poorly portrayed by Frontline. What a waste of a golden opportunity!

Rose Goodof
Naples, FL


Thank you for you insightful and thorough examination of Pope John Paul II. I was very moved.

I am a Catholic, who like many, find contradictions between our world and our church difficult and at times painful. But this program has helped open my eyes to the depth and intensity of this incredible man of faith. I think he has played a more important role in our survival to date than we realize. We can so easily get lost in rationalism, modernity, that we lose the central core of our existence. The one who created us. Thank you.

David Jones


The Jewish conductor got to the heart of the matter for me. I loved what he said about feeling the Pope's peace as he was praying there in the room near him. He just knew it was the same God that they both had faith in that was the source of this gentle goodness he felt there.

I am not a Catholic, but a Christian Scientist, and found that to be the most moving and true moment in the show for me. It showed the effectiveness of pure prayer that surely he was doing when the Jewish conductor felt it.It demonstrated
" ..the peace...which passeth all understanding."Phil 4:7

I found the unity of that moment a comment on what is shared and felt deeply by all monothiests.

It is not an exclusive experience, this wonderful relationship with the One God known to Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike.

It is the same spiritual desire and listening that makes them all know and recognize God.

s. switzer


It is remarkable to me that this man's beauty and strength were able to show through in a program that was so unbalanced. In segment after segment, virtually all of the interviews shown were of people that were critical to the Pope's point of view. On the subject of liberation theology, for instance, there was no attempt to understand the Pope's position. There also was no mention of the fact that the Catholic Church, in stark contrast to the Anglican Church, continues grow. The reason, I suspect, is that this Pope has made certain that the Church provides a true choice in an increasingly secular world - a point completely missed by the program's producers.

Jason Trennert


Brilliant, fascinating programming. This is one of the best serious programs every broadcast. With something like this PBS keeps alive the hope that television can be more than sadly repeated sitcoms, sports, and sex.
The comments so far appear to miss the point of the program and the interviews. This program is neither a puff piece on Catholicism nor an attack on JPII. It is a thoughtful, intelligent review of this man's legacy. My thanks and congratulations to PBS, the producer and writers.

Russell Stout
Springfield, VA


I have always thought you to be a truthful and unbiased media. Last night's edition on Pope John Paul II proved me wrong. The critics/commentators did everything to make him sound like a victim of the war and strife on Poland during WWII. What about the fact he is a very holy man who is the Vicar of Christ? His work is to represent Christ on this earth! Scripture and Tradition have been handed down through the centuries from our early fathers of the Church. I would be very suspicious of a pope who changed our basic roots! We are not people who change with the times, meaning we cannot become self-serving. He has done his job remarkably well and I think much of humanity is jealous and critical because of it. Needless to say, I am very disappointed in your presentation of this very holy man.

Jane Chroniak


The program was deeply sympathetic to the Pope in explaining his positions on liberation theology and women in terms of his background.It was wrong of him to crush and expunge the priests in Latin America who were struggling for basic human righs just as he was was fighting to free Poles from cummunist tyrany. However, we can understand how he could carry his anti-Marxism to another part of the world he knew nothing about.

John Moore
Concord, MA


People of little or no faith will never truly understand the Pope. Some of the "experts" chosen for the program clearly had no real understanding of the Pope. To say the Pope is responsible for increased abortion because of his position on contraception ignores the fact that abortion, as well as divorce and child abuse, skyrocketted after contraception became widely accepted. The Pope understand the rebellion against God that contraception began. People are seeking to wrest control of life and death from God.

Jon Wolff
Augusta, GA


Watching your program on the Holy Father was a religious experience in itself. I attended Catholic high school but was no where near prepared for the anti-religious fervor so widespread in today's colleges and universities. This man is a testament to all who have dared to challenge the status quo. Bravo PBS! This is yet another example of your wonderful, unbiased programming which continues to push the boundaries of excellence further.

Jenny McMillen
Nashville, Tennessee


I was not able to view the program in its entirety.
However, in viewing the web page roundtable, it concerns me that only 2, of the 8 panelists chosen, defended the positions of the Catholic Church. For instance, as one would expect, the 2 ex priests certainly have issues with the Church, having renounced their life-long vows to the priesthood. Why was a current priest not included? For balance, I believe that it would be advantageous to present noted theologians who would defend Catholic teaching in addition to individuals who disagree.

Jim Monaghan
Temecula, CA


I found the show well balanced, presenting both sides of the man and Catholicism for what he is and the church itself respresents, the varying complexities and contradictions that we all possess to one degree or another. I personally am a non-practicing Protestant and one who "has lost his faith", yet, seeing this expose on JPII I am encouraged to find it again and to hold onto it this time. If I could meet the Pope and ask him one question it would be, can you help me to find my faith again? His response would be in the affirmative. I feel the yearning to find my faith again due to this program. If for no other reason than that I thank PBS.

Grant Harris
Brookfield, Wi.


I am always impressed by the excellent, insightful and intellegent work on Frontline, but this peice really stands out. I have just read many critical reviews of this show and agree that it is a very complex issue not easily examined in a two hour segment but I felt in many ways it encapsulated the life of a man drawn to God's work who still remains a man, suseptible to mistakes, but has made a profound difference in many lives. I am not Catholic but was moved to tears during the testmonies of faith and plan on reading further into other religous mystics. I am pro-choice and feel women should be ordained but this difference in views did not detract from my feeling that JPII is offering hope and redenption to many people seeking faith in this complex world. I was very effected by your program -- good work!

Heather Duncan
Seattle, WA


I was very disappointed when your program, that at first seemed to be a tribute to a very worthy man, turned out to be just another case of Catholic bashing. There are women in the church today who are perfectly satisfied with the teachings and traditions of the church as it was meant to be, just as Jesus Christ established it!

Kim Clark
Hayden, Alabama


After watching this documentary I feel compelled to come to the Holy Father's defence. I don't enjoy seeing someone who has done so much for humanity become the object of so much criticism and frustration. I was grateful for the contribution by Msr. Albacete and for the amount of time the editors gave him.

Paul Flansburg


This programme was little more than a hit piece on John Paul II. The sections on Latin America and Women were particularly slanted and one sided, with almost nobody shown defending, or even accurately explaining, the Pope's views. Almost all of the critics felt compelled to give purely psychological explanations of the Pope's beliefs, without considering that they may have coherent philosophical or theological origins. There is nothing in the Pope's positions on the role of women, church and state, contraception, or any other controverted issue that is new. All are long standing Catholic doctrines. If anything, this Pope has been quite liberal in his reinterpretation of traditional beliefs.

I have supported PBS over the years. No longer. This show proved that anti-Catholicism is the last acceptable form of bigotry.

Mark Cameron
Ottawa, Canada


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