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Est. total population of province of Kosovo (in 1999): 1,956,000
·   Kosovar Albanians as a percentage of population: 82% [1]
·   Reported cost of a looted AK-47 assault rifle in neighboring Albania, 1997: $20-40 [2]
·   Est. number of Kosovar Albanians driven from their homes by Serb security forces prior to October 1998 cease-fire: 250,000 [3]
·   Total number of pistols Milosevic authorized for defense of 2,000 international cease-fire monitors in Kosovo: 2 [4]
·   United Nations (UNHCR) estimate of maximum number of refugees from a potential conflict in Kosovo, prior to war: 100,000 [5]
·   Maximum UNHCR refugee relief capacity in Albania, three days after bombing began: 10,000 [6]
·   Est. Number of Kosovar Albanians expelled from Kosovo by Serbs, March to June 1999: 863,000 [7]
·   Est. Number of Kosovar Albanians internally displaced within Kosovo, as of mid-May 1999: 590,000 [8]
·   Percentage of Kosovar Albanian population displaced during war: at least 90% [9]
·   Total number of NATO aircraft employed in "Operation Deliberate Force" strikes over Bosnia, 1995: 300 [10]
·   Total allied aircraft at beginning of Kosovo conflict, March 1999: 344 (214 US, 130 other allies) [11]
·   Total at end of Kosovo conflict: more than 1031 (731 US, at least 300 other allies)
·   Length of Kosovo air campaign in days: 78 [12]
·   Number of days poor weather impeded bombing: 54 [13]
·   Total NATO sorties flown: 38,004 [14]
·   Total NATO strike sorties flown: 10,484 [15]
·   Total sorties flown in Gulf War: 109,870 [16]
·   Total strike sorties flown in Gulf War: 42,600 [17]
·   Number of NATO manned aircraft lost due to hostile fire: 2
·   Number of Serb military jets destroyed in the air by NATO during Kosovo conflict: 6 [18]
·   Serb military aircraft bombed and destroyed on the ground: approx. 100 [19]
·   Number of hours for nonstop, round-trip travel from B-2 air base in Missouri to targets in the Balkans: approx. 30
·   Number of B-2 sorties: 45 [20]
·   B-2 sorties as a percentage of NATO total: 1% [21]
·   B-2 bombs dropped as a percent of total: 11% [22]
·   Percentage of approx. 23,000 NATO bombs and missiles that were precision guided: 35 [23]
·   Percentage in Gulf War: 8 [24]
·   Percentage of nearly 20,000 NATO bombs which a DOD spokesman claimed on June 2 had "hit their targets" : 99.6% [25]
·   Est. number of Dubrava Prison inmates killed by NATO during bombing of nearby military targets, May 21: 19 [26]
·   Est. number of inmates executed by guards and security forces subsequent to bombing: 76 [27]
·   Serbia's stated death toll at Dubrava Prison, attributed to NATO bombing: 95 [28]
·   Yugoslav Government (FRY) total of army and police killed, from 24 March to 10 June 1999: 576 [29]
·   FRY estimate of civilian casualties: "several thousand" dead; 6,000 seriously injured. [30]
·   Human Rights Watch est. of Serb civilian deaths: 500 [31]
·   U.S. share of costs of air campaign, peacekeeping and refugee assistance through 30 Sept. 1999 (FY 1999): $5.05 billion [32]
·   Amount requested by Clinton Administration April 19 to pay for war and refugees in FY 1999 : approx. $6.57 billion [33]
·   Emergency funding appropriated by Congress for operations in Kosovo and other defense spending in FY 1999: $12 billion [34]
·   Preliminary est. of US peacekeeping costs in Kosovo for FY 2000: $2.04 billion [35]
·   Tons of munitions dropped by NATO: 6,303 [36]
·   Tons of food delivered to refugees during conflict: 3,100 [37]
·   Number of murder victims identified by name in 24 May 1999 war crimes indictment of Milosevic and four other high-ranking officials: 340 [38]
·   Amount US agreed to pay China for the bombing of its Belgrade embassy: $28 million [39]
·   Number of foreign diplomatic buildings alleged by FRY to have been damaged in bombing: 20 [40]
·   Est. number of refugees that had returned to Kosovo as of Dec. 1999: over 810,000 [41]
·   Est. number of schoolchildren enrolled in reopened Kosovo schools in October: 300,000 [42]
·   Number of posters and leaflets on mine awareness distributed in Kosovo: 443,000 [43]
·   1998 United Nations (UNHCR) estimate of Kosovo Serb population in Pristina, Kosovo: 20,000 [44]
·   Post-war, July 1999 estimate: 5,000 [45]
·   September 1999 estimate: 1,000 - 2,000 [46]
·   Current estimate: 700-800 [47]
·   Percentage of remaining Pristina Serbs said by Belgrade NGO to "never leave their homes": 81% [48]
·   Number of ethnic Albanians estimated to still live in southern Serbia: 70,000 - 80,000 [49]
·   Number of United Nations (UNMIK) police authorized and requested for Kosovo: 4,718 [50]
·   UNMIK police, including trainees, in Kosovo as of Jan. 31, 2000: 1,970 [51]
·   UNMIK police in city of Djakovica (Pop. 120,000): 9 [52]
·   Miles of barbed wire installed to protect US peacekeeping troops in Kosovo, August 1999: 54 [53]

[1] October 1999 UNHCR estimates, quoted in OSCE "Kosovo/Kosova: As Seen, As Told: An analysis of the human rights findings of the OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission, October 1998 to June 1999" (6 Dec. 1999) Part III, chap 14.

[2]Mike O¼Connor, "Albanian Village Finds Boom in Gun-Running" New York Times (24 April 1997) A8.

[3]Asst. Sec. of State Julia V. Taft, "US Government Humanitarian Assistance in Kosovo" [USIA Press Conference] (2 Oct. 1998)

[4] Amb. William Walker, FRONTLINE Interview (27 Oct. 1999)

[5]UNHCR, "The Kosovo refugee crisis: an independent evaluation of UNHCR's emergency preparedness and response" (11 Feb. 2000)

[6]UNHCR "The Kosovo refugee crisis: an independent evaluation"

[7]OSCE "Kosovo/Kosova: As Seen, As Told" Part III, Chap 14.

[8]UNHCR rough est. as of 13 May 1999, quoted in OSCE "Kosovo/Kosova: As Seen, As Told" Part III, Chap. 14. [9]OSCE "Kosovo/Kosova: As Seen, As Told" Part III, Chap 14.

[10]Anthony H. Cordesman "The Lessons and Non-Lessons of the Air and Missile Campaign in Kosovo" (Rev. 29 Sept. 1999) 19.

[11]US Dept. of Defense, "Kosovo/Operation Allied Force After-Action Report" (31 Jan. 2000) 31-32.

[12] SDOD "Kosovo/Operation Allied Force After-Action Report" 60.

[13]USDOD "Kosovo/Operation Allied Force After-Action Report" 60.

[14]Lord Robertson [UK Secretary of State for Defence], "An Account of the Crisis"

[15]Lord Robertson [UK Secretary of State for Defence], "An Account of the Crisis"

[16]Cordesman "The Lessons and Non-Lessons" 18.

[17]Cordesman "The Lessons and Non-Lessons" 19.

[18]USDOD "Kosovo/Operation Allied Force After-Action Report" 69.

[19]USDOD "Kosovo/Operation Allied Force After-Action Report" 69.

[20]USDOD "Kosovo/Operation Allied Force After-Action Report" 97.

[21]Bill Clinton, "Remarks by the President to Whiteman Air Force Base Personnel" [Press release] (11 June 1999)

[22]Bill Clinton, "Remarks by the President to Whiteman Air Force Base Personnel" [Press release] (11 June 1999)

[23] Statistics quoted in Cordesman "The Lessons and Non-Lessons" 21.

[24] Statistics quoted in Cordesman "The Lessons and Non-Lessons" 21.

[25] Major General Wald, Department of Defense Press Briefing (2 June 1999), quoted in Cordesman The Lessons and Non-Lessons 56-58.

[26]Human Rights Watch, "Civilian Deaths in the NATO Air Campaign" (February 2000)

[27]Human Rights Watch, "Civilian Deaths in the NATO Air Campaign" (February 2000)

[28]Human Rights Watch, "Civilian Deaths in the NATO Air Campaign" (February 2000)

[29] President Slobodan Milosevic, "Address to the Nation" (10 June 1999)

[30] Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yugoslavia, "Provisional Assessment of Civilian Casualties and Destruction in the Territory of the FRY from 24 March to 8 June 1999" (8 June 1999) 24-26.

[31]Human Rights Watch, "Civilian Deaths in the NATO Air Campaign" (February 2000)

[32] Carl Ek, "NATO Burdensharing and Kosovo: A Preliminary Report" Congressional Research Service. RL30398 (3 Jan. 2000).

[33] Robert Tomkin, "What the Supplemental Bill Does" Congressional Quarterly Weekly (22 May 1999)1226-1229.

[34] Robert Tomkin, "What the Supplemental Bill Does" 1226-1229.

[35] Ek "NATO Burdensharing and Kosovo".

[36] Cordesman "The Lessons and Non-Lessons" 21.

[37] USDOD "Kosovo/Operation Allied Force After-Action Report" 104.

[38] CTY, "President Milosevic and four other FRY officials Indicted for Murder, Persecution and Deportation in Kosovo" [Press release] (27 May 1999)

[39] USDOS, "China -- Property Damage Agreements" [Press release] (16 Dec. 1999)

[40]Fed. Rep. of Yugoslavia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs "Provisional Assessment of Civilian Casualties and Destruction in the Territory of the FRY from 24 March to 8 June 1999" (8 June 1999) 24-26.

[41] UN Dept. of Public Information, "Bringing Peace to Kosovo: The First Six Months" (Dec. 1999)

[42] UNDPI "Bringing Peace to Kosovo: The First Six Months" (Dec. 1999)

[43] UNDPI "Bringing Peace to Kosovo: The First Six Months" (Dec. 1999)

[44] UNHCR/OSCE, "Assessment of the Situation of Ethnic Minorities in Kosovo, Nov. 1999-Jan. 2000" (14 Feb. 2000)

[45] UNHCR/OSCE, "Assessment of the Situation of Ethnic Minorities in Kosovo, Nov. 1999-Jan. 2000" (14 Feb. 2000)

[46] UNHCR/OSCE, "Assessment of the Situation of Ethnic Minorities in Kosovo"

[47] UNHCR/OSCE, "Assessment of the Situation of Ethnic Minorities in Kosovo"

[48] UNHCR/OSCE, "Assessment of the Situation of Ethnic Minorities in Kosovo"

[49] Amnesty International, "FRY: Update from the field" (Jan. 2000)

[50] UNHCR/OSCE, "Assessment of the Situation of Ethnic Minorities in Kosovo"

[51] UNHCR/OSCE, "Assessment of the Situation of Ethnic Minorities in Kosovo"

[52] UNHCR/OSCE, "Assessment of the Situation of Ethnic Minorities in Kosovo"

[53]Task Force Falcon Public Affairs, "Engineer team returns to its roots in Kosovo missions" (30 Aug. 1999)

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