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JOIN THE DISCUSSION What are your reactions to this program on the character, experience and worldviews of John Kerry and George Bush? What qualities of presidential leadership do you see in them?


I was disgusted with the protrayal of the two candidates. George Bush is portrayed as stubborn, ambitious, too stupid and simple to see more than one solution to a problem and having to surround himself with smart people. His religious views are spun as calculated, opportunistic and political if they apparently benefit him. But when he makes an unpopular moral decision to support the laws and courts of Texas (eg. Carla Faye Tucker), then he is portrayed as cold and hard. You can't have it both ways. When he is described as a successful governor, it is couched in language to make Bush sound "lucky." I could go on and on.

Kerry, on the other hand, is portrayed as someone who is just so much smarter than everybody else that his only weakness is that he sees too many possible solutions to our problems. While the average person sees 5 or 6 solutions, Kerry sees 25, because of his superior intelligence. Never mind the fact that he comes down on different sides of issues at different times for political expediency.

The final analysis of your program was sickening--Kerry wants to be a "servant," but Bush wants to "leave a big footprint." As usual, your bias is very obvious.

Eric Connors
Quakertown, PA


As an avid and longtime follower of politics and PBS, I would describe this program as little more than a "hit piece" against George Bush. I was very much looking forward to this program as I found the Gore-Bush 2000 Frontline fascinating. What a disapointment and a disgrace this new show was. What a black eye for Frontline!

Mary Reeves
Houston, TX


First of all, so that I can avoid being labeled in the Kerry camp, let me say I am a libertarian, not a Republican or Democrat. I am undecided.

I found PBS's special excellent and as unbiased as it could be. I thought it spent more time on Bush than Kerry, but since Bush is running for re-election and they had only two hours to document both, it made sense. I don't think I found this film to bash Bush in too much at all.

I honestly think most people are listening too much to one side's propaganda in this election to see clearly. Bush's history was accurate, whether you like it or not. He was a drinker and then born-again Christian. He has claimed that. It pointed out Kerry's change on positions and how frustrating his nuanced positions can be to his constituents and his own friends. I really think if you support Bush, stop trying to make up other people's minds for them. If people come away supporting the President or the senator, let them... if nothing else your vote will probably cancel theirs out, so deal with it.

Thank you, PBS; you did an excellent job and even though I'm still not decided, I think its rare in this age of soundbites to see some depth in the characters of our presidential candidates.

J Hester
Atlanta, GA


I am sorry so many people have written so negatively of your fine program. As a resident of Texas (native), and as a born-again Christian, I have seen the effects of Bush's "Compassionate Conservatism" up close. Put simply, it hurts the weakest and helps the strongest... hardly a Christian model.

Your report was factual, based upon my experiences watching his rise to power. For those who think Frontline was biased, all I can say is, regarding the historsy of George W. Bush and John F. Kerry, "You can run, but you can't hide".

Thank you for as fine an example of television journalism as I have seen in the last 30 years.

PM Summer
Dallas, Texas


How did this piece 'insult the intelligence of the American people' when it had comments by the likes of Don Evans, George Schultz and David Frum? The impression I got from viewing it was Bush is strong-willed and very clear in his vision for America and the world.

Kerry sees things as more complex, causing a lot of indecision on his part.

Comparing this to Nazi propaganda is a little over the top. I am thankful that, as the narrator said, 'soon it will all be over.'

Paul Lester
Orlando, FL


I would like to thank Frontline for its ability to cut through the webs of confusion that both parties put forth during a campaign to show us, who the candidates are, and how they got to this place in their lives. It is further amazing to me how the truth about a candidate can throw supporters into such a tizzy.

Keep up the good work and maybe the rest of the media can use the balance demonstrated by PBS in their journalistic efforts. Hats off to Frontline and PBS.

Bluffton, Ohio


Balancing decades of information related to the careers, political and otherwise, of candidates for the presidency is not easy.

However, judging from the responses to the program contained in this discussion, you proved a point that came through clearly in the program, that George W. Bush and his principal political allies depend on a zealous and thin skinned form of political and social aggressiveness that seeks to castigate anyone who thinks he is not qualified as a leader or model citizen. however, given the current political polls, that's at least half the country and no leader has ever been able to sustain their credibility by such a divisive attitude.

I looked at the program from another perspective because I have read the coverage by reporter Nicholas Lemman of the Bush Administration in the New Yorker, including stories that seem to have resulted from unusual access and sit down interviews with Vice President Cheney and others in the Bush West Wing -- all the more startling because the Bush Administration dislikes the mainstream media.

I was concerned that Lemman could not provide a true reportage in the Frontline Piece. For the most part, the program was balanced and informative, without a specific point of view expressed by the reporter, letting the audience draw their own conclusions.

However, by the end of the program, Lemman could not resist, and he departed from reporter to supporter in declaring that George W. Bush had a bigger vision for the world and wanted to leave a bigger footprint than does John Kerry.

Steven Katz
Potomac, md

FRONTLINE's editors respond:

Producer Martin Smith responds to a viewer question about Nicholas Lemann in a Washington Post chat he conducted the day after the broadcast.


Your program was brilliant. It described the candidates down to the core of each of their character, where they came from, their beliefs, their mannerisms, how they got there and what to expect from them in the future. I thank you for this in depth look at who these men are. This takes it away from the rhetoric and makes a true historical document.

Christopher Hagan
Columbia, South Carolina


My reaction to Frontlines presentation of "THE Choice 2004".is one of anger and disapointment. I am angry because of the transparent political anti Bush message that was created by not so skillful editors. When will the media stop insulting the intelligence of the American people.

I am disapointed because I feel that a worth while comparison coould have been made that might better explain the issues that will effect our nation in the upcoming years.

I have read all the reaction responses posted on this website and the proof is obvious. Not one response was posted that objected to the manner used in this program to portray Kerry. Those folks thought it was a balanced piece of reporting.

Dan Rubino
Nokomis, FLorida


It is aggravating to tune into a program I used to respect for its open-mindedness and see such a puff piece on Kerry. From the artwork and the music to the editing and photography it reminded me of a British coronation special: the noble prince John on his inevitable path to the throne.

Come on, are you really that frightened about Kerry's chances that you need to turn what was supposed to be an evenhanded comparison into an homage? You might as well be 60 minutes.

James Arthur
Philadelphia, Pa


Thus far in all this "Discussion" I haven't read that anyone believes that this program was biased against Kerry .... maybe that should tell you something.

clayton Nelson
Veradale, WA


Regardless of those complaints about the program being a commercial for Kerry,, it was a splendid program.

George Bush himself has talked about how 'disoriented' his life was before he dedicated himself to God. It's a story about two different men converging on the same goal via different paths.

To me the most fascinating part was watching the metamorphosing of both men, not so much Kerry - but of Bush. It was stunning.

Kitt Lenington
Boise, Idaho


Where was the ending statement, "I'm John Kerry and I approve this political advertisement."? The commission responsible for policing the campaign should investigate this "documentary".

I've read much of the feedback here and can conclude that those that saw it as fair/balanced are clearly in the Kerry camp. This program simply served to seal their vote. Those that viewed the program as negative for the President and positive and biased toward Mr. Kerry would appear to be more objective and more aware of the strong liberal bias in what has been known as "journalism".

Finally, I, like some others here, will no longer tithe PBS and will view future Frontline programs with a suspectful eye. In the public's esteem, you journalist are displacing the lawyers.

Bruce Bolock
Lake Jackson, Texas


What an excellent and informative program! To the folks who are complaining that it was biased, I say, well, perhaps reality itself is biased. The truth sometimes hurts.

The reality of the situation, made glaringly apparent by a thoughtful, detailed, methodical examination of the facts- yes, facts- involved in the history of both mens' lives, paints a very clear picture of Senator Kerry as a courageous American who never shirked his responsibilities, whether in volunteering in battle or stepping forward to stop a disasterous war. George W. Bush- love him or hate him- has breezed through his life, receiving... as opposed to achieving.

In this age of empty sound bites, uber-hype, and meaningless spin, I am grateful to PBS for producing shows such as this one-- with high informational content and public value.

Tim Furst
San Jose, CA


Very impressive. It reinforced my views of both men.

Kerry is a born leader with a lot of passion, and integrity.

He will be a President who makes America proud.

Bush never had any deep convictions, and always reached his goals by twisting the truth. His mental capacity seem to have declined over the years.

Vancouver, BC


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posted oct. 12, 2004

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