Q Do you remember the different people that were your teachers at the school?

A Some.

Q Tell us who you remember.

A Ms. Betsy and Mr. Bob.

Q Okay. Did you like that school, Jamie?

A No.

Q Why not?

A Because a lot of bad things happened.

Q Can you please tell us what those bad things were?

A Well, he - - he, um, he stuck a knife in my butt and he stuck something like something I don't know what that was, but it was something.

Q Where did he stick that, Jamie?

A In my butt.

Q What did it feel like, Jamie?

A It hurted (sic).


Q Okay. Who stuck a knife in your butt?

A Mr. Bob.

Q All right. Who stuck the something in your butt that you don't know what it was?

A Um, Mr. Bob.

Q All right. Jamie, did Mr. Bob ever do anything to your ding dong?

A Um, he sucked on it.

Q Did he ever make you do anything to his ding dong?

A Um, yeah, he made me suck on his.

Q Did he ever do anything else to you with his ding dong?

A No.

Q How did that make you feel when he made you suck on his ding dong, Jamie?

A Very bad.

Q Do you remember where you were when that happened?

A At Little Rascals.

Q Do you remember where in the building in Little

Rascals it was?

A No.

Q Do you remember what time of the day it was?

A Um, no.

Q Do you remember what you were doing at the time?

A Um, he was hurting me.



Q Okay. Jamie, do you remember whether Mr. Bob ever did anything to you with his finger?

A No.

Q Do you remember whether he ever made you touch his ding dong?

A Yes.

Q Did he?

A Uh- huh.

Q After you told your mommy and daddy what Mr. Bob did to you, did they take you to see somebody named Michelle?

A Yes.

Q Do you remember who she is?

A Yes.

Q Did you talk to her about the things that Mr. Bob did to you?

A Yes.

Q When you talked to her did you tell her lies or did you tell her the truth?

A I told her the truth.

Q How did it make you feel when you would go to see and talk to Michelle?

A Good.




Q Okay. Tell me about [Mr. Bob] sticking a knife in your butt?

A Well, he just stuck the knife in my butt and that's all.

Q Okay. What kind of a knife was it?

A A play knife.

Q What kind of a knife?

A A play knife.

Q A play knife. Was it - - do you know what it was made out of?

A No.

Q Okay. Do you know how big it was? Can you show me

with your hands?

A (Indicating), about that big.

MR. HART: Let the record reflect, Your Honor,

that he's indicating a distance of about six inches.

THE COURT: Let the record so show.


Q Jamie, tell me what happened when he stuck the play knife in your butt, what did you do?

A Nothing. I told him to stop.

Q Okay. What happened then?

A Nothing.

Q Did you say anything to Mr. Bob other than saying stop?

A No.

Q Okay. Did Mr. Bob say anything to you?

A No.

Q What did you do after he stuck the knife in your butt?

A Um, then mommy and daddy come there and picked me up.

Q Okay. When they came and picked you up what did you tell them?

A When they got in the car I told them what he did.

Q Okay. What happened then?

A Then we went home and we - - and then, um and then we talked about everything.

Q Okay. Did you tell anybody at the - - at the day care that Mr. Bob stuck a knife in your butt?

A No.


Q When Mr. Bob stuck the knife in your butt did it hurt?

A Yes.

Q Okay. Did you cry?

A No.

Q Okay. Why didn't you cry?

A Because it didn't hurt that bad, it hurt a little bit.

Q Okay. Did you talk to Ms. Betsy about Mr. Bob sticking a knife in your butt?

A No.



Q Jamie, do you remember telling your mom that Mr. Bob made you eat poopie at the day care?

A No.

Q Okay. Did that ever happen?

A Yes.

Q Tell me about that.

A Well, someone used the bathroom and didn't flush the toilet. Then he saw it and then he took some out and put it on the floor and he made me eat some.

Q Okay. What - - whose room was that in?

A Mr. Bob's.

Q Okay. Was that at the day care?

A Yes.

Q Okay. Did Mr. Bob eat poopie, too?

A No.

Q What did the other children do when that happened?

A They weren't in there.

Q Where were they?

A They were at their houses.

Q Okay. Was this in the daytime or at nighttime?

A Nighttime.

Q This was at nighttime?

A Yes.

Q Okay. How did you get to the day care at nighttime?

A Um, all the other children left and it was close to nighttime.

Q Okay. So all the other children went home?

A Yes.

Q Okay. And who was there besides you and Mr. Bob?

A All the other people who worked there.

Q Was Ms. Betsy there?

A Yes.

Q Was Ms. Robin there?

A Yes. Q What about Ms. Shelly, was she there?

A Yes.

Q Was Ms. Betty there?

A Yes.

Q Was Ms. Cindy there?

A Yes.

Q Was Ms. Brenda there?

A Yes.

Q Did they see Mr. Bob make you eat the poopie?

A No.

Q Okay. Where were they when that happened?

A They were, um, all somewhere else.

Q They were all somewhere else?

A Yes, somewhere in the day care.

Q Okay. Well, what happened after Mr. Bob made you eat poopie?

A Then I went in the bathroom and spit it back out.

Q Okay. What happened then?

A Then mommy and daddy came and picked me up.

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