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» Student Worksheet #3

Genocide in World War II and its Aftermath

Directions: As you do your research, take notes for discussion of questions 1-5.

1) Why do you think the Nuremberg Laws were written? Against which group were they directed?

2) According to the Nuremberg Laws, how was citizenship in the German Reich based?

3) Name three things non-citizens were prohibited from doing. Is there logic behind the prohibitions?

4) What was the plan developed at the Wannsee Conference? Why do you think the euphemism "Final Solution" was adopted?

5) What was the basis for trying Nazis after World War II in trials at Nuremberg?

On the basis of what you have read, write a page supporting one of the following statements:

If genocide or a "crime against humanity" occurs, humanity has an obligation to try and punish the perpetrators.


If genocide or a "crime against humanity" occurs, humanity has an obligation to help the survivors and forgive the perpetrators.

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