digital nation - life on the virtual frontier

Behind the Scenes

Scenes from a new kind of front line

Scenes from a new kind of front line

Today, American air combat very often looks like this: two people, a pilot with traditional Air Force flight training and a typically younger sensor operator with no necessary flight experience at all, sitting next to... Read more ...

The new and improved Digital Nation

The new and improved Digital Nation

Welcome to the new and improved Digital Nation website. We've redesigned it to make it more interactive and easier to navigate. We've also added some new content. Let us know what you think. There's much... Read more ...

The Art of Flying

The Art of Flying

Recently, I went up in a small Cessna plane above the San Francisco Bay area with Philip Rosedale, the founder of Second Life. We were on a mission to find gorgeous Northern California landscapes to... Read more ...

Field Report from BlogHer09 in Chicago

Field Report from BlogHer09 in Chicago

I just returned from BlogHer09, a conference that brought together over 1000 female bloggers from far and wide for a weekend of sharing stories from the blogosphere and meeting online friends face-to-face. (You can see... Read more ...

A Certified Multitasking Master

A Certified Multitasking Master

Gloria Mark, a professor in the Informatics Department at the University of California at Irvine, studies the impact of technology on the way we live and work. She's especially interested in the way we multitask,... Read more ...

Digital Stories, Opinions, Quesions: LIVE From NECC

Digital Stories, Opinions, Quesions: LIVE From NECC

Hi Digital Natives, residents & visitors, We're live at the NECC Conference today, and want to hear from you. We had an amazing day yesterday, meeting interesting educators and hearing a huge range of stories... Read more ...

Some new things at DN: Twitter, Your Stories & more...

Some new things at DN: Twitter, Your Stories & more...

Digital Nation is now on Twitter! Follow us @dig_nat, and join our ever-evolving dialogue about life in the digital age... Keep tagging your posts with the #dig_nat hashtag so that they show up in the... Read more ...

Education Technology Forum Transcript

FRONTLINE's Digital Nation hosted a live online discussion Wednesday, June 24, at 11 am EDT on the topic of education in the digital age. A panel of experts answered questions and discussed how technology is... Read more ...

My own laptops-in-the-schools dilemma

My own laptops-in-the-schools dilemma

Today, we posted a rough cut of a video we shot at IS 339, a middle school in the Bronx that has reinvented itself in part through a one-to-one laptop program. While we were filming... Read more ...



I'm going to let you in a real behind-the-scenes secret, and it's not a glamorous one. At our office in Brooklyn, NY, where the Digital Nation team toils away to bring you steady dispatches... Read more ...

It Starts While They're Still in Diapers

It Starts While They're Still in Diapers

This seven month old baby is my babysitter's niece. She loves all technology, but especially laptops. We decided to shoot her playing with one, figuring it might be a good image to use in... Read more ...

Getting to know you...

Getting to know you...

I spend a lot of my time thinking about the relationship between humans and technology. What interests me most is not the technology itself, but how we can use it to bring people together and... Read more ...

A Conversation about Values in the Digital Age

A Conversation about Values in the Digital Age

In about eight months, Digital Nation the documentary will be broadcast on Frontline. Although we've been shooting in pieces on and off for the past few months, it's now that we're really beginning to try... Read more ...

Digital Nation suits up

Digital Nation suits up

"Wear clothes that can get dusty... MREs for you to eat, water and Gatorade, that's it... Cameraman will be 'embedded' with the unit...You're going to get dressed up as an Iraqi woman and go through... Read more ...

Giving Digital Natives Their Due

Recently, a college-age viewer in Chicago sent this comment to the Digital Nation team, about our current project and our previous film for FRONTLINE, Growing Up Online: I watched "Growing Up Online" and was greatly... Read more ...

Why the military?

In our earliest conversations about story ideas for Digital Nation, the American military's aggressive employment of digital technology came up as fertile ground for exploration. When we started researching, we found endless examples of how... Read more ...

Virtual reality therapy in New York

Virtual reality therapy in New York

We had a great shoot at the Manhattan VA last week. We filmed a virtual reality therapy session with Sgt. Jerry Della Salla and Dr. Michael Kramer at the VA's PTSD clinic. Jerry and... Read more ...

Meet Our Correspondent, Douglas Rushkoff

Meet Our Correspondent, Douglas Rushkoff

Our correspondent Douglas Rushkoff has been writing about the Internet for more than 15 years. In that time, he has been one of the foremost observers of issues related to technology, the media and popular... Read more ...

A story from the Virtual Frontier

This reader's story in particular caught our attention. It's about finding humanity on the virtual frontier: I have never considered the internet to be a frontier worthy of exploration. If I had, I probably would... Read more ...

Forum on Our Digital Future

The discussion covered a range of issues raised in our FRONTLINE/World special about South Korea: The Most Wired Place on Earth, including Internet addiction and the rise of Korea's wired culture, as well as what... Read more ...

An Expert on Internet Addiction in Korea and the US

An Expert on Internet Addiction in Korea and the US

Recently, we did our first interview via webcam for this project. We wanted to try it a) for financial reasons-- it's expensive to fly our producing team and crew all the way across the country... Read more ...

From somewhere above America, at 35,308 feet

From somewhere above America, at 35,308 feet

Shooting on the street in San Francisco. Thanks to wireless in the sky, I'm writing and posting this on the plane from San Francisco to New York. Maybe for some of you, Internet on the... Read more ...

One Evening at Home

One recent evening, at six-thirty, I had chicken parmignana bubbling on a platter on the table. My eight year old son was playing "Spore," the Will Wright video game that pits a self-designed two-celled creature... Read more ...


Behind the Scenes

Digital Natives


Living with Technology




Virtual Worlds

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posted February 2, 2010