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the alternative fix


Pre-Viewing Lesson Plan
  • What is Complementary and Alternative Medicine?
  • Student Handout: What is Alternative and Complementary Medicine?

  • Viewing Lesson Plan
  • Student Viewing Guides
  • Student Handout: True and False Questions
  • Student Handout: Short Answers

  • Post-Viewing Lesson Plans
  • Regulating Drugs: The Creation of the FDA
  • The Progressive Era: Public Pressure and Government Actions

  • Internet Resources

    Printable .pdf of Entire Guide
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    » Viewing Lesson Plan

    Student Viewing Guide:
     "The Alternative Fix"

    » Materials Needed:

    The video "The Alternative Fix" [Note: This video can be purchased online at ShopPBS For Teachers. The film is also streamed in full on "The Alternative Fix" Web site.]

    Student Viewing Guides: True and False Questions or Short Answer Questions

    » Lesson Objectives:

    In this lesson, students will:

    • Watch the documentary "The Alternative Fix" and answer questions about its content
    • Practice critical thinking skills as they view the documentary
    • Discuss the merits and problems of alternative medicine

    » Procedure:

    1. Give students one of the two viewing guides and have them read the questions before watching the documentary.
    2. Ask students who are using the true and false guide to look and see if they know any of the answers already. Remind them to correct the false statements as they view the video.
    3. Students who are using the short answer guide will need to take notes throughout the viewing.
    4. After viewing, conduct a large group discussion on the merits and problems of alternative medicines.

    » Method of Assessment:

    Students should complete as homework the following assignment:

    Please evaluate the validity of the following statement in 200 - 300 words. Be very factual.

    "It is clear that alternative medicine must work because over 33 percent of the people in the United States use it!"

    » Answers for the True and False Guide:

    1. F; Beth Israel has accepted acupuncture and many other forms of alternative medicine.
    2. F; Many hospitals use a wide variety of alternative medicines.
    3. T
    4. T
    5. F Many scientists and politicians disagree on the efficacy of alternative medicines.
    6. T
    7. T
    8. T
    9. F; Deep tissue massage is designed to remove emotional and physical blockages to healing.
    10. T
    11. T
    12. T
    13. F; The University of Maryland study is not yet completed and is only focused on osteoarthritis of the knee.
    14. T
    15. T
    16. F; Congress did pass DSHEA in 1994.
    17. T
    18. T
    19. T
    20. T
    21. F; Homeopathic remedies involve treating patients with highly diluted substances.

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