(Documentation is from the Department of Defense Inspector General report, February 1993)

victim 7
victim 9
victim 11
victim 19
victim 37
victim 38
victim 50
male victims

Status/Service/Rank: Civilian/Female
Date/Time of Incidents: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 5-7, 1991
Place of Incident: CNATRA Suite (Room 364), Third Floor, Las Vegas
Victim 9 is a 23-year-old woman. At the time of Tailhook 91, she had just graduated from bartenders school. The victim and a second female bartender were hired to serve drinks in the CNATRA suite. She worked from 5:00 p.m. until 3:00 a.m. on each of the three nights.
According to the victim, on Thursday while she served drinks in the suite, males "zapped" her on her breasts and buttocks with various squadron emblems. She told them to stop but they continued to place the stickers on her throughout the evening.
On Friday, she was grabbed and pinched on her buttocks and breasts throughout the evening. The men were more vulgar and their behavior was more aggressive than on the previous evening. The men continually tried to "look down her shirt" and were lewd and abusive in their comments. Remarks such as, "I want to get down your pants," "cute ass," "nice tits," were directed at her throughout the night.
The victim also witnessed two males exposing themselves in the CNATRA suite. On Friday evening, the men in the suite told her to look over at two men across the room who were ballwalking. She did not know what the term meant until she saw the men exposing their testicles. The men in the suite acted as though it was extremely funny. The victim stated that the behavior was the worst on Saturday, when most of the aviators were drunk. She noted that when strippers entered the suite and performed, the men went "crazy." After the show, the victim was pinched and grabbed all night long. The more the victim would tell the men not to touch her, the worse the grabbing got.
At one point, the victim was bitten on the buttocks while she was serving drinks. A white male came up behind her and very forcefully bit her buttocks. The bite was hard enough to cause a bruise. The man who bit her was in the suite all three nights. The aviators who saw the incident merely laughed about it. The victim also stated that the hallway was extremely crowded and grew progressively worse each night. She needed to go through the hallway to get to the elevators on her way to dinner. She and several other women entered the hallway and were pinched and grabbed. On subsequent trips to dinner, she took a male bartender with her to help protect her from the crowd.

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