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the alternative fix


Pre-Viewing Lesson Plan
  • What is Complementary and Alternative Medicine?
  • Student Handout: What is Alternative and Complementary Medicine?

  • Viewing Lesson Plan
  • Student Viewing Guides
  • Student Handout: True and False Questions
  • Student Handout: Short Answers

  • Post-Viewing Lesson Plans
  • Regulating Drugs: The Creation of the FDA
  • The Progressive Era: Public Pressure and Government Actions

  • Internet Resources

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    » Internet Resources:

    National Center for Alternative and Complementary Medicine (NCCAM)
    Affiliated with the National Institute for Health, NCCAM is the federal government's lead agency for scientific research on complementary and alternative medicine. This is a very comprehensive Web site that describes different kinds of treatments, defines terms and presents research findings. Its page entitled "Ten Things to Know about Evaluating Medical Resources on the Web" is a useful media literacy tool.

    United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
    One of the missions of the FDA is to help the public get accurate and scientifically based information on questions of health. Their Web site has an "A-Z Index" of topics as well as a search engine powered by Google. The site has an extensive history of the development of the FDA.

    British Homeopathic Association
    Students may find it of interest to examine alternative medicine in a country that has been using it since 1948. A comprehensive history of the development of homeopathic medicine, hospitals, and practitioners in Great Britain can be found at this Web site. Of special interest are the sections on Case Trials, Evidence for Homeopathy and Case Histories, which provide documentation on the success of homeopathy in Great Britain.

    1Up Health
    This medical and health information resource has a large database of health articles and reference materials covering more than 4,000 topics "including diseases, tests, symptoms, injuries, surgeries, nutrition, poisons, and special topics." It has a collection of links and is updated on a daily basis. However, be aware that 1Up Health is a business that accepts advertisements.

    Alternative Health News Online
    Journalists created this Web site to develop "the most-helpful alternative, complementary and preventative health-news pages on the Internet." Its links include professional health organizations, a wide variety of government sites and other Web sites that are updated daily and weekly. The site also notes: "We thoroughly searched the Internet to try to bring some of the most informative and credible sites we could find. However, we wish that some sites would have carried more scientific evidence." Users are given a number of media literacy points to keep in mind while viewing their site.

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