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join the discussion: Is pornography, especially hardcore pornography, too widely available in the United States today? Would you support action by the federal government to crack down on porn?


I was disturbed watching "Lizzie Borden" film her rape movie, however I am equally disturbed by prosecutors and juries defining what is and is not acceptable material in my community. I think that there is a difference between erotica and hardcore porn but I am hard pressed to put in words what that difference actually is.

Fitchburg, MA


Those who use the constitution to defend pornography pervert the notions upon which this country was founded, perhaps as much as they pervert the act of sex itself. Our founding fathers would in no way dream that the rights guaranteed in the constitution would extend to such substanceless acts of rubbish. Notwithstanding the moral demise associated with pornography, the fact that it has an unsavory affect on society, including children, cannot be refuted. Those who consume pornography likely viewed this program not for an insight into the industry, but rather in hopes that they would catch a peek on public telivision.

New York, NY


I was quite shocked by how prosperous this industry is becoming and how many large corporations are involved and must be to stay in business with competitors. The government has got to do something before this thing spirals out of control more than it is already, good riddance to Clinton.

The hardcore footage shows where this industry is going. When will rape and anal sex become acceptable to the community? After that? The corporations don't have the power to stop it, the government does and must act.

I admit I am an occasional viewer of straight sex which is so readily available over the internet. But I know it's wrong. Every week I delete all my porn files off my computer claiming I will not download any more. I'm addicted just like everyone else who views any pornography. It's a horrible sin that degrades the value of marriage.

Hazelwood, MO


I was quite shocked by the report.

I especially think that the female porn-director is a very disturbed person. Why did you air her statements about physical violence and sexual arousal? These kinds of statements are irrelevant for the report itself, they only encourage men who beat up their wives especially by showing a woman making such a statement.

Your camera team also crossed a line here. The scene they shot was clearly more than porn. The actress clearly got raped here, the fact that she gets money for it does not change that in my eyes. The law has a different approach on that issue, unfortunately.

There is definetly too much interest in hardcore porn in this country.

It's just very, very sick.

philadelphia, pa


I was appalled that ATT has interest in this deviant industry. I will cancel my service tommorow. The whole porn heist should be monitored constantly. I am routinely bombarded on web sites and e-mail with sex sex sex. Hard core sex is being marketed as an expression of freedom. People that make movies about rape and murder should not be free.

baltimore, maryland


I think porn is a healthy natural outlet for citizens in a free country. I own several porn DVD's. I watch "couples porn" with my girlfriend and I watch some more "hardcore" stuff when I'm alone. I think that the religous right needs to stop trying to referee the human behavior of others. I do however consider myself a spirtual person and I pray everyday. I think people should be able to make decisions for themselves. I was however turned off by the rape/murder scene shown in "Frontline" by Extreme Associates. I would never watch or give them money for that crap but I do feel they have the right to put that out for the sickos that get off watching that. I think Seymore Butts getting prosecuted for the fisting scene is a joke. Having four fingers in a girl is alright, but when you add a thumb it somehow becomes obscene? These politicians should find more productive ways to spend there time.

New York, NY


These people who are obsessed with others' sex lives, or who dislike the fact that there are people comfortable with sexuality however the individual defines "sexuality", ought to realize we all can't have small minds and live in the same little boxes. Hey, if it's between consenting adults or has been performed among consenting adults, and the activity or event disinterests, keep your nose out of it. Especially if it's occurring in the privacy of someone's home. Unless, of course, you've been invited.

White Plains, New York


I definetely would support federal government to crack down on porn. I feel our moral fiber in this country is unravelling.standards need to be met if not it will just continue to escalate. I even think there is too much sex and nudity on regular t.v. I will no longer support these major corporations ie. ATT and GM now knowing their affiliation to this "industry". I am very glad Clinton is out of office enough damage has been done.

rochester, ny


After seeing the Frontline, I think it is just a matter of time before the pendulum starts to swing the other way.

Lafayette, IN


I am offended by the snide, moralistic, and simultaneously leering tone of this program, which in my view is just as pornographic as any of the videos labeled "porn." In fact, I am offended by the increasingly right-wing bias of Frontline programs in general. This bias is clearly a response to political pressure. Frontline is becoming nothing more than an outlet for right-wing propaganda.

New York, NY


I am much more offended by websites that promote racial or religious intolerance, or that provide detailed instructions for creating explosives. The proliferation of porn has certainly changed the culture and it is difficult to say where it will all lead, but in light of WHAT ELSE is out there, any legal crackdown should take a back seat.

Mississauga, Ontario


The porn industry should be allowed to flourish without any trouble from religious zealots or federal prosecutors. However, since this is probably an unlikely outcome I can only hope that the authorities and jurors involved in the inevitable court proceedings to come base their actions and decisions on empirical facts i.e. studies showing the affects of pornography on society, and not on arbitrary morals that we as Americans have unfortunately inherited from our puritannical founders.

Richmond, VA


As long as we are free NOT to watch porn as often as we don't want to, what is wrong with the freedom to watch it? What harm is done when an adult person watches sex-related material?

Brattleboro, VT


What is "community standards". If the community is the confines of my home then I should have the ultimate say on what I want to see in my home. The government should not dictate what I can see and not see.

scituate, Ma


There is nothing wrong with porn videos. They provide guys who are lonely with a companion. I my self have 7 tapes and over 7gigs of porn on my computer and i am damm proud of it. There is always people asking for me to send it to them and i dont think there is anything wrong with that

keene, nh


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