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In the News The Man Behind WikiLeaks

December 16, 2010

Julilan Assange of WikiLeaks at the April '10 Berkeley symposium.

VIEW: Video of Julian Paul Assange participating in an April panel on "New Models for Investigative Reporting."

Back then Assange was a relative unknown. In fact he asks the conference audience, "Any people in the room who have any idea what WikiLeaks is?" He then goes on to lay out the organization he built from the ground up and modeled on multinational companies -- its assets spread all over the world in order to make it "un-sueable, in practice."

For more on Assange, read The New Yorker's profile, "No Secrets." Or, listen to this 12/16/10 NPR "On Point" radio discussion about the firestorm he's ignited.

[Note: The video of Assange was recorded at the University of California-Berkeley's Reva and David Logan Investigative Reporting Symposium. The panel was moderated by FRONTLINE correspondent Lowell Bergman.]



The 92,000 documents on the Afghan War no longer allows us to be passive observers unaware turning away to blame Bush and Obama for our descent into barbarism. It is Hannah Arendt’s description of the banality of evil we must face in the truthful mirror. We are the reason for our plight and we must bare the burden of our passive complicity.
"The crimes of the US throughout the world have been systematic, constant, clinical, remorseless, and fully documented but nobody talks about them" - Harold Pinter

Scott.ffolliott / July 27, 2010 3:54 PM

Information provided by WikiLeaks is used by the Hague War Crimes Tribunal to prosecute perpetrators of war crimes. It is my legal opinion that any U.S. attempt to punish leakers of war crime information can/should be viewed as an illegal obstruction to the Hagues' functions.
David F. Petrano, Esq.
Member, United States District Court, Middle District of Florida, No. 624586.

PetranoEsq / July 27, 2010 10:57 PM

We should all be for reasonable transparency from government. What we must not have is someone - anyone - deciding when they can release a huge package of bulk intelligence. Wikileaks is not capable of understanding what is likely to damage methods and sources.

The release of the helecopter attack video was a single event issue which arguably might have justified the release of government secrets.

The release of bulk raw intelligence is a reckless act which will without doubt greatly harm our intelligence gathering capacities. The leaker in the U.S. military should do life at hard labor as an example of how serioud this is.

dukewhite / July 28, 2010 8:33 PM

If you are Top secret access classified employee of any government you have a signed a non disclosure agreement especially if said information relates to an ongoing war or espionage approved by any government.
I am sorry to say that war is and always has been along with espionage a very dirty and in both cases morally illegal game depending on whose side you are on.
Assange is not the man behind the documents published by Wikileaks. There real behind man or men are people under law who have committed treason by passing on such data outside those authorised to have it. That one crime If there is data that involves the War crimes tribunal that is a totally separate issue.. for which you have to prove the leak is true beyond a reasonable doubt.
For me you see the American insistence on so called rules of engagement means you are not fighting a war but having a sort of Boxing fight to whatever rules be they Geneva convention or whatever.
The assumption of the Geneva convention that document was no war was justifiable,unless it avoide " civilian casualties" Are you a civilain if you aid and abet a terrorist even under threat. I think not it wa like german officers saying I acted under orders to Execute Jews!!
Once you decide it is ala Jihad or under western democratic rules ( as far as I am aware the war on Terror, especially and Iraq Afghanistan were never passed in the US house and senate as required) maybe by UN resolutions, not the US constitutional requirement.
If you fight a war to win you kill civilians that is inevitable. Then you can get into nation building and governance.
Problem, Iraq and Afghanitan and Pakistan have a totally and fundamentally different religious base and philospophy and will never achieve the " victory" the US desires.
Come home, defend the Homeland which will be less threatened because Jihad will be less justified.

J.V.Hodgson / July 29, 2010 4:32 AM

Re: Comment by Harold Pinter
Scott.ffolliott / July 27, 2010 3:54 PM

When I initially read your comment I thought the words to be from a representative of WikiLeaks.
Well, here here, well said and well put Mr Pinter. It is scary to think of how complacent we've become...We have 2 wars going on and no one seems to care nor question. To that I say, Wake Up! We are being governed by a corporate elite class.
Zeitgeist,the Addendum.

Rain Baker / July 29, 2010 9:45 PM

There is no draft therefore there is no War. This is the disturbing illusion that at least 60% of Americans are under. Our "Wars" are fought by volunteers. People talk about the war and war hawks threaten to start new ones all the time, but there is a detached comfort zone that protects most Americans from the fact that war is a violent bloody chaotic mess. This makes war talk almost like talking about the weather. What will this do to us as a nation? It will make us weak and apathetic. Then when we are faced with a crisis that we can't just casually talk about we will be sorely unprepared. It is extremely dangerous and immoral.

Jon Boston / July 30, 2010 1:54 AM

I believe that the release of these documents brings to light a re-evaluation of American foreign policy in Afghanistan, and the greater region. The long and negative history that many countries in the region have had with the United States, the former Soviet Union, and other western countries has impacted the minds of many generations of people in these countries. An understanding of culture and the history of this particular region needs to be studied.

I agree that war is bad, ugly, and civilians get killed, but in these various countries within the Middle East, and Central Asia, family is important. Even more so than in the United States, and in other western countries. Do not expect a family to passively except that there brother, sister, dad, or mother was killed, and they are going to be emotionally okay. I can only imagine how hard it is to fight a war like this, but their culture is different, and family and Islam is EXTREMELY important to them.

Peace, Salaam, Shalom, Namaste,
Christopher Smith
Western Michigan University
Political Science, Sociology, Anthropology.

Christopher Smith / July 30, 2010 10:18 PM

Leaking classified documents is treason. Plain and simple. If found guilty, whoever leaked this information from our military should be executed.

William Springfield / July 31, 2010 10:55 AM

The United States is treading water at this point. Our government is an amalgam of self-serving pantywaists who are more concerned with leaving the toilet seat down than quelling the flood of illegal immigrants, protecting our nation from terrorists, and providing us common working slobs with a sound economy where our future is less precarious.
We must bide our time until the system collapses and we are able to eat the rich and rebuild our nation so it will not merely be a playground benefiting .5% of the population.

I hope I survive this cleansing event, whatever it is, so I may reflect on it with schadenfreude.

Eric Knoxville / July 31, 2010 4:49 PM

Julilan Assange of WikiLeaks is a Hero.

Julian is doing what our Media should have been doing A Long Time ago.... Speaking out and informing the Public as to the Lies our Government.

Where has the Media Been all this time ?

For some reason our News Media seems too Afraid to Speak up (the Truth).

Anyone who claims Julilan Assange or anyone Like him who Exposes the Truth as an act treason ???
Are you kidding ?
Treason for exposing the Truth ?
Can you imagine a World in which the Governments
persicute Someone for Speaking Up ?

Where has the Media Been all this time ? / July 31, 2010 10:02 PM

plse when will those not informed by history learn a few basic "facts" you do not attack Moscow in winter (Napoleon & Hitler) and no one has ever conquered Aghanistan (from ghenghis khan/tamerlane to the USSR and the USA) the terrain itself is a no go.... and the people are fiercely independent
regardless if you agree with them or not.... declare victory, go home and contain, this one is a no brainer..... mahalo, chang.

thea chang / July 31, 2010 11:19 PM

For all those who are so concerned about the damage to national security and the war effort from these leaks. First of all your organization and entities within the complex already 'leak' information all the time to further their respective agendas. From official to unofficial information exchange between intelligence organization to outright and daily propaganda effort which are disguised as 'press releases'.

During WWII we didn't have this problem. The analysts at Bletchley park even kept silent about their work for decades afterward. People who work professionally with intelligence know better than we give them credit for what is and is not worth keeping secret. And the war effort we call 'global war on terror' isn't exactly inspiring our your men and women to keep certain things secret anymore.

These people after all have to be very intelligent and thinking people to work in those positions in the first place. So if you have insiders with means to and who think they need to release this information without the consent of your organization - perhaps that is a problem with your organization and what its doing - not with those people.

In the long run the U.S. and the whole world benefits from a wider freedom of information what independent responsible entities like wikileaks presents. And any actual damage done by the release of this information is like breaking eggs to make an omelet... sound familiar? I mean that's exactly how you justify the war and its collateral damage too. So why not freedom of information.

a cog in the machine / August 1, 2010 3:37 PM

Freedom of information? What are you guys talking about?

Are you suggesting we just make public all of our national secrets e.g. the names of our spies and their family members (nice job Armitage on the Valerie Plame leak...a-hole), the location, size, and strength of our forces, timing, tactics and plans of attack, the names and location of our allies including the local Afghanistan people that help us?

Wikileaks and the piece of garbage that actually leaked those documents just signed death warrants for those locals who've been helping us in Afghanistan that were identified or will be identified due to information in those leaks.

The Taliban have already said they will hunt them down and kill them...but hey...information is great and should be shared with everyone. What utopian world do you think we live in? Why don't you guys send me your social security numbers? I won't steal anything...I promise...freedom of info is great.

Don't any of you people have friends or family in the military? How can you not see this puts them at greater risk?

William Springfield / August 1, 2010 8:56 PM

So Mr. Wikileaks releases "Secret" Documents that are secret for a reason & too many support him. Having been an E-5 MP in Iraq I say this man should be apprehended and charged with espionage. How many informants will these documents get beheaded? How many operations endangered? Aid & Comfort to the enemy?

@stopobama2012 / August 1, 2010 9:19 PM

Considering how we ended up (again) back in this country after, as has already been noted, knowing the history of past "ventures" into the area, I think this "act of treason" may help to open a lot of eyes as to why we are still there. Oran's Dictionary of the Law (1983) defines treason as "...[a]...citizen's actions to help a foreign government overthrow, make war against, or seriously injure the [parent nation]." Who's the foreign government here? Sorry folks, but in my "what is right, what is wrong" book, this operation, which I thought was initially to find Osama Bin Laden, has gotten out of hand. We've found ourselves on a hill of fire ants, and change of command tactics (sound familiar) just help to confirm my beliefs. I can almost hear from some of you, "how dare you tell us what's really happening to us on the other side of the world!" Don't you want to know...what's really happening? "Well, not this way" you say. Well then, what way? Some will say, "this hurts our cause, and the price will be the loss of lives." The price of war is the loss of life. If we're not doing anything wrong, we shouldn't have anything to hide. Should we? I think that trying to keep secrets these days is practically impossible anyway. History has labeled those who "speak treason" as both villans & heroes, depending on the cause, and the sooner we stop trying to "police the world", the better. I think the United Nations should be respected & revered as the "world enforcement" agency responsible for who, if anybody, involves themselves militarily outside their own borders. In closing, if these "secrets" become so damaging as to end our presence there, we probably lost focus and should have left already. Here's an idea. Let's have a question on the ballot in November as to whether we should stay in Afganistan? Right. That'll be the day. What do we know? Well, actually we know a little bit more. Anymore such treason and...and people will know the truth.

Ken Grandin / August 2, 2010 10:55 AM

If wikileaks saves one innocent life, then they have saved a universe.

I love how Assange modeled on multinationals -- its assets are spread all over the world in order to make it "un-sueable, in practice."

Turn the tables on those profiting from endless war.

Michael E. Russell / August 3, 2010 8:56 AM

The tragedy of the Iraq/Afghan war is that our fight is about oil, not terrorism. And there will be no oil left in our planet in 50 years. Why are we killing and maiming so many humans on false pretexts. Future generations of scholars will question our ethics and our moral values. We killed 2 million Southeast asians (mostly non combatants) half a century ago and they thrive today without any help from us. Why? The tragedy of our Iraq/Afghan war is the half million American families that have suffered, are now suffering, and will continue to suffer for several additional generations after the war ends because of the impact on our soldiers and their wives and children and grandchildren. Assange is a hero, not a traitor. He should be honored, not vilfied.

Bob Citron / August 7, 2010 8:56 PM

It was true on the school yard and it is just the same when you are all grown up. You have a secret when there is something that you did that you know was wrong or you would not be proud of if others knew of your actions.

That's what a secret is between two people and that's what it is with governments.

Top secret to me means that there is something there that should not have been done and in the light of day, people would disagree with the action, particularly if it was done in their name.

Dora Taylor / August 9, 2010 3:46 AM

The US cherry picks the law it will obey and the law it will breach. Its own domestic law, or international law it has agreed to be bound to it all doesn't really matter in the end. The US is an outlaw state. Are they the only outlaw state? Of course not. But, facts matter. The US has increasingly become the very definition of hypocrisy since 1945. The shining light on the hill? I think not.

Chris / August 23, 2010 3:26 AM

Interviewers seem more outraged with Julian Assange at his releasing the files, than about the war crimes being committed by U.S. forces in our name.

Where was their outrage when the 911 Commission failed to investigate the collapse of Building 7, and the money trail to Pakistan’s ISI?

Where was their outrage when President George W. Bush lied his way into invading Iraq using deliberately doctored military intelligence to justify this war crime?

The media hypocrisy is blatant and it is difficult for me to watch without wanting to puke! The fact is that the American people know these are unjust wars, based upon a false flag operation on 911!

Instead, mainstream media used computer generated graphics to show the invasion of Iraq as a computer game, rather than the illegal killing of civilians.

The fact is that we have trained our military (and Para-military mercenary corporate army like Blackwater) to kill civilians from attack helicopters and drones.

We send out assassination teams to kill Americans and non-Americans labeled as “terrorists” without trial or due process.

The Patriot Act has abolished Habeas Corpus, Posse Comitatus, Due Process, Probable Cause, Search and Seizure laws, a swift and speedy trial by peers, and right to counsel.

The Constitution and Bill of Rights has been gutted, WHERE IS THE MEDIA OUTRAGE?

People can be kidnapped off of any street in any country and held indefinitely without charge or counsel!

Extraordinary Rendition is still in effect, with secret torture sites in Eastern Europe, and SW Asia.WHERE IS THE MEDIA OUTRAGE?

Torture at GITMO and Abu Grebe were SOP as memos from the Bush administration indicate, yet WHERE IS THE MEDIA OUTRAGE?

Roland Mathews / August 24, 2010 2:12 AM

Many people who have allied themselves with the U.S. and it's allies will be exposed by Wikileaks.
Al-Queda and the Taliban will read this info and will kill many of those people.
Their blood will be on Wikileaks' hands.

Dave McDonald / August 26, 2010 2:19 AM

Why are you all so Afraid of the Truth ?
Where has the Media been all this Time ?
At one point in time, the Media once upon a Time
use to Expose the Lies of Our Government, now the beat the Drums of War and Repeat Lie after Lie without Questioning Why.
Look at Iraq. Where was the Media ?
Without Question Iraq is a War Crime committed by the USA with complicity of the Media.
For those of you who Critcize Julilan Assange of WikiLeaks, are you Blind ?
America once stood for what is Right... What Happened ?

Where has the Media Been all this time ? / August 27, 2010 1:15 PM

No one is saying the documents are untrue.Someone leaked secret documents and when you are " AT WAR" that is a crime by the original perpetrator not Mr Assange.
Mr Assange did break some journalistic rules by not redacting information that could help the " enemy" locate sources of intelligence. At the very least that is irresponsible!
It seems he is taking more time with the next 15,000 pages, but hopefully when they are redacted they become totally uninteresting.
I have not looked but I suspect the 75,000 pages are very repetitive and quite boring.
In a sense this is all a storm in a teacup... the principle is whether the Media should or he should be allowed to Publish "secret documents" involving a nation with whom the US and other nations are at war.
Me If he were to turn up in any ISAF country now or in the next 100 Years I would have him arrested for aiding and abetting terrorists.

J.V.Hodgson / August 30, 2010 1:25 AM

Compared to the countless lies, misdirection, nefarious duplicity, and outright obstruction of transparency the American Constitution mandates by a small consortium of war-profiteers led by people like the Bush family, Dick Cheney, et al, and who recklessly sacrifice the lives of our kids as fodder for their revenue streams, while pretending its for a higher cause deserves punishment worse than death. Our military- industrial elite have only one mission: money at all costs, any way possible, at any time, for any reason – including the abandonment of a once-valued morality - in it’s entirety. The relentless pursuit of money that embodies them is criminal and confounding in that Americans continue to let them get away with it. By their own admission this Iraq-Afghanistan war was lost from day one, which is further confirmation of loudly effused unassailable arrogance. These leaked documents are just what the American people need to see and the more there are, maybe the sooner we can bring our kids back home where they are needed most - fighting for something that directly affects us - our own domestic survival. We have no objection to pin-point blasting terrorists from Earth, but not at the cost of our young kids’ lives to make a few despicable war-profiteers rich.

Bob Johnsom / September 1, 2010 1:43 PM

Leaking classified information can lead to charges of treason. My own opinion is that this leak should result in the Congressional Medal of Honour whomever leaked this information. To highlight inhumane treatments is humane, to keep a lid on it is inhumane. Hiding abuses behind a state's veil of secrecy makes those skulking in the shadows Nazi-esque. I'm reminded of Pastor Martin Niemöller and so wish protection on the humane and a pox on the inhumane.

Andy P / October 22, 2010 9:21 PM

This is Fantastic to know that this information is making it OUT. But i do not think that it will make any change in the nature of Human behaviour

Jasper / October 22, 2010 10:01 PM

Mr. Juliain Assange is world class hero,we seem to always get our heros mixed up in this country.For example George Bush and Dick Chaney should be on trial for treason, murder and fraud, for their 9-11 hoax on the World public. The crimes that these people perpetrted effected the entire world and they should be brought to justice. Bravo Mr.Assange, I applaude your courage. Sincerely, Sal J. Acevedo. Rowland Heights Ca.

Sal J. Acevedo / October 23, 2010 12:03 AM

Approximately 3000 of US soldiers died in Iraq. Even by conservative measure of pentagon, 65,000 Iraqis died in the WAR. And still no justification for it.

And no tears shed for them. All Forgotten.

Umar / October 23, 2010 1:02 PM

The blood on Wikileaks hands can not begin to compare with the blood on ours. Why are we not upset by the lies our leaders feed us, the senseless killing, the permanent bases, and the torture? Clearly we can do no wrong and even disclosures like this can't open the eyes of many and perhaps most.

Julian Assange is an easy target; maybe we can also blame him for the heartbreak of psoriasis while we're at it.

Paul / October 23, 2010 11:32 PM

Finally, it is good to see some Americans can still think and make rational judgments about our government and about world events. It is time for the horrors of war be exposed for the carnage it causes. It is not a video game that most Americans are detached from. Real people really die. Families and destroyed both here in the US and the nations that we attack. Look out, here come the "thought police". Enough colonialism. Julian Assange is a hero! Keep up the good work.

Bruce / October 24, 2010 6:09 PM

Readers such as William Springfield are deluded in their values and ideals. Secrecy in the service of crimes is not secrecy that has any real legitimacy. The U.S. has, and still is, committing war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan. The initiation of war against Iraq was already a war crime from the very start! We all know the history of how that war began, but people such as Mr. Springfield seem to believe the lies his government tells him, perhaps so he doesn't have to make the effort to figure out the truth for himself. We need more people like Mr. Assange in the world. We need people to stand up to the multitude of crimes by U.S. elites and perhaps one day they might be held to account. Take a poll around the planet to see what citizens of other nations think of the U.S. government's barbarism. The delusion of American Exceptionalism is not only despicable and wrong, is will be our undoing. Pride really does come before a fall.


Jerry Gerber / October 25, 2010 12:20 AM

The saga Iraq continues.I have no problems with him attacking politicians who steal from thier country, but when( and having read further) the government documents he releases are " confidential" rather than "secret at any classification Level". The former is fair game, and the latter reminds me of 2 world war II ads
America " careless lips cost ships"
UK "Careless talk costs lives"
If the documents are "secret" then if America is at war and any ISAF nation is at war then in all those nations he has committed the very serious crime of treason, or aiding and abetting an enemy or commission of treason, and eventually his key players will be identified by CIA and other security forces who would do well to wait until they can get him and others while they have computers with them.I have no doubt it will happen the only question is when.
He only needs to landside once at any airport of the above countries to get arrested.
Never mind Icelands very wide freedom of speech laws if he is charged with treason etc they'll have to extradite to wherever.
The people who are giving this " secret" information need to be stopped at source by improved procedures at the pentagon CIA or wherever and the people doing it punished = physician heal thyself.
Big problem in USA American government and Politics and ALL NSA organisationsis that they leak like a sieve.
They need to talk to top law firms about how they control photocopying, E-mails and filtering out E-mails with Key words on that protect client interests, including attachment reviews, and No zip files... we are talking 400,000 pages!!
Sending those someone must have slipped up somewhere!?!?


J.V.Hodgson / October 25, 2010 3:26 AM

i heard that the head of mi-6 came out today to lambaste the wiki release. but in his overall critique he included some statements about british morality/ethics. he said something to the effect that britain would never torcher even if it meant innocent citizens would die; he said british morality and ethics could not be prostituted by such a barbaric and, quite simply, a lazy tactic.

1st, i think that the leaks will now provide verification of illegal america.n acts that will cost us possibly 10's of billions of dollars; money that we don't have. they are already occurring

well, as there are suddenly so many out there who feel our debt/deficit is more important than any other human u.s. problem or u.s. ethics/morality, let's approach this from a monetary perspective.

based on this priority-gauge in which expenses/debt trump all other problems facing us, then of course, i'm rip roaring mad that our government has acted in a way that is going to cost us billions and billions and even more billions.

as a taxpayer, i'm outraged that i (and all other individual taxpayers) will now be stuck with an unnecessary bill (ie based on the aforementioned statement by the head of mi-6, a cost britain won't have to endure)and will have to, from my wallet, pay money that i don't really have for acts of which i do not approve; lazy acts
whose barbarity is only eclipsed by their proponents lack of creativity.

i am now forced to pay for hundreds of avoidable legal suits instead of teacher's, policmen's, firemen's et alia, salaries. thanks neocons.

next time you wage a war, even if it's a legitimate one, do me a favor and let's keep the costs down and not torcher or blatantly kill innocents etc. if you can't do it for 21st century ethics, if you can't do it because your country refuses to compromise it's honor for laziness or it's morality and ethics, then for chri-- sakes, let's do it for the dollar; let's do it for our wallets.

i think it's reasonable that we simply act in ways that will not embarrass, will not produce law suits, will not reduce our standing, will not disgust us if they were known. it's not really wiki that's the problem; it's "our" behavior

brian cecere / October 28, 2010 11:09 PM

Julian Assange is a hero!
I'd like to express myself with an image and hope that works:

Raphael / October 29, 2010 2:12 PM

I clearly remember watching time and again on the news about how the Taliban was closing schools, blowing up sacred statues, whipping men and women on the streets for being both un-bearded and uncovered. I am an avid NPR junkie and I clearly remember hearing report after report about how women had lost all rights in their country due to the Taliban, then, on day one of our going in to stop all those terrible things they were talking about, their whole outlook changed.
Now it is us who are the bad ones, the US and Russia are the Bad ones, not the Taliban. All of the sudden it is the Taliban who is the poorly treated and deserving all the press. I am sure my memory is to long for this to be printed and I have no illusion that this will actually make it onto this site, but, someone had to do something. I do not have the answers, but I guess what NPR and PBS want now is for the Taliban and their buddies in the Pakistan government to take over again, just so they can have something else to report about...

Thomas / November 2, 2010 6:45 PM

I do believe Frontline is doing a disservice to its audience by not creating a story about the Wikileak and the horrible incidents of American brutality in Iraq. Frontline should cover true stories of the Iraq war instead of sugar coating it with Obama's war and Cheny's war. Who care's who's war it is. The only thing we should care but are the conduct of our military overseas.

Wang / November 20, 2010 11:21 PM

Maybe it is time for those that abandoned the constitution of the United States to depart it's
shores. For defending illegal and immoral war against an enemy that is growing because of the abuse of power that is taking place in the name
of freedom. "Freedom isn't free" is coined today,
well then how much does it cost? Much more than we can afford it seems. The countdown has begun to the downfall of our great country because of the outright abandonment of the foundational laws
in the constitution. Once moral and great our country has turned at the hands of the immoral
and untruthful. A once mighty and accountable nation is now involved in cunning, deceit, disinformation and outright lies. To those that want to change or dismiss the laws of the land,
please pack your bags and find the country that suits your needs. We that truly believe in the constitution of the United States of America want our country back from the power block that now
rides us under. This is not a Democrat or Republican issue as both parties have failed to uphold the laws and values this country was based on. Time for a big change, stand up and deliver
your worth as an American for the day is near.
Long live truth, liberty and justice for all.

M.Charles / December 17, 2010 4:36 AM

What is sad is the continuity of normalcy presented by the mainstream media. As long as the public can be lulled into thinking that things are normal and as they have always been, serious changes can be made behind the scenes without the public becoming alarmed. ABC, NBC, CBS, and PBS all present the same basic stuff that has always been presented. As a matter of fact, programming worldwide appears to be similar. To ensure that the charge “liberal media” can still stick, Rupert Murdoch’s “Fox News” goes so far to the right that everything else seems left wing.
An example is when the mainstream media briefly covers Wikileaks. Instead of going into the details of the crimes being committed by the government on our behalf, they only discuss the ramifications of such leaks on U.S. foreign policy, and how such leaks are placing lives in danger. They never once mention the fact that the illegal invasion of Iraq has killed thousands of civilians, and that the U.S. government has placed lives in danger by torturing suspects. Extraordinary Rendition, killing civilians from attack helicopters and UAV’s, and assassination teams targeting anyone labeled as an unlawful enemy combatant, has created more terrorists, and endangered more lives than Wikileaks ever could.
Now we have those brave responders on 911 having to fight for health care from a government that seems to care little for the lives of these men or the lives of returning veterans. Considering the fact that 911 was never fully investigated to begin with, is it any wonder the government would like to forget what actually led up to these two wars! None of the mainstream media will talk about the collapse of those buildings on that day. As a matter of fact, not even the so-called left wing alternative media of Free Speech TV will discuss it. I have called the Thom Hartmann program and was told they will not discuss 911. THIS ON FREE SPEECH TV! I guess if the public is led to believe that there is nothing to talk about, or if the media simply believes that by burying its head in the sand the problem of accountability will simply go away, they don’t know history.
The fact is that most Americans know things are not “normal” and that the government has a lot to account for. What is sad is they are hoping that time will somehow quell the unanswered questions about 911. If Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda did not bring down those buildings by aircraft and fire, what did? We have all watched the collapse of Building 7, and know that it fell at near free fall speed into its own footprint with a classic demolition crimp. This means that someone with a high level security clearance had to have gained access to that building to place explosives in advance of 911 with foreknowledge that it was to take place.

Roland / December 18, 2010 1:45 PM

So, where is the line drawn? When is it okay to publish other secret information, such as military readiness, battle plans, capabilities, known vulnerabilities? Is Assange such a person? Can a person with his hatred for authority be trusted to make the right decision regarding the need to keep important information secret?

He claims to have a cache of data from Bank of America. What if that data included all BOA account holder's account numbers? Would it be "okay" to make that data available? He's a "journalist" therefore he is free to publish what he wishes. He claims no responsibility in the results of his actions.

What will the world think if Kim Jong Un decides to invade South Korea based in information obtained by WikiLeaks? What will Assange say then? Still, he will claim no responsibility. The issues of the world are not his concern. He spills information with impunity and let's the world go to Hell. He's done his job.

Harold / December 19, 2010 2:00 PM