Q Okay. Now, did you remember Ms. Betty Ann? Ms. Betty Ann Phillips?

A Yes.

Q Okay. And she worked in the baby room, too, right?

A Yes.

Q What did she do to the babies?

A I can't remember.

Q Did you, ah - - did you tell Ms. Judy that Ms. Betty hurt four of the babies, that she beat them until blood came out of their eyes?

A Yes.

Q And do you know the names of the babies that Ms. Betty beat like that?

A No.

Q Okay. And where was Ms. Cindy and Ms. Brenda when Ms. Betty was beating the babies until the blood came out of their eyes?

A I can't remember.

Q Now, did you tell Ms. Judy that she beat their knees and toes and legs, too?

A Yes.


Q And that they were bleeding from their knees and toes and legs?

A Yes.

Q Now, was that blood coming out of their legs or was it coming out of their eyes and running down?

A Coming out of their knees.

Q It was coming out of their knees?

A Yes.

Q When you saw Ms. Betty beat the little babies like that did you tell anybody about it?

A No.


Q Okay. Susie, do you remember seeing anybody kill any of the babies at the day care?

A No.

Q Well, now, you told Ms. Judy that they killed babies at the day care, didn't you?

A Yes.

Q Okay. And where did that happen that you saw babies killed?

A I can't remember.

Q Okay. Who killed the babies?

A Sometimes Ms. Betsy or Mr. Bob.

Q And how did they kill them?

A With a gun.

Q Okay. Did they shoot them?

A Yes.

Q Did you really see the babies shot?

A Sometimes.

Q Sometimes you did?

A Yes.

Q When you really saw it, where did that happen?

A Outside.


Q Okay. And were you outside when the babies were shot?

A Yes, we were playing on the playground.

Q Okay. And, now, did you see Mr. Bob shoot the babies or did you see Ms. Betsy shoot the babies?

A Both.

Q Okay. What kind of a gun did they shoot the babies with?

A Some kind of black gun; it was a little - - real


Q All right. Was it loud? When they shot the babies did it make a loud noise?

A Yes.

Q And did the babies bleed?

A Yes.

Q After the babies were dead what did they do with them?

A I can't remember.

Q Okay. Now, is that the truth, Susie?

A Yes.

Q Are you sure it's the truth, Susie?

A Yes.

Q Now, you understand you were taught in court school about telling the truth, right?

A Yes.

Q And that everything you say has to be the truth, right?

A Yes.

Q Okay. Now, is it the truth about Mr. Bob and Ms. Betsy killing the babies?

A Yes.

Q Did they really kill real babies?

A Sometimes.

Q Sometimes. Well, now when you talked to Ms. Judy you didn't tell her that happened at the day care, did you?

A No.

Q You told Ms. Judy it happened in outerspace, didn't you? Susie, isn't that what you told Ms. Judy that Mr. Bob and Ms. Betsy killed the babies in outerspace?

A Yes.

Q And you told her that you went to outerspace with Mr. Bob and Ms. Betsy in a hot air balloon, right?

A Yes.

Q Did you really do that?

A It was a spaceship.

Q Okay. It wasn't a balloon; you went in a spaceship?

A Yes.

Q Is that the truth?

A Yes.

Q Is that the truth like all the other things you told us?

A Yes.

Q And these are things that Ms. Judy helped you talk about, didn't she?

A Yes.



Q Hi, Susie. Now, Susie, a little while ago you were asked about babies being killed; were these real babies or were they baby dolls?

A Baby dolls.

Q And when you talked about going into outerspace and seeing babies killed, was that something that really happened or was it - - or what was it?

A It was a story.

Q Who told you that story?

A Mr. Bob.




Q Okay. Now, Susie a little while ago when you told me that, ah, you saw Mr. Bob and Ms. Betsy kill babies, you told me that they were real and that that really happened and you told me that was the truth, didn't you?

Didn't you tell me that was the truth, Susie?

A Yes.

Q Well, now, when are you telling the truth, when you talk to me or when you talk to Ms. Nancy?

A When I talk to you.

Q Okay. Well, now, which story is true, the one you told her about baby dolls or the one you told me about real babies being killed?

A Baby dolls.

Q Okay. Then why didn't you tell me that before, Susie?

A I don't know.

Q Okay. Well, when you told Ms. Judy that did you tell Ms. Judy it was true?

A Yes.

Q Well, why did you tell Ms. Judy a story?

A I don't know.

Q Huh?

A I don't know.

Q Okay. When you talked to me a little while ago, Susie, you told me that, ah, when you went to outerspace you didn't go in a hot air balloon you, went in a spaceship, right?

A (Nods head).

Q Okay. Why did you tell me that?

A I don't know.

Q Well, now which story is true, the one you tell Ms. Nancy or the one you tell me?

A Ms. Nancy.

Q Okay. Well, why didn't you tell me the truth, Susie?

A I don't know.


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