Archives Flashback


"A True Miracle"

November 30, 2010
In the wake of last week's startling announcement that daily use of Truvada, an antiretroviral therapy pill, helps prevent HIV infection, here's a look back to the 1996 discovery of combination therapy and how it works. The video is from our 2006 miniseries The Age of AIDS, which tells the global story of the worst pandemic of modern times. The miraculous "triple cocktail" treatment seemed to signal a new era in which AIDS was no longer a fatal disease. But the high price of the drugs meant they were unaffordable to patients in developing nations. Even today -- despite high-profile...
Law ManFlashback

Law Man

November 8, 2010
VIEW: Does what Barack Obama pulled off while at Harvard Law years ago suggest what he might try again in dealing with a divided Congress? During a particularly heated period at the law school, he was able to bring people together and build bridges to disparate factions, even while angering his supporters. More about his Harvard Law days from FRONTLINE's interviews with some classmates and journalists. And view the full program, The Choice 2008....
Again...the Threat From YemenIn the News

Again...the Threat From Yemen

October 28, 2010
Suspicious packages on board cargo planes were sent from Yemen and thus potentially could be Al Qaeda-linked plots. VIEW why Yemen has long been a seedbed for terrorism--
If the Euro Fails...Flashback

If the Euro Fails...

May 19, 2010
A terrifying thought. Witness this glimpse 13 years ago of Thailand's financial crisis and need to prop up the baht. Panic spread through Asian markets and before long roared through the world's economy...
Dr. DeathFlashback

Dr. Death

May 6, 2010
Back in the early '90s the Jack Kevorkian story commanded headlines. He was helping desperate people -- 27 in all -- to end their lives. He even devised a machine to assist them, called The Thanatron. HBO's Al Pacino film on Kevorkian a few weeks ago jogged our memories about those years. Some saw Kevorkian's 27 cases as an indictment of our medical system: where were the doctors? Was suicide the only answer for these patients? So here's a clip from our 1994 report, The Kevorkian File, which suggests some of the public drama and ferocious legal battle that went...
Hunting Bin LadenFlashback

Hunting Bin Laden

December 27, 2009
Ten years ago, on the eve of a new decade, FBI/CIA knew they were headed for some major event between Christmas and New Year's--
Karadzic's War CrimesFlashback

Karadzic's War Crimes

October 26, 2009

The Week That Changed EverythingFlashback

The Week That Changed Everything

September 15, 2009
It's hard to believe it's been a year since the economy collapsed. Here's a look back at the drama of those fateful few days...
This One's a Jaw DropperFlashback

This One's a Jaw Dropper

August 20, 2009
DNA tests are pretty strong evidence, right? Think again. A clip you won't forget...
Remarkable  FootageFlashback

Remarkable Footage

July 18, 2009
On his 91st birthday, here's video of Nelson Mandela as a prisoner on Robben Island -- the crucible that transformed him into a politician, leader and statesman...
Let's Lighten Up A Bit! Flashback

Let's Lighten Up A Bit!

July 10, 2009
It's summertime. So with a "new" GM emerging from bankruptcy, we pulled this archival clip of the "old" GM. And it might make you smile for a moment or so...
Commemorating Another BattlefieldFlashback

Commemorating Another Battlefield

July 2, 2009
It was 40 years ago this week President Nixon declared a war on drugs -- and all the social data and law enforcement stats show it's become an endless war...
Hey! Should We Blame This Guy?Flashback

Hey! Should We Blame This Guy?

April 21, 2009
He's the consultant whose ingenious innovations years ago helped launch Americans on their credit card binge...
Bring on the NegotiatorsFlashback

Bring on the Negotiators

April 10, 2009
In the pirate hostage drama, FBI negotiators were rushed in to consult. It occurred to us to pull out this extraordinary footage of another FBI crisis negotiation ...
To Die For...Flashback

To Die For...

March 31, 2009
As the Christian world's most celebrated holy day nears, we offer the story of the martyr Perpetua and her prison diary. It's one of early Christianity's most amazing documents...
An AnniversaryFlashback

An Anniversary

March 10, 2009
The invasion of Iraq: March 19, 2003. To mark it, we've chosen this clip: The trigger moment when the intrigues began in Washington that would set the course to war.

"Glory Days" - Were You There?

February 24, 2009
The late '90s: The stock market had become a turbo-charged national piggy bank and retirement plan. Joe Nocera reports on this cloud-cuckoo-land time...
The Carpenter from NazarethFlashback

The Carpenter from Nazareth

December 24, 2008
Was Jesus who we think he was? One of the most popular FRONTLINE programs ever explores the life of Christ, and challenges long-held assumptions about the origins of Christianity.
Justice Comes (Late) to RwandaIn the News

Justice Comes (Late) to Rwanda

December 18, 2008
A mastermind of the Rwandan genocide gets a life sentence, and FRONTLINE revisits his grisly tale.
Tobacco RolledFlashback

Tobacco Rolled

November 19, 2008
Ten years ago this week, Big Tobacco cried uncle, in the largest civil settlement in U.S. history. Watch an excerpt from FRONTLINE's Inside the Tobacco Deal.
Class DividedFlashback

Class Divided

November 7, 2008
From deep in the archives, a FRONTLINE Classic: The story of an Iowa schoolteacher who taught her third graders a lesson on intolerance they wouldn't soon forget.
Congo on the BrinkFRONTLINE/World

Congo on the Brink

November 3, 2008
With Congo back in the news, one key player in the story goes largely overlooked: China. For background on China's surprising role, and growing influence in the region, see this 2007 report from FRONTLINE/World.
They've Got Your NumberFlashback

They've Got Your Number

October 31, 2008
Do campaign ads really work? And if so, how? For an inside look at how the sausage is made, and who makes it, we nominate this excerpt from a 2004 FRONTLINE classic, The Persuaders.
Necessary ForceFlashback

Necessary Force

October 23, 2008
Twenty-five years ago this week, a suicide bomber drove a truck full of TNT into the U.S. Marine barracks in Lebanon, killing 241 American soldiers. As members of a multi-national peacekeeping force, the Marines had come to Lebanon not to fight, but to restore order in a country riven by civil war. Dangerously exposed and lacking a clear mandate, they were, said one key player, "a disaster waiting to happen." And when it did, U.S. resolve collapsed along with the barracks -- within months, the last of the American troops had left the country, never to return. Even before the...
The Powell DoctrineIn the News

The Powell Doctrine

October 22, 2008
It was the endorsement that understandably produced the headlines out of Colin Powell's appearance on Meet the Press, but a point the general made along the way is proving to have legs of its own. On the persistent allegations that Sen. Obama is a Muslim, the "correct" answer, Powell said, is that he's not, but the "really right answer is, what if he is?" What was perhaps most striking about the question was how long it took for anyone of real stature, in either party, to ask it. As Maureen Dowd pointed out in her column on the subject, "even...
Great American BailoutFlashback

Great American Bailout

October 13, 2008
What happens when the government goes from buyer of "troubled assets" to seller of same? These clips from The Great American Bailout (1991) may offer some clues from an earlier, similar crisis.
The more things change ...Flashback

The more things change ...

October 12, 2008
As the financial crisis continues, these excerpts from a 1999 FRONTLINE called The Crash are a vivid reminder a) that we've been here before, and b) that we're not the world's speediest learners.
The Age of AIDSFlashback

The Age of AIDS

October 6, 2008
Among the many extraordinary stories told in FRONTLINE's much-acclaimed four-hour series, The Age of AIDS, was the tale of how the elusive virus was finally identified. It was, and remains, a gripping narrative ...