(Documentation is from the Department of Defense Inspector General report, February 1993)

victim 7
victim 9
victim 11
victim 19
victim 37
victim 38
victim 50
male victims


The following summaries concern seven male naval officers who reported they were assaulted on the third floor of the Las Vegas Hilton at Tailhook '91:

Victim Number 32 is a 27-year-old Navy lieutenant who was pinched on the buttocks in the hallway by an unknown person. The hallway was so crowded he "could not tell who was doing what."

Victim Number 75 is a 33-year-old Navy lieutenant commander. While in the VS-41 administrative suite located in room 304, he was approached by a "tall woman in a knit dress" who walked up to him, grabbed his genitals through his clothing and yelled "package check." She then offered to perform a sex act for money.

Victim Number 35 is a 26-year-old Navy lieutenant. While walking through the hallway, he was pinched on the buttocks by an unknown woman. A short time later he was grabbed in the crotch by a different woman. He retaliated by pinching the woman on the buttocks.

Victim Number 74 is a 41-year-old Marine lieutenant colonel. He was standing on the pool patio when he was pinched on the left buttock by an unknown woman. Our investigation disclosed that "victim" provided false statements to investigators regarding other acts of impropriety at Tailhook 91. When confronted with those discrepancies, he retracted his previous statements. Although he continued to maintain that his statements regarding his assault are truthful as reported, he requested that the matter not be further pursued.

Victim Number 15 is a 32-year-old Navy lieutenant. He was pinched on the buttocks by an unknown person in the hallway.

Victim Number 85 is a 29-year-old Marine captain. While in the VMFP-3 administrative suite (room 308) two women pulled his shorts down to his knees.

Victim Number 84 is a 22-year-old Navy ensign. He was pinched on the buttocks by military men in the hallway.

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