Fat Prejudice/Fat Acceptance
trying on clothes
Fat is an issue that touches the way we function as people and how we treat each other.  Here are sites which offer  networks of advice, information and support.
National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance

NAAFA is a good gateway site on issues related to improving the quality of life for overweight people. A non-profit organization, it has been working since 1969 to eliminate body size discrimination and provide overweight people with the tools for self-empowerment through public education advocacy and a support network. The "Kids Project" is one of several good sections. It shows how to obtain school speakers and curriculum materials on body image and has a collection of comments by kids after they heard some of these speakers. For kids and parents, there's also a piece called "What Experts Say about Teasing and Body Image."

The rest of NAAFA's rich site includes documents on the organization's policies regarding weight loss surgery and so-called "Fat Admirers." An Information Brochure section covers topics such "Airline Tips for Large Passengers," "Before You Start Your Next Diet," "Eating Disorders," "Joining the Size Acceptance Revolution," "Dispelling Common Myths about Fat People," "The Fat Activist Task Force," and "Weight Loss: Fact and Fiction."

Radiance - The Magazine for Large Women

This quarterly's online version offers plenty of information on getting support, finding inspiration and becoming involved as a large size woman. There's an interesting range of articles from current and past issues - all dealing with "celebrating body acceptance" and the positive affect this will have in romance, relationships and careers. There's also material on helping children of all ages feel valued for who they are, whatever their size, at the Radiance Kids Project which is found on their site.
Size Wise

This site updates and expands on what was in Size Wise, Judy Sullivan's book which presented "Resources for Living with Confidence and Comfort at Any Size." Some of the sections to explore include "Fat: The Last Safe Prejudice?;" where to find special-sized clothing and shoes; and articles on size acceptance. Each section has facts as well as some poems and prose. There's also a table of contents to Sullivan's book, with a chapter excerpt and, of course, information on how to purchase it.
Grand Style

Produced for size 14+ women, this site defines itself as "a place to speak with experts, shop, learn more about fitness and entertaining, and locate hard-to-find products and services." In the "Library" you can research information for fitness equipment, size-friendly products and services. The travel information area is for both men and women, with advice on how to book an airline, get the right seat, and cars that are suited for large people.

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