war in europe

press reaction

how it was fought
ethnic cleansing
for moral values?

The New York Times   Walter Goodman

"... a sharply drawn two-hour account of how the allies embarked on NATO's military conflict and the shaky way in which it was fought. ...

Policy makers and players tell the story of Western diplomats caught between the Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army, determined to win independence from Yugoslavia, and Serbs led by Slobodan Milosevic, who had already gained a reputation as 'Europe's most ruthless man.'

President Clinton committed what tonight's critics call a fundamental error by announcing that the United States would not send in ground troops. ... Finally NATO began bombing the Serbs. But even here the NATO powers proved divided and indecisive. Gen. Michael C. Short, leading the bombing campaign, reports that his political allies repeatedly told him, 'Our parliament won't allow us to strike that target.' A message of 'War in Europe' is that military strength without political determination is an undependable weapon. ..."

Houston Chronicle Ann Hodges

"... The timing couldn't be better for tonight's riveting Part 2 of 'War in Europe.' This is the news documentary at the top of its game, a solidly provocative and informative inside report on a conflict that's not over yet.

As Frontline tallies the wins and losses of what it calls that 'war designed by politicians," Slobodan Milosevic is still in power, ethnic hatreds are still there, and the unrest has now grown to where more troops are being sent to bolster the peacekeepers. The U.S. military will be in Kosovo "for a long time," Frontline predicts. ..."

Minneapolis Star Trbune Noel Holston

"... an illuminating, if frustrating, lesson about the limits that even a superpower faces when dealing with a ruthless foe.

Correspondent Peter J. Boyer had access to just about every major player, from U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Serbian Gen. Nebojsa Pavkovic.. Albright maintains that we had an obligation to intervene."It is not American to stand by and watch this kind of thing."

U.S. military leaders tell Boyer that President Clinton made a terrible tactical error when he let Milosevic know up front that he didn't have to worry about ground troops. And other observers say that, in a bizarre reversal of the scenario of the movie "Wag the Dog," Clinton may have feared that an all-out attack on Milosevic would appear to be a shameless attempt to divert attention from his affair with Monica Lewinsky. ..."

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