frontline: pope john paul II - the millennial pope

pope with his arms raised
discussion:  john paul II's legacy...What will be his legacy for the Catholic Church and the world at large?


The teachings of Christ were not understood or acted upon by many when He walked upon this earth. That is because the world was busy preparing the garden of what would become Christianity. The same is true of Pope John Paul II. It will be many years, perhaps a thousand years before the legacy of this man is written.

Dan Twork
ashland city, tennessee


In the years to come. I do think that this Pope will be regarded as a great person. With very special regards. He has done a great deal of good for many countries and for leaders of nations. No one will ever forget nor will history. He has done a great deal to help non Catholic's as well as bring back a lot of people within the Catholic Church back to the faith of the church. I am to this day very impressed with his warm ability to be with the people and for the people.

Eldreth Nancy
landenberg, pa


JPII journey's throughout the world, even if intended to promote "his agenda" (whether we agree with all of it or not), has resulted in provoking many to see more clearly the problems and assets of many different peoples on this planet - challenging us to do something more about it than we have to this point. It has not only depressed us with a deepened sense of our fellow humans' sufferings, but also inspired us with hope because of so many peoples' valiant ongoing struggles to overcome the tyrannies and evils that oppress them. Through it all JPII has held up the sign of the suffering Jewish Messiah who conquered our human sins and death - by the almighty power of God. So that while I am disappointed in those issues that I believe the Pope has supported the oppressive forces of the status quo, I thank God for those areas where he has been instrumental in enabling the true liberation and development of peoples on the road of justice and peace (and all the necessary human virtues).

Henry Smolinski
windsor, ct


The Pope has been a gift to us in our lifetime, and one of the most influential men of the last half-century.In a world that is suffering a paucity of moral leadership and is slowly sinking into an amoral abyss (all in the name of personal choice and personal freedom), John Paul ll has consistently told us we all can and should be better than we are. Let's face it - we know we can be. He is, by far, the most gifted Pope in history and a man who has made me, and most Catholics I know, proud of our faith.

middletown, nj


Don't you think it's a little premature to attempt to determine what the legacy will be? He's not finished yet.

Karl Orner
royal oak, mi


I think John Paul II's legacy will be the restoration of a Church that for some reason was in disarray, for many reasons. Mainly, he is reminding us of what we lost in a materialistic world, our sense of self and our sense of humaness. Because of what this man suffered through out his life, we see in ourselves. And the man is still full of faith. He is a light in the darkness.

Wesley McBride
corpus christi, texas


His legacy is the salvation of the world from the Culture of Death and the salvation of the faithful in the end times.

alexandria, va


Pope John Paul II has promoted knowledge and celebration of the Feast of Divine Mercy - the Sunday after Easter. It is this Feast which reminds us of the all- encompassing and forgiving love of God; a time when even the worst of us are called to know that God loves and forgives us and wants us to always turn to Him.

jamaica plain, massachusetts

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