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ghosts of rwanda


Pre-Viewing Lesson Plan
  • Learning about Rwanda
  • Student Worksheet #1
  • Student Worksheet #2
  • Lesson Extension: Genocide in World War II and its Aftermath
  • Student Worksheet #3

  • Viewing Lesson Plan
  • Student Viewing Guide
  • Student Worksheet #4

  • Post-Viewing Lesson Plan
  • The Big Picture
  • Lesson Extension: The Aftermath of Genocide
  • Lesson Extension: Reconciliation and Reparations in Rwanda

  • Further Resources

    Printable .pdf of Entire Guide
    (Adobe Acrobat required)

    » Lesson Extension

    Genocide in World War II
     and its Aftermath

    » Lesson Objectives:

    In this lesson, students will:

    • Explore the Nazi genocide of Jews and others before and during World War II
    • Trace the progress from the 1935 Nuremberg Laws to the Wannsee Conference plans for the "Final Solution," to the International Military Tribunal trials of Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg after World War II

    » Materials Needed:

    » Time Needed:

    Approximately 50 minutes

    » Procedure:

    Part I:
    Hand out the student worksheet and instruct students to review the following Web sites and take notes for discussion of questions. Also refer students to the excerpt, "A Brief Overview of Genocide," which they should receive before viewing the film.

    The Nuremberg Laws on Citizenship and Race (1935)
    Contains the Nuremberg Laws enacted on Sept. 15, 1935

    Law for the Protection of German Blood and German Honor
    Describes the provisions that apply to Jews

    The Wannsee Conference (1942) and the "Final Solution"
    Contains a brief overview and excellent timeline

    The Nuremberg Trials (began 1945)
    Describes what happened at the Nuremberg Trials

    Part II:
    After a class discussion, students should write a page supporting one of the following statements:

    • If genocide or a "crime against humanity" occurs, humanity has an obligation to try and punish the perpetrators.
    • If genocide or a "crime against humanity" occurs, humanity has an obligation to help the survivors and forgive the perpetrators.

    » Method of Assessment:

    Discussion of questions on Student Worksheet #3
    "You Decide" exercise at the end of Student Worksheet #3

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