

Q How old are you, Bridget?

A Seven.

Q When is your birthday?

A January the 11th.

Q So you'll be eight January 11th of next year, right?

A (Nods head).


Q And, um, do you remember who your teacher was in the room you were in at the new Little [Rascals]- -

A Ms. Shelly.


Q Do you remember any other grown- up people who worked there besides Ms. Shelly?

A Yes, ma'am.

Q Can you tell me some of their names?

A Ms. Dawn, Ms. Robin, Ms. Betsy, Mr. Bob. That's all.

Q That's all you can remember?

A (Nods head).


Q Did you like going to the new Little Rascals?

A No.

Q Was there something about it that you didn't like?

A They did bad things.

Q And that's why you didn't like it?

A Yes.


Q Now, you said some bad things happened to you at Little Rascals, Bridget. Can you tell me about, um, some of the things that you remember that you didn't like that happened to you at Little Rascals?

A Mr. Bob stuck his finger in my butt.

Q Okay. And did that happen one time or more than one time, Bridget?

A More than one time.

Q All right. And did it happen at the same time everyday or at different times during the day?

A Different times.

Q Can you remember some of the times during the day that it would happen?

A Nap time.


Q Now, the time when Mr. Bob would put his finger in your butt how did that feel, Bridget? How did that feel to you?

A Didn't feel good.

Q And when he would do that would you say anything to him ever?

A No.

Q Okay. Do you remember anything else that Mr. Bob did to you that you didn't like at Little Rascals?

A He put his penis in my, um, hiney.

Q Did that happen one time, Bridget, or more than one time?

A More than one time.

Q Do you remember, um, what times of the day if it was more than one time that that happened?

A Nap time and, um, when we got there in the morning.

Q And when Mr. Bob would put his penis in your hiney, Bridget, how would that feel?

A It didn't feel good.

Q Now, ah, other than putting his penis in your hiney, Bridget, did Mr. Bob put his penis anywhere else in your body?

A In my mouth.

Q In your mouth?

A (Nods head).

Q Did anything come out of his penis when he would put it in your mouth?

A Pee.

Q What color was it?

A Yellow.

Q Was it ever any other color besides yellow?

A White.

Q How did that taste, Bridget?

A I don't know because I spit it out.

Q Now, did, ah, that happen one time, Bridget, or more than one time?

A More than one.

Q And do you remember any of the times of the day that it would happen?

A Nap time.

Q Any other time besides that?

A No.

Q Now, did Mr. Bob put his penis anywhere else, ah, besides in your mouth and in your hiney?

A Butt.

Q And did, um, that happen one time or more than one time?

A More than one time.

Q And did it happen the same time everyday or different times?

A Different times.

Q Can you remember any times that it happened?

A Nap time and in the morning.


Q Okay. Did you ever watch any movies in the T.V. room?

A Yes.

Q Do you remember what kind of movies you watched in there?

A "Mary Poppins."

Q Okay. Did you ever watch any movies you didn't like in the T.V. room?

A No.

Q Okay. Did you ever watch any movies anywhere else in the day care besides, ah, in the T.V. room?

A Yes.

Q Where?

A Upstairs.

Q And, um, what kind of movies would you see upstairs?

A Ugly movies.

Q And what made you say they were ugly movies? Do you remember what you saw?

A They had bad things on them.

Q Who did?

A The movies.

Q And do you remember what, um - - what happened or what you saw in the movie that made you think it was bad?

A Men and woman had, um, had sex.

Q And so did they have clothes on or no clothes on?

A No clothes on.

Q Now, who brought the movies or who showed you the movies?

A Mr. Scott.

Q Would Mr. Bob be up there, too?

A Yes.

Q Did Mr. Bob ever do anything, ah, like you've talked About, ah, just a few minutes ago, to you or your friends during or after those movies?

A Yes.

Q Any of the things happen to you or was it things that were happening to your friends?

A Both.


Q And when [Bob] put his penis in [Dawn's] front part did he - - did they stay still or did they move?

A Move.

Q And where were you when you saw this?


A At the doorway.

Q Okay. And you said you saw Mr. Bob do this with Dawn And with Robin and with Betsy?

A Yes - -

Q Okay. And, ah, whose room were they in?

A Ms. Shelly's.

Q And when you saw him do this with Ms. Dawn, can you tell me, ah, what you saw him do to her?

A Kiss her.

Q Okay. And then what did he do?

A Put his penis in front and back part.

Q In Ms. Dawn's front and back part?

A (Nods head).

Q Now, this was Mr. Bob that was doing this?

A Yes.




Q Um, now, you said that you had been upstairs at Little Rascals?

A Yes.


Q Well, um, when was it that you would go up there?

A Well, when Mr. Scott came.

Q Okay. But when would he come?

A Once a month.

Q Once a month?

A (Nods head). Was there a certain day that he would come once a month?

A Yes.

Q What day was that?

A Tuesday.

Q On Tuesdays.

Q What time on Tuesday would he come?

A 12:00.

Q At 12:00?

A Yes.

Q And when he got there what would he say?

A It's time to watch a movie.


Q Okay. So Mr. Scott came once a month and showed movies upstairs that all of you watched?

A Right.

Q Is that right. Okay. Now, on Tuesdays when you would watch these movies upstairs, ah, how long would you stay up there?

A A couple of hours.

Q Okay. And while - - did everybody just sit still and watch the movies?

A Yes.

Q Okay. Did anybody say anything?

A No.


Q Okay. Um, after you watched the movies what did you do?

A Go back downstairs.

Q Okay. So you just went upstairs and watched movies And then you went back downstairs?

A Yes.

Q Okay. Did anything bad happen upstairs?

A Sometimes.

Q Tell me about that.

A Bad things just happened.

Q Okay. Well, what kinds of bad things happened?

A Mr. Bob, um, put his finger in my front and back private part.

Q He did. Well, tell me how he did that with all the other children there; what were they doing?

A They were watching the movie.

Q They were. Well, were you still sitting in the floor when he did that?

A Yes.

Q Ah, what did he say?

A Nothing.

Q What did Ms. - - Ms. Betsy and Mr. Scott and Ms. Dawn And Ms. Robin say?

A Nothing.

Q Did any of the children say anything?

A No.

Q Well, um, did that go on for a long time?

A No.

Q Um, well, how did Mr. Bob do that? Can you tell me how he did that?

A With his finger.


Q ... Well, so did Mr. Bob get on the floor with you when he did that?

A Yes.

Q Okay. And, ah, and you don't remember him saying Anything at all?

A No.

Q Well, what did you say to him when he did that?

A "Stop."

Q Okay. Did you say it out loud?

A Yes.

Q Okay. So everybody else could hear you when you said that, huh?

A Yes.

Q What did they do?

A Can't remember.

Q Okay. Well, when Mr. Bob did that, um, did you try And get away?

A Yes.

Q What did you do?

A Tried to crawl.

Q Tried to crawl away?

A (Nods head).

Q Did you crawl real fast?

A Yes.

Q Okay. And did you have to crawl over somebody?

A No.


Q Well, did Mr. Bob crawl after you?

A No.

Q He didn't?

A (Shakes head).

Q So you got away from him?

A Yes.

Q So he didn't get to touch you that time?

A No.

Q Okay. So he didn't put his finger in your front or back privates?

A Yes.

Q He did. Well, I thought you got away from him?

A I did.

Q Okay. Well, then did he - - he chase after you?

A No.

Q What did he do?

A Did it to another child.

Q Okay. Who did he do it to?

A I can't remember.


Q So every Tuesday when you went upstairs you went upstairs and watched somebody doing ugly things?

A Yes.

Q On T.V.?

A Yes.

Q Okay. Do you remember the names of any of the movies?

A No.


Q Okay. Well, tell me what you remember about the movies that you saw?

A Can't remember.

Q Okay. So after you watched these movies then you go back downstairs?

A Right.


Q Okay. Um, what were the bad things that Ms. Shelly And Ms. Dawn and Ms. Lisa did?

A Same thing Mr. Bob did.

Q Okay. What was that?

A Finger in both private parts and penis in mouth and penis in both private parts.

Q My goodness. Did you say anything at all to them when they did all those things?

A No.


Q Okay. Um, what kinds of things did Ms. Betsy do at the day care that you remember?

A Same thing Mr. Bob did.

Q Okay. Well, can you tell me what they were?

A Finger - - finger in both private parts, penis in the mouth, penis in both private parts.


Q Ah, and you said that Mr. Bob put his penis in your hiney?

A Yes.

Q What, ah - - can you tell me how that happened?

A I don't know.

Q Okay. Did Mr. Bob say anything before he did that?

A No.

Q Did you say anything?

A No.


Q Okay. Did you try and get away that time?

A Yes.

Q Was that a different time than the other time we talked about?

A Yes.

Q Um, and when you tried to get away that time what did you do?

A I got away.

Q You did?

A Yes.

Q Okay. So did you get away before he touched you or did any bad things to you?

A Yes.


Q Okay. Um, you said that when you went in the T.V. room sometimes you watched "Mary Poppins" and some other movies in there?

A Yeah.

Q Do you remember any other movies that you watched in there?

A "The Velveteen Rabbit."

Q The Velveteen Rabbit." Okay. Anything else?

A "Honey, I Shrunk the Kids."

Q Okay. Do you remember any other ones?

A No.


Q Okay. You said that you saw Mr. Bob have sex with Dawn and Robin and Betsy?

A Yes.

Q Where was that?

A In Ms. Shelly's room.

Q And what were all the children doing at that time?

A In Ms. Robin's room.


Q Where was Ms. Shelly?

A Um, in the bathroom.

Q She was in the bathroom. In Ms. Robin's room?

A No, her room.

Q In her room. Okay. Well, if you were in Ms. Robin's room how do you know Ms. Shelly was in the bathroom in her room?

A Um, because that's where they waited.

Q That's where Ms. Shelly waited?

A Uh- huh.

Q What was she waiting for?

A To have her turn.


Q Okay. Now, how do you know Ms. Shelly was in the bathroom?

A Cause, um - - I don't know.

Q Okay. Did somebody tell you that?

A Yeah.

Q Who?

A I don't know.

Q Okay. Um, did somebody tell you that Mr. Bob and Ms. Betsy were having sex in Ms. Shelly's room?

A I saw - - um - -

Q You did?

A Yeah.

Q Okay. Well, tell me what you saw.

A I don't know.


Q Okay. Tell me exactly what you saw when you looked in Ms. Shelly's room that time and Mr. Bob and Ms. Betsy were in there?

A I didn't see anything.

Q Oh, okay. Ah, well, did you ... then go back to Ms. Robin's room?

A Yes.

Q When you went back to Robin's room what did you do?

A Took a nap.


Q Okay. Well, did somebody tell you that they had sex in Ms. Shelly's room?

A We saw it.


Q Okay. Tell me everything you saw.

A Nothing.

Q Okay. Um, you said that Mr. Bob had sex with Dawn?

A Yes.

Q Where - - where was that?

A Ms. Shelly's room.


Q Where were all the children?

A Outside.

Q Okay. Were you outside, too?

A Yes.

Q Okay. How did you see Mr. Bob and Ms. Dawn if you were outside?

A Came in.

Q Okay. Why did you go in?

A Um, I - - I had a headache.

Q Okay. And what did you do when you went in with your headache?

A Laid down.

Q Where did you lay down?

A On the floor in Ms. Robin's room.

Q In Ms. Robin's room?

A (Nods head).

Q Did anybody go in with you?

A No.

Q Okay. Well, um, how did you see Mr. Bob and Ms. Dawn then?

A I didn't.

Q Oh, okay.



Q Bridget, how are you doing?

A Fine.

Q Okay. Just have a couple questions, okay?

A Okay.

Q Mr. Miller was asking you, um, a while back when he was asking questions about some of the other, ah, ladies at the day care that did things; do you remember him asking you About that?

A Yes.

Q And he asked you, ah, who did bad things besides Mr. Bob, right?

A Right.

Q And you named some of the ladies?

A Yes.

Q Right. Do you remember who you named that did bad things?

A Ms. Robin, Ms. Dawn, Ms. Shelly. That's all.

Q Okay. And he asked you what kind of bad things and you said same things as Mr. Bob, right?

A Right.

Q And then he asked you, well, what things was that and you said some things, right?

A Uh- huh.

Q Now, which of those bad things did the women do to you?

A Stuck their finger in my front and back private part.

A Uh- huh. Okay. And that's all the women did?

A Uh- huh.

Q Women don't have penises, do they?

A No.

Q And Mr. Miller asked you about the time where Mr. Bob was in Ms. Shelly's room with you when you were laying on the mat and he was putting his penis in your hiney but you got away; do you remember him asking you about that?

A Yes.

Q Was there another time that you didn't get away?

A Yes.

Q And what happened the time that you didn't get away? What did Mr. Bob do the time that you didn't get away from him?

A Kept on doing it.

Q What did he do?

A Um, stuck finger in front and back private part, his penis in my mouth, and penis in back and front private part.

Q And how did it feel when Mr. Bob did those things?

A Yucky.

Q And when you were talking about the people, the grown- ups that you saw Mr. Bob, um, have sex with, is that something that you actually saw for yourself?

A Uh- huh.

Q Is it embarrassing to have to tell what you exactly saw?

A Yes.




Q Now, you told me that you didn't see anything with Mr. Bob and Ms. Dawn, or Mr. Bob and Ms. Betsy, or Mr. Bob And Ms. Robin; do you remember that?

A (Nods head).

Q Okay. Was that the truth?

A Yes.

Q Okay. Is it the truth that you told when you told Ms. Nancy that you did see them?

A Yes.

Q So they are both the truth?

A Yes.

Q Okay. Well, can you explain that to me?

A No.

Q Okay.

MR. MILLER: Thank you, Bridget.

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