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Pornography in the U.S. - Here's A Quiz

1. A study of online visitors to adult content web sites found which of the following to be true?
a. 85% of online visitors to adult content web sites are male. Their average age is 38 and they have an annual income of $50,000. 35% are married.
b. 77% of online visitors to adult content sites are male. Their average age is 41 and they have an annual income of $60,000. 46% are married.
c. 68% of online visitors to adult content sites are male. Their average age is 44 and they have an annual income of $45,000. 41% are married.
2. According to a 1997 survey of 4000 retailers by Adult Video News, what percentage of all home video rentals (totalling $16 billion in revenue) was adult home video?
a. 40%
b. 26%
c. 16%
3. A study of online visitors to adult content web sites found which of the following to be true?
a. Online perusers of adult content have been using the Internet for 3.3 years and surf 14 hours a week--slightly more than the general online population.
b. They have been using the Internet for 4.1 years and surf at least 16 hours a week.
c. They have been using the Internet 4.6 years and surf 12 hours a week.
4. When consumers pay for adult entertainment programs on cable tv or satellite tv, what percentage of the revenues does the cable or satellite tv operators get to keep?
a. 80-95%
b. 75-85%
c. 55-65%
5. "Have you seen an x-rated movie in the last year?" Which region of the U.S. had the highest percentage of people responding "Yes" to that question, according to a 2000 survey by The National Opinion Research Center?
a. The Pacific region (Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska,Hawaii)
b. The Middle Atlantic region (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania)
c. The Mountain region (Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada,Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico)
6. Which Supreme Court Justice said about hard-core pornography,"I know it when I see it:"
a. Chief Justice William Reinquist
b. Justice Harlan Stone
c. Justice Potter Stewart
7. Who said: "Sex, a great and mysterious motive force in human life, has indisputably been a subject of absorbing interest to mankind through the ages; it is one of the vital problems of human interest and public concern."
a. U.S. Supreme Court Justice William Brennan who sat on the Court from 1956 to 1990
b. Margaret Sanger, an early 20th century birth control advocate and founder of Planned Parenthood
c. Dr. Alfred Kinsey (1894-1956), noted American researcher on human sexuality
8. What percentage of U.S. pornographic material is produced in the Los Angeles area?
a. 60%
b. 70%
c. 88%
9. How many people in Los Angeles's criminal justice community are assigned to prosecute obscenity cases?
a. 14 prosecutors and 9 police officers
b. 8 prosecutors and 5 police officers
c. 3 prosecutors and 3 police officers
10. The average career length of an adult film actress is approximately:
a. One year
b. Three years
c. Six to nine months
11. In general, what is the fee for actresses in adult films for each act of male/female intercourse?
a. $1,000
b. $500
c. $2,000
12. Which U.S. state has created a position in its state government to help communities establish what their community standards are?
a. South Carolina
b. Nevada
c. Utah

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