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Flashback This One's a Jaw Dropper

August 20, 2009

VIEW: An excerpt from our 2000 report, The Case for Innocence. The clip's a bit longer than usual -- but worth every second.

It's about the Roy Criner rape/murder case in Texas and why, despite the evidence from two DNA tests, Judge Sharon Keller, writing the majority opinion for the Texas Court of Appeals, rejected a new trial for Criner. The exchange at the end of the clip between Judge Keller and producer Ofra Bikel is fascinating.

Here's a piece in this month's Harper's Magazine on the mindset and logic of conservative judges like Keller who push for finality in the criminal justice system, despite evidence of innocence. The article twice cites Judge Keller's rulings.

Also, read here more about Criner's case, and its final outcome.



This demonstrates that even our justice system practices neo-con ideology by faslely accusing defendants and placing the burden on proof on defendants to disprove they aren't guilty. You see this all the time practiced by facist media channels that spin facts out of control to support their ignorant and damaging ideology.

There is no justice in our justice system when you charge defendants with violating a dozen whimsical laws, and force them into plea bargains to accept guilt for crimes they didn't violate just to win a case. The defendant should accept guilt for the crimes they committed. when they don't you start seeing absurd legislation like the rico act that slap a dozen charges on someone to get them convicted of just one of those charges. Works for drug king pins who can afford high priced attorneys, but ruins the fabric of society when you apply it to kids who commit misdimeanors and can't afford an attorney. Those misdimeanors turn into felony offenses when the poor can't afford proper representation.

Should I commit a crime, I should be charged for the crime I committed and not a dozen other violations created out of thin air that anyone violates on a daily basis (i.e., being on a premise without permission even though you work there and have to have permission to properly perform your work. The charge is false, otherwise you would've been on the premise in the first place). Now the defendant has to disprove a false charge, all the while being in custody without being able to pay an investigator or lawyer who has very little knowledge of your life and responsibilites that led up the charges against you.

Let's not persuade ourselves that all people convicted are innocent, but there really is no system out there to prevent district attorneys and their employees from committing just as serious of felonies that they convict people on a daily basis.

ron s / August 25, 2009 6:40 PM

Whats happened to the people of Texas? They use to be such Strong and Vibrant people. Have they become disimpassioned like the rest of America?

Ed Z / August 25, 2009 9:00 PM

This is not so different from conducting sweeping raids on Afghan villages, imprisoning all male occupants, and transporting them to Guantanamo indefinitely.

After a few months, or perhaps a year of interrogation of the other village residents, and no valid charges against them, we left some there for seven more years, attempting to prove their innocence.

I know clear parameters are needed to distinguish enemy combatants from criminals. I believe our justice system has a responsibility to render a decision about each person detained within one year.

Detaining people without charge is the same policy enacted by the Brits in Northern Ireland in the early '70's. Suspected terrorists (sometimes anyone with a Catholic name) were rounded up and detained without lawyers, contact with their families, and severe abuse.

This is dangerously close to the "Department of Pre-Crime" posed in the movie, "Minority Report."

I'm not naive about crime and it's importance and impact on society. At the core, however, the "round 'em up and keep 'em" strategy is not effective. Certainly no hearts or minds are won as a result of the impact to families of the wrongfully imprisoned. Maybe some want a society based mostly on fear, where we decide "Better safe than sorry." We would certainly need many more prisons (and money to fund them). People will passionately rave about doing this, until they or one of their family members is wrongly accused.

That's certainly not the type of country I want us to become.

Tricia / August 25, 2009 10:05 PM

I'm well aware of Sharon Keller. In her defense, she was not the only one to deny the force of dna evidence. She was a member of a majority of the court. Yet her explanation of the court's majority opinion to the producer of the show was chilling. Not even a new trial. Wow!

James Wasilchen / August 26, 2009 8:18 PM

These things Happen some where else to someone else?
the unfortunate thing is, that you, me or someone else IS NEXT! this appears to be a country
of Big on Laws, Little on Justice! this judge is obviously out of control! even if this man eventually gets out, his life is destroyed!

Jeff / August 27, 2009 12:34 AM

When judges are elected on a political platform they represent a political perspective. They do not represent the impartial, "blind" justice that the system was based upon at its founding. The rule of law has been replaced by the rule of political interest.

Tyler Rust / August 27, 2009 2:19 PM

Wow. Denial is Ms. Keller's tragic flaw. She has obliterated her moral compass in favor of institutionalized insensitivity. This is the kind of mindset that allows oh, genocide, for example, torture certainly. If you shout a lie often enough you can make it feel true even to yourself. This is the land of Bush. Keller is a criminal accomplice. Where are our disciplined critical thinkers? Where are our souls, for Godssakes?

Beth Jones / August 27, 2009 6:44 PM

The, amazing factor in this is the complete lack of disregard of scientific facts. At some point, this entire country is going to have to deal with the reality of science and the laws of physics.

edgar i / August 28, 2009 3:23 AM

This dismissal of compelling DNA evidence is absolutely shocking. Could it be that certain neocons are deliberately dismissing DNA evidence because it's against their religious beliefs? Is it because they don't believe in evolution and DNA has been used as an underpinning for the support of evolution?

If that is so, it speaks volumes about the Know-Nothing, semi-illiteracy of certain right-wing groups.

Diogenes / August 28, 2009 12:21 PM

if the lady judge doesn't know how he can establish his innocence how isn't she saying she she does not know innocence if she were to se it

bedsock / August 29, 2009 1:10 AM

Ms. Keller is on trial herself and may be ousted from office.

Evelyn Peat / August 29, 2009 3:48 AM

There is a program on one of the cable channels entitled, "Locked Up Abroad". It is a documentary series about Americans being arrested in various countries and sentenced to prisons doing "HARD" time. These individuals are actually guilty, but when you are given a close examination of the justice system of a particular country, you say to yourself, "...I am so happy I am not in that situation..."

What watching this program, I thought of we are not in America. Judge Keller's reasoning (among the other judges who sided with her) as to why Roy Criner did not present a "compelling" case for a new trial was so nebulous, that it was scary.

Texas is known for executing more people than any other state in America, and appeals for new trials is almost unheard of.

Had the DNA evidence came back positive, it would have made it easy for everyone involved. But since it came back negative, the lost of a case was an option for the state. To the point where the prosecution "rejected" its OWN findings asserting, "...yes, it came back negative, but he must have done it anyway..."

Alphonso Montgomery / August 29, 2009 4:27 PM

....shows what a racket, what a farce so called "law" is........the law racket.......seems it is just a job for judges, crooked prosecutors, etc...for them to get lucrative jobs and pensions, and violate citizens rights.....

CONSUMER WARRIOR / August 29, 2009 5:19 PM

Religious convictions provide, over and over again through history, just enough cognitive dissonance to justify and then legitimize atrocities. I'd bet the farm that Keller thinks the world was created 6000 years ago.

wheatus / August 31, 2009 12:18 AM

A crime has been committed in this case, and not by Roy Criner.

Burke Reeder

Burke Reeder / August 31, 2009 5:01 PM

There's lots of ways to prove innocence other than DNA. A witness or victim might change a story, you might have proof that you were miles away from the scene of a crime, someone else may confess.

The DNA evidence here was meaningful, but it does not in and of itself prove innocence. The piece would be better if it talked more about the trial. Obviously, semen didn't convict him, so how can it exonerate him all by itself?

Vin D / August 31, 2009 5:41 PM

The fastest growth industry in America? The one industry that is BOOMING more and more the worse all other economic conditions become? The US prison system. Owned by rich, powerful corporations and supported by a system that is comprised of draconian, nonsensical laws and requires the accused to prove a negative: their innocence.

Two charming facts to think about: 25% of all prisoners in the world reside in the good ol' USA, less than 1/50th of the world's population. More prisoners are incarcerated in California than in the country of China (population 30 million vs. 1.3 billion). And some say CHINA is the less free country?!?

Still proud to be an American?

zflynn / August 31, 2009 11:37 PM

And yet you want to know what the sad thing is? We all know that these injustices occur in our country. What will you do to stop this injustice? I'll answer for you all. Nothing.
Oh sure, every other year you might vote for a representative who says that your best interests are their interests. Hardly what I would call 'action'.
Innocent people exonerated through science are still paying a price from crimes they didn't commit. And we're just going to sit on our bums and let them rot while our liberties continue to be taken away.
There's no fixing this system. It's broken beyond repair.

David / September 1, 2009 6:53 AM

Innocent until proven guilty....isn't this what our justice system is founded on?

The fact that Criner's attorney brought new evidence into court should win him a new trial, although I'm not sure why the DNA test was not done right from the beginning, if Criner is innocent.

This judge sounds like a real ditz..all she needs is the blonde hair. Scary, very scary.

Lori K / September 1, 2009 3:49 PM

When setting precedence produces consternation to this degree, the state should have to show irrefutable proof of guilt, evidence.

Gregory Datchuck / September 3, 2009 12:28 AM

Don't mess with Texas!
First, Rueban Cantu, then Cameron Todd Willingham, and now Roy Criner? What is going on in Texas? How is it that this type of vile behavior of a justice system, is originating from one state?

Did Texas’ elite Judiciary drink from the same well as it’s esteemed first family that unabashedly sent thousands of Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis to their deaths based on clear deception? Is Texas trying to show itself worthy of secession? Is it something in the water? How can one state apparently have such exclusive rights to deception, dishonesty and injustice? Makes one wonder if the Texas State Slogan might not be, “The truth is out there, so don’t worry in here”

Isn’t it amazing how, according to zflynn, we have (U.S.) more people incarcerated than China? What does that say about the American Dream? Don’t Mess With Texas? Your right, cause you might become fodder for it’s next industrial complex, the Texas Justice and Prison System. You don’t necessarily have to break the law or even be guilty to feed it. You only need to be able to breathe.

March on Judge Keller and the rest of the Justice system in Texas. Oh let’s not forget the rest of the Texas system which should receive the dubious honors of having executed the first legally innocent man in U.S. history, Cameron Todd Willingham.

What is with you people? Don’t you know it could be you next…..or do you know?

Tom / September 3, 2009 11:23 AM

Judge Keller and the DA need to be fired for incompetence.

This video does a great job showing one big problem with the U.S. criminal justice system.

If you're interested in this subject, a great in-depth read is Surviving Justice: America's Wrongfully Convicted and Exonerated, published by McSweeney's. It's a collection of oral narratives with wrongfully convicted prisoners who were later exonerated, often due to DNA evidence. It is sad to see that there are so many of these tragic stories in America.

Gary Garino / September 3, 2009 7:23 PM

The judge and the d.a. look incompetent-- they seem arrogant and out of touch. They should know that if they cannot prove the defendant is guilty beyond the reseaonable doubt, the defendant should be released. The U.S. judicial system was established based on the ideal that it would rather let a guilty individual go free rather than convicting an innocent person to go to jail. If they have have no proof/evidence, they should let him out, pure and simple.

It seems like they are practicing voodoo law. As long as these individuals are in office, practicing law everyday, no one is safe.

jennie / September 3, 2009 8:46 PM

It's NOT a "a jaw dropper." It's just SOMEONE ELSE'S DNA. Finding someone else's DNA does not mean anything other that just that. The guy, with his big mouth bragging to the whole deal, convicted himself.

And by the way: What a fabulous pack of lefties have posted comments here. Enjoy 2012, people. I know I will.

Andrew Henderson / September 3, 2009 10:17 PM

Obviously, the justice system can't imagine that a male can actually be innocent or that the system itself can be dead wrong. If there were any real system of accountability, this common situation would not happen. Obviously, evidence doesn't matter except to convict a male. Notice that females aren't so brazenly falsely accused by a system which only sees males as criminals and females as victims. This is the case from the cops who first arrives on the scene to the legal system which routinely picks a male at random to hound until he excapes by suicide, his only hope! If more of this commonly occuring situation were discussed by the media, it might eventually be recognized for what it is. You don't have to be a Duke University Lacrosse player to be falsely accused, just male.

Ernest McClellan / September 4, 2009 1:39 PM

It would serve Sharon Keller right if she gets falsely accused and falsely convicted of a crime, and that her sentence be upheld even if DNA subsequently proves her innocence. Then, she'd have to eat her words about "victims' rights," "law & order," etc. If finality happened to these right wing extremists like Keller and Company, they'd think twice before railroading innocent people just to score political points.

William R. Delzell / September 5, 2009 12:55 PM

You got me my jaw dropped,This woman judge has no business being in this position. She is obviously leting her personal feelings get in the way of good judgement.

Donald / September 6, 2009 2:07 PM

How did Keller pass her basic logic class let alone the BAR? It is not possible to prove a negative and that is what she is demanding he must do.

Amanda / September 7, 2009 10:33 AM

Law Enforcement & the Judicial system connect the dots to close a case. Period. I worked in Law Enforcement, but I left badly disillusioned, and it should scare the heck out of everyone in America. Unless, of course, you're rich. If someone near you suffers a violent end, the investigation will start in close and spiral out. The very first point where the dots appear to connect motive, opportunity & intent, Wham, case closed. You better hope those dots don't point at you. Who actually did it is rarely very important. Closing cases is what's important. Everyone is tacitly complicit in this - street cops, investigators, court appointed lawyers, prosecutors, judges, etc.
And what constitutes a "confession"?
What Law Enforcement actually considers a "confession" during interrogation deserves a seperate Frontline program. The average man in the street has no idea what Law Enforcement will consider as a "confession", and wouldn't believe it if you explained it to him. I've tried.
Look up the "Norfolk 7", a case which occurred about 1/2 mile from my home, for a good example of what constitutes a "confession" these days.
Well done, Frontline.

Bob J / September 7, 2009 5:01 PM

It's a crime to have HER be seated in the chair of justice. And the ridiculous notions she begins to forecast about the victim's past, as if her
behaviour was considered in the criminalization of her death... What kind of woman is Keller...
Let's call her KILLER and STUPID...

Her statement of not knowing what could possibly acquit a person when compelling one's innocence with factual, scientific evidence... yes, jaw dropping.

Thank you Frontline.

Anna M / September 10, 2009 4:29 AM

This is outrageous! How can Judge Sharon Keller, other judges on the board and the DA be allowed to continue this type of practice? We all need to stand up and fight this type of injustice. Please write to your elected official and demand that they review this matter. If we stand by and stay silent then one day it could be us. This is a crime.

Rizz / September 11, 2009 10:08 AM

Here is a perfect example of how a justice system that misunderstands emphathy does justice a diservice. It is a scary conservative world view. This way of arguement pervades most areas of their take. Ironically, it is conservative (a big part of whose base is white, evangelical christians) who argue for God being a model of the most, unbiased judge while emphathetic with the poor and the downtrodden as He explicitly asserts through out the Bible!

zazu / September 13, 2009 10:59 AM

Still another data point on why I know the criminal justice system is broken. Being a senior citizen there is no doubt in my mind that the system is broken based on personal experience and observation over the last 50 yrs. Hearing about this DNA case does not surprise me one bit. When I know, I know.

Steve O / September 13, 2009 10:32 PM

By demanding more compelling evidence than DNA analysis to exhonorate a defendent, and then by stating that she did not know what criteria could actually constitute this evidence, judge Keller has placed herself in a land of folly and has also, in effect, declared her decision (and appointment to the bench) as illegitimate. To compound matters she appeared to be blind to, or at least unashamed of, her own grotesque shortcomings.
We might also ask what justice exists when a DA requests a second DNA test as apparently a matter of high importance, only to arbitrarily dismiss the confirming results as unimportant when they do not meet with his expectations. DNA, when supported by multiple confirming testing, is more than "just another test" and ought to constitute compelling evidence which would satisfy a defendent's burden of proof.
And by the way, yes, these two legal eagles could qualify for an episode of the Twilight Zone.

B. Gabrich / September 14, 2009 2:25 AM

The way that the DA and that lady Justice fumble around with their excuse/reason for not giving him another trail, sounds just like the way GW Bush handled himself. Just because I feel it is so, it must be so, because I am the one with the power. "Come on" Give him another trail. It's called justice, and it is justified.
Jeff Dorchester

Jeffrey Dorchester / September 14, 2009 3:39 PM

Unbelievable, I'm embarrassed for my home state. Believe it or not the majority of us are not this backwards.

SM / September 15, 2009 12:10 PM

Learned something new today.. Texan appellate judges distinguish between innocence and actual innocence.

What in the world is "Actual Innocence"????

People are so out of touch with reality and these stories about what goes on in this world have become so ludicrous I'm surprised anyone can do more than just shake their head and move on.

These Government characters in these positions of influence over normal people's lives are about as atrocious in their tyranny as Hitler and Saddam (on a miniature scale).

When's the cavalry coming to America to liberate us of this farce of freedom, this oppressive regime. Or at least when are the people going to stand up and help this poor guy out?

The State is only worried about paying a wrongful prosecution judgment.. so they consider this guy expendable.

I pray for justice to fall on all the characters involved.

Tony Walton / September 15, 2009 6:13 PM

How did a jury convict Roy in the first place? That is the underlying problem. The story does need to address it lest the viewer (like the jury) is perhaps too quick to place blame.

Eric Hegblom / September 16, 2009 10:08 AM

These judges are stupid and biased. How can someone prove innocence when there is nothing else left to prove.
The district attorney himself is an embarrassment to law enforcement. America has become a country of revenge. We sue everyone and we fight and kill one another. We fight the rest of the world who happen to disagree with us. And in this revenge mindset, Americans have come to seek retribution wherever they can get it, even from innocent people.

It is a shame to live in this kind of ( JUSTICE? ) system. It is even more scary to know that each one of us can wake up one day to face an idiot like this district attorney. It is very scary!

Theo / September 17, 2009 12:07 AM

Ok, so then the State has no burden of it's own except initially to prove the guilt of a criminal. And then it is up to the convict to prove his innocence in an appeal -the state has no burden at that point. If the evidence of DNA is not enough to prove innocence, then what is?

The state should acknowledge it's inability to further prove his innocence and free him.

Tim / September 17, 2009 12:45 AM

What purpose does it serve to keep this man in prison for something that he has not done? This is a case that definitely should go before the U.S. Supreme Court. District Attorneys who engage in this type of behavior should be held legally and financially responsible. Not only that, they should have their licenses revoked and removed from office.

Alicia M. Green / September 17, 2009 1:16 PM

Okay so they conduct two DNA tests. They're both negative. The guy is innocent.

What does Sharon Keller or the DA have now to prove he's still guilty?

Sharon Keller and the DA are complete dolts!

John / September 18, 2009 1:06 AM

The judging wasn't the real issue here. They are correct in their reasoning. They had to decide on a case that had already been through a jury, with no defendant support from the DA.

The issue was the DA's refusal to acknowledge this new piece of evidence. That's actually the biggest problem here.

chris / September 19, 2009 4:39 AM

The sad part of this as in so many cases here in Texas is: if you are accused, if you are indigent and can't afford your own attorney, a window dresser will be appointed, you go through there rush judgment, regardless of your innocence and prepare yourself to do time in the Texas Plantations.

sabestu / September 19, 2009 1:55 PM

Such ignorance and arrogance should be punishable. Unfortunately it is a characteristic attitude of many conservatives who are totally unable to admit their own errors and correct themselves. They lack the intellectual flexibility to appreciate that the world is not black and white, but has many different shades. Judge Keller should be indicted herself, together with the DA. It was disturbing to see the DA laughing at his own injustice. If one can sue a doctor making a mistake while trying to save a life for medical malpractice, why the same principle should not be valid for judges and DA who make a mockery of justice?

Luca / September 20, 2009 6:37 PM

Criner was pardoned in 2000 by GW Bush, then Governor. The upside is that Keller has a mountain of legal problems from several other problems in her life, and will likely wind up disbarred.

Chris / September 20, 2009 9:33 PM

It is astonishing to see such inhumanity and indifference from people who have education, privilege, and the weight of lives in their hands. The number of jury cases where the innocent have been imprisoned or executed is clear evidence of the need for greater humanity and recognition that the justice system is not infallible. The DA and majority justices have lost their humanity and decency in an affront to the highest value of civilization – the treatment of people in a rational and reasonable way. This is barbarism.

Sol Squire / September 21, 2009 12:36 AM

This is Montgomery county we are talking about , the courts there are known locally to be corrupt .

The Seer / September 22, 2009 5:01 AM

this scared the heack out of me watching something unbelieveable and makes me think if there is actually any difference between this people here in the united states justice system and the ss party in the 40's in germany.

john / September 22, 2009 12:32 PM

I can understand Judge Keller's reasoning, which was bound by the law. It was not her duty to make the case for the convicted.
I think the time period (when Mr Criner was convicted) and DNA as evidence, has to be considered. Had DNA testing and techniques been more widely available (understood) when Mr. Criner first went on trial he would likely have been found not guilty. I understand that the judicial system involved in this case needed some nudging and bravo to Frontline for assisting.
Hopefully, technology will continue to bolster justice systems everywhere.
More concerning is legal corruption, for example:http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/28/us/28judges.html

Paul / September 23, 2009 8:32 PM

Craig Watkins the District Attorney for Dallas Tx has forged tremendous ground using DNA Evidence to exonerate wrongly convicted individuals in Dallas. Most DA's don't like what he's doing.. DA's & Appellate judges don't want to have to recognize these exonerations as potential mistakes becuase it brings into question decades of prosecutorial efforts, the possibility of having to retrial or worse set free individuals and potential widespread malfeasance.. More than anything it brings into question the foundation of prosecutorial methods prosecutors have used for decades.. In our society justice has absolutely nothing to do with morality, equity or even fairness. It almost wholly depends on your ability to "purchase" good representation before trial..

Mike / September 24, 2009 12:21 PM

Typical of Texas. This just demonstrates the overall level of ignorance and irresponsibility that sums up the way people in power do things in Texas. These cowboys and their arrogant posse just proved to the rest of the world that Texas still does things much in the same way they did in the 1800's. Does anyone remember what happened the last time we had an ignorant cowboy in the White House not too long ago? How about before that with Bush senior? This mindset and way of thinking goes all the way back to Lyndon B. Johnson. We should just let these idiots secede from the nation the way they want to.

R. / October 1, 2009 10:38 AM

This is a clear case of government out of control.
The DA, and all of the Judges involved in this mans incarceration should all be made to spend ten years in prison, and the state of Texas should award this poor man one hundred million dollars in damage, pain and suffering.

Dr. Michael Trenga / October 1, 2009 6:13 PM

What has been left out is what evidence did they convict him with? Ok, no DNA. But if he bashed her over the head with a shovel and then followed up using to handle to penetrate her, he's guilty of murder/rape. Period. And, there would be no DNA evidence. So, the absence of DNA would only prove that he didn't ejaculate in her. Now I'm curious and will google around to find out what really happened in the trial and what constituted enough evidence to win a conviction. This video should have been longer, with more facts of this case presented.

Ric Moore / October 2, 2009 1:22 AM

I lived in Japan for many years, and it is interesting to note that the very high conviction rate, over 95% is due largely to so called confessions. Also that perpetrators know full well that that showing remorse, and apologising to victims families reduces the sentence.
Take this back to America and I thought the only place where "loss of face" was important was The Far East. Not so, it rules OK in the American police and justice system, who simply hate to be proved wrong, and go to any lengths to prevent new evidence being presented and even in murder cases being allowed sometimes to destroy it. In such cases it must remain in perpetuity.
It may help the whole process if the American justice sysyem follows the rules of Appellate courts in many other countries, which is basically :-
1) The evidence/transcripts in the original court hearing is the evidence and record.
2) The only addition permitted in appellate courts is "New Evidence" this excludes " new theories" by clever defence or prosecuting lawyers. It is also an absolute right that the police and courts cannot deny or as Justice Keller did assume how 12 Jurors would or would not re-act to the new evidence.
3) The next thing the appellate court can review is the Interpretation of the law itself by the Original court and it's sentence.
4) Supreme courts can only deal with item 3 but are mandated to review all the history, and can overturn denial of access to or the definition of New evidence.
Now, todays Science may today, not when the accused was convicted prove a mistake was made. The unfortunate part of this is that in some cases it will be after the execution ( improvements in DNA technology) and sometimes not.
The point is no system is ever perfect, and the real solution is to ban the Death penalty and to keep evidence until the youngest blood relative of a convicted Murderer or Life imprisonment( no parole) felon has died. Why if it was wrong the blood relative should get compensation, and better still hopefully the wrongfully detained.

J.V.Hodgson / October 4, 2009 3:04 AM

Thanks goodness for FRONTLINE and its staff.

I agree with the comments made that the DA and judge have mindsets and actions akin to Stalin, Hitler, and a few other despots, but just at a much smaller scale.

And what makes this whole thing even more abominable is that these faux tough guy/gal Texans attempt to portray and consider themselves as 'born again' Christians.' When in truth their deeds and behaviors are as Christian as a pack of jackals.

Michael Smith / October 7, 2009 1:28 PM

1)This story could be a lost episode from the Twighlight Zone.

2) No wonder George W Bush is so stupid.

Pete / October 31, 2009 8:00 PM

My God! Help us all!

Katy Lytle / December 4, 2009 1:16 PM

What would this judge say if a member of her family was wrongfully incarcerated? I am speechless just watching and listening to how irrational this lady sounds.

You_Lie / December 14, 2009 12:14 AM