the choice 2000
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the diary of the undecided voter: jean pretto
photo of jean pretto

watch her video profile (realplayer g2)

·Voting for Gore (11.7.2000)

·Down the Stretch: Preparing to do [her] Republican family proud (10.31.2000)

·After The Final Debate: Tipping Back Toward Gore (10.18.2000)

·After the Second Debate: Tilting Slightly from Gore to Bush (10.13.2000)

·After the Debates: Still Undecided, but Tipping Slightly to Gore (10.5.2000)

·Introduction (10.2.2000)

Jean is 50 and is a car saleswoman. She is married with two children and four grandchildren.

voting history
In 1992 she voted for Ross Perot and in 1996 she voted for Bill Clinton.

key concerns
retirement, social security, education

key concerns
She was a music teacher before getting into car sales.

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Voting for Gore
November 7, 2000

I am so glad it's almost over. After weeks of soul searching, and vacillating, and rationalizing and reading and studying and listening to all the BS being offered by their competitors I have just about as many reasons to vote for one as the other.

I agree with many of Bush's positions but, just as in the beginning, I fear that he differentiates between the terms "government" and "the people" when they are in truth, one in the same. I still feel that he is a weak man, who is being told everything to say and do. Although I do like many of the things that he claims to be planning to do, I fear that his inexperience will be a liability in matters of foreign affairs. And with things as hot as they are in the Middle East, not even with Cheney at his side would he be as effective as he should.

So, I guess I am voting for Al Gore. Even though I have many doubts about that as well. I guess it has come down to keeping things status quo. I fear he may be the "lesser of two evils."

Isn't that just flat out pathetic?

previous dispatches
·Voting for Gore (11.7.2000)
·Down the Stretch: Preparing to do [her] Republican family proud (10.31.2000)
·After The Final Debate: Tipping Back Toward Gore (10.18.2000)
·After the Second Debate: Tilting Slightly from Gore to Bush (10.13.2000)
·After the Debates: Still Undecided, but Tipping Slightly to Gore (10.5.2000)
·Introduction (10.2.2000)

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