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do you use porn?: A survey from The  Kinsey Institute

Why do you think people use porn? Is porn something bad, something good, or can it be both? The following survey asked readers of this "American Porn" site about these issues. In addition, if they were willing to, readers could answer a few questions about whether they used porn themselves, and why or why not.

Click here to read the results of the survey which was conducted over a two month period following FRONTLINE's first broadcast of "American Porn" in February 2002.

This survey was prepared by researchers at The Kinsey Institute, an international leader in scholarship, teaching and service in sexuality, gender and reproduction. The results of the survey will help inform the scientific community and policymakers about the opinions and attitudes of the American people regarding the use of porn.

Please note, by the word "porn" we mean all depictions of erotic behavior or materials with an explicit sexual theme (for example, pictures, movies, or stories).

1. Would you say porn is "bad"? Select the reasons why. (You can select more than one answer)
It is offensive and degrading
It undermines sexual relationships
It influences people to commit sexual crimes, including rape
It leads to a breakdown in community morals
It violates religious principles
It confirms stereotypes of men, women, and/or of what sex really is about
It can lead from bad to worse (e.g., sex addiction)
Other reasons
2. Would you say porn is "good"? Select the reasons why. (Again, you can select more than one answer)
It can educate people
It can improve relationships
It can lead to more open attitudes about (one's own) sexuality
It offers a harmless outlet for unconventional or other private fantasies
It is a socially beneficial form of artistic self-expression
Other reasons
3. Why do you think people use porn? (Check all that apply)
Out of curiosity
To entertain themselves
To distract themselves
To sexually arouse themselves and/or others
To masturbate/for physical release
Because it easier than having sex with their partner
Because it depicts things they cannot find in real life
To improve their mood when they are sad, anxious, stressed, or angry
Because they don't have a sexual partner
To educate themselves
Because they have a stronger sexual "drive" than their partner
Because it can improve their relationships with others
Because they can fantasize about things they would not necessarily want in real life
Other reasons
4. How often have you viewed sexual images (e.g., photos of nude men or women, couples engaging in sex) in magazines or on video/DVD during the past month?
Not once, and I have never before
Not once, but I have in the past
One or two times
Once a week
A few times a week
Once a day
Several times a day
5. How often did you view sexual images on the Internet (e.g., visit erotic websites or newsgroups) during the past month?
Not once, and I have never before
Not once, but I have in the past
One or two times
Once a week
A few times a week
Once a day
Several times a day
6. How often did you read sexual stories on the Internet, in books or magazines during the past month?
Not once, and I have never before
Not once, but I have in the past
One or two times
Once a week
A few times a week
Once a day
Several times a day

If you answered "Not once, and I have never before" to all of the three questions above, please continue to question 10.
7. If you use pornography, or used it in the past, why do or did you use it? (Check all that apply)
Out of curiosity
To distract myself
To sexually arouse myself and/or others
To masturbate/for physical release
Because it easier than having sex with my partner
Because it depicts things I cannot find in real life
To improve my mood when I am sad, anxious, stressed, or angry
Because I don't have a sexual partner
To educate myself
Because I have a stronger sexual "drive" than my partner
Because it improves my relationship with others
Because I can fantasize about things I would not necessarily want in real life
Other reasons
8. If you use pornography, how much time per week did you spend on it during the past month?
I did not use porn during the past month
Less than one hour
1-5 hours
6-15 hours
16-25 hours
26-50 hours
More than 50 hours
9. If you use pornography, how do you feel about this? (Check all that apply)
I am fine with my porn use
I am fine with it, but my partner doesn't (or would not) like me using porn
I feel bad while I'm using porn
I feel bad after using porn
I have tried to stop using it but I can't

If you answered the previous questions, you can skip the next two questions and continue to question 12.
10. If you used pornography in the past, but not anymore, why do you not use it anymore? (Check all that apply)
Change in life circumstances (new job, new relationship, children)
I spent too much time, or money, on it
It was starting to affect my relationships with others, my work, or other activities
It led from bad to worse (e.g., I became "addicted")
I got bored with it
Other reasons

11. If you have never used pornography, why not? (Check all that apply):
I am not interested in it
It is offensive and degrading
It violates my religious principles
It goes against my values
It confirms stereotypes of men, women, and/or of what sex really is about
I do not have the privacy, money, or time for it
Other reasons

The following questions ask you for some background information. Please understand that you can skip questions if you feel uncomfortable answering them, but this information will make the findings of the survey more valuable. If you prefer not to answer the questions, you can skip to the end of the survey by clicking here.
12. How old are you?
18 - 20 years
21 - 30 years
31 - 40 years
41 - 50 years
51 - 60 years
61 - 70 years
71 or older
13. Are you:
14. In what country do you live?
15. Are you employed at a paid job?
Yes, full-time
Yes, part-time
No, I am unemployed
No, I am a temporary/seasonal worker
16a. Did you complete high school?
16b. Have you attended college, technical school, or university?
16c. Are you still attending college, technical school, or university?
17. How important is religion in your life?
Very important
Slightly important
Not important at all
18. What is your ethnicity?
Black; African American
Puerto Rican
Spanish American
Hispanic, other
Native American; American Indian
Asian; Oriental
Mixed race
19. Are you currently:
In an exclusive/monogamous sexual relationship
(that is, we have sex only with each other)
In a non-exclusive/non-monogamous sexual relationship
(that is, one or both of us has sex with other partners)
Not in a sexual relationship
I prefer not to tell
20. If you currently are in a sexual relationship, for how long have you been in this relationship?
1 - 6 months
6 months - 1 year
1 - 5 years
5 - 10 years
More than 10 years
21. What is your marital status?
Single/Never married
Cohabiting (Living together)
22. Which of these commonly used terms would you use to describe yourself?
Heterosexual, Straight
Homosexual, Gay/Lesbian
I prefer not to tell

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