Inside FRONTLINE Two Wars, Two Emmys

September 23, 2009

VIEW: Two clips from FRONTLINE's latest Emmy winners: The War Briefing and Bush's War.

It starts with the stunning opening sequence from The War Briefing, shot in Afghanistan's Korengal Valley last summer by cameraman Tim Grucza. He won an Emmy this week for his camerawork. (This summer Grucza and producer Martin Smith returned to Afghanistan. Some footage from their embed with Echo Company.)

The second clip's from Bush's War, producer Michael Kirk's epic history of the war on terror. It covers how former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's unhappiness with the intelligence he was getting out of Guantanamo led the administration to push the legal limits on authorized interrogation techniques. This mini-series won an Emmy for "Outstanding Continuing Coverage of a News Story -- Long Form." It was also honored with the Constitution Project's prestigious 2009 Award for Constitutional Commentary, which recognizes "exceptional critical analysis of the constitutional implications of public policy."

Watch both programs in their entirety here in our video archive of 83 programs.

Bush's War producers Jim Gilmore (l) and Mike Wiser (r)

The War Briefing cameraman Tim Grucza

1 comment


Bringing this footage is dangerous..that said, the Frontline presentation brings to the American people the real heroics of our troopers, in particular along the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan.

These troopers do their countries bidding...courage, honor and initiative along with the true meaning of the warrior spirit is alive and well within our Soldiers and Marines.

SE Afghanistan/2003

RH / September 25, 2009 4:20 PM