ROBERT F. KELLY TRIAL (July 1991-April 1992)

The Children's Testimony  

The majority of jurors in the Kelly trial said they were convinced by what the children said.

In Kelly's eight month-long trial, twelve children testified out of the 29 children named in the indictments. Here are excerpts from five of those children's testimony. These excerpts are from the court transcript.

(The children's names have been changed.)

'ANDY' was four when he was allegedly molested and seven when he testified at the trial.

'JAMIE' was three when allegedly abused and five years-old when he testified at the trial.

'BRIDGET' was about five years old when allegedly abused, and seven and a half years-old at the time of the trial.

'BRAD' was four years old when allegedly abused and approximately six years old at the trial.

'SUSIE' was about four and-a-half at the time of the alleged abuse and seven and a half years-old at the trial.

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