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With the recent deaths of Princess Diana and Mother Teresa, the world has mourned the loss of two humanitarians who brought the struggles and strife of global relief efforts into the spotlight through their work and fame.

In its sixteenth season, FRONTLINE introduces another humanitarian whose story did not make the headlines but whose contributions to humanitarian causes were just as significant.

Fred Cuny was a renegade humanitarian who made a life out of saving others. His career began almost by accident in 1969 when as a pilot and trained urban planner, he volunteered to fly food and medical supplies into the famine struck Nigerian state of Biafra. Deeply concerned by what he saw and determined to reform disaster relief, Cuny spent the next two decades on a professional journey, traveling from one global hot spot to another to help countless people trapped in some of the world's most desperate situations.

FRONTLINE explores the extraordinary life and mysterious death of a man many called a true American hero in "The Lost American," airing Tuesday, October 14, on PBS. The year-long investigation by producer Sherry Jones traces Cuny's last days in Chechnya and examines the lessons of his work in a world where humanitarian dilemmas are becoming more complicated every day.

The curriculum materials FRONTLINE has created for use with "The Lost American" are designed to bring you and your students a deeper understanding of the political, financial, and moral dilemmas encumbering humanitarian relief efforts today. I hope you find the activities within this guide useful and enlightening.


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