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the allure of adult content users

Highlights from an April 2001 report by Forrester Research Inc., which analyzed data from its Consumer Technographics 2001 North America Benchmark Study and found that:

77 percent of online visitors to adult content sites are male. Their average age is 41 and they have an annual income of $60,000. 46 percent are married.

Online perusers of adult content have been using the Internet for 3.3 years and surf 14 hours a week -- slightly more than the general online population.

56 percent of adult online visitors have purchased online in the past three months. They spend $17 more per month buying on the Web than the average online consumer does.

More than half of adult content visitors say they indulge less than once a week, while an insatiable hardcore subset, 26 percent, reports multiple weekly sojourns. Mostly high-income, these frequent users -- 84 percent of whom are men -- spend 17 hours online per week and spend an average of $133 online per month, versus the average online buyer who spends $26 less in the same time period.

Visitors to adult sites do more Web activities. For example, 45 percent of adult content consumers have downloaded music, compared to just 29 percent for households and only 37 percent of sports site visitors. More than twice as many adult content viewers have watched streaming video compared to the overall online population.

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