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educator's primer

Humanitarian Action
Humanitarian Action in War: Aid, Protection and Impartiality in a Policy Vacuum
by Adam Roberts
Oxford University Press, 1996

Humanitarian Challenges and Intervention: World Politics and the Dilemmas of Help
by Thomas G. Weiss and Cindy Collins
Westview, 1996

Humanitarianism Unbound? Current Dilemmas Facing Multi-Mandate Relief Operations in Political Exercises
by Rakiya Omaar and Alex de Waal
African Rights, 1994

Disaster and Development
By Frederick Cuny
Interect Press 1994

Do No Harm: Supporting Local Capacities for Peace Through Aid
by Mary B. Anderson
Local Capacities for Peace Project, 1994

The UN and Complex Emergencies
by Johnathan Moore
UN Research Institute for Social Development, 1996

Recent Wars
International Implications of Internal Conflict
by Michael E. Brown
MIT Press, 1996

Managing Global Chaos: Sources of and Responses to International Conflict
edited by Chester A. Crocker, Fen Osler Hampson, and Pamela Aall
U.S. Institute of Peace Press, 1996

War and Hunger: Rethinking International Responses to Complex Emergencies
by Joanna Macrae and Anthony Zwi
Zed Books, 1994

People in Need, Some Statistics
Ethnic Conflict in World Politics
by Ted Robert Gurr and Barbara Harff
Westview Press, 1994

The State of the World's Refugees 1997-98 A Humanitarian Agenda
Oxford University Press, 1997

World Disasters Report 1997
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
Oxford University Press, 1997

Electronic Resources
Humanitarianism and War Project

International Committee of the Red Cross

Journal of Humanitarian Affairs

United Nations Office of High Commission for Refugees


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