(Documentation is from the Department of Defense Inspector General report, February 1993)

victim 7
victim 9
victim 11
victim 19
victim 37
victim 38
victim 50
male victims

Status/Service/Rank: Civilian/Female
Date/Time of Incident: Saturday, September 7, 1991 Evening - Time Unknown
Place of Incident: Hallway, Third Floor, Las Vegas Hilton
Victim 37 is a 31-year-old civilian woman who resides in California. She attended Tailhook '91 with two female civilian friends.
According to the victim, prior to attending Tailhook '91, she was warned by another female friend that it was not a good idea to go on the third floor after 11:00 p.m. On Saturday evening, the victim did go into the third floor hallway to look for her friends. The hallway was crowded and as she proceeded through the hallway men began to grab at her. They grabbed her shirt and ripped her brassiere. She ran through the hallway to a less crowded area.
The victim stated that since she had been warned about the third floor and she went anyway, she should not be labeled a victim even though she was subjected to indecent assault.

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