the choice 2000
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the diary of the undecided voter: jean pretto
photo of jean pretto

watch her video profile (realplayer g2)

·Voting for Gore (11.7.2000)

·Down the Stretch: Preparing to do [her] Republican family proud (10.31.2000)

·After The Final Debate: Tipping Back Toward Gore (10.18.2000)

·After the Second Debate: Tilting Slightly from Gore to Bush (10.13.00)

·After the Debates: Still Undecided, but Tipping Slightly to Gore (10.5.2000)

·Introduction (10.2.2000)

Jean is 50 and is a car saleswoman. She is married with two children and four grandchildren.

voting history
In 1992 she voted for Ross Perot and in 1996 she voted for Bill Clinton.

key concerns
retirement, social security, education

key concerns
She was a music teacher before getting into car sales.

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"After the Debates: Still Undecided, but Tipping Slightly to Gore"
October 5, 2000

The debates left me flat. I was really hoping that something that one of the candidates would say would help to begin to push me [solidly] in one direction. It didn't happen.

On the topic of Social Security, however, Mr. Bush did again cover the program he has in mind whereas the youth of our country would put $1 of their own moeny into some financial savings plan of their own, and the other $5 would be placed in the Social Security fund. On the surface, this sounds like a good plan. But, what if the youthful saver doesn't save wisely...will there again be senior citizens needing more help than Social Security can provide in 40 years?

Mr. Bush is not a good orator.

If voluntary testing of teachers (Gore) is on top of a mandatory test-I think that's good. Every other year would be sufficient. I think teachers should be interviewed for their jobs just like the CEO's and high ranking employees of the top Fortune 500 companies. Then, find the best ones and pay them accordingly. Unfortunately, not every degreed applicant is qualified.

Once again, I am surprised that the abortion issue has not been more apparent during these past few weeks.

On your five-point scale, I would have to say that, although I am still undecided, must admit that I am up to a one on the Gore side.

Something about Mr. Bush leads me to believe that he is not really full of HIS OWN ideas. I think ideas are presented to him. He takes a consensus and then reacts. Just a gut feeling.

previous dispatches
·Voting for Gore (11.7.2000)
·Down the Stretch: Preparing to do [her] Republican family proud (10.31.2000)
·After The Final Debate: Tipping Back Toward Gore (10.18.2000)
·After the Second Debate: Tilting Slightly from Gore to Bush (10.13.00)
·After the Debates: Still Undecided, but Tipping Slightly to Gore (10.5.2000)
·Introduction (10.2.2000)

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