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JOIN THE DISCUSSION What are your reactions to this program on the character, experience and worldviews of John Kerry and George Bush? What qualities of presidential leadership do you see in them?


I just watched your very informative and unbiased program. Those that felt that it was unflattering to President Bush shouldn't really be disappointed in your broadcast, they should be disappointed in our president. He's never really excelled at anything he's ever done. But he's a likable guy.

C'mon America, we can and must do better than this.

Michael McCoy
Atlanta, Georgia


I thought that your program on John Kerry and George Bush was a thoughtful documentary. I feel that your coverage was surprisingly well-balanced and that you have captured the key qualities and differences of these two men. Thank you for this show!

Scott Parmenter
Hermosa Beach, CA


Psst...your bias is showing.

Bush in the 2000 Republican primary campaign in South Carolina

Somehow, all your interviews managed to portray Kerry as smart and Bush as shrewd, Kerry as strong and Bush as vicious, Kerry as statesman and Bush as politician, Kerry as firm and Bush as zealous. You're waging a war where the weapons of mass influence are connotation and spin, and you're winning. Eat your heart out, Joseph Goebbels.

Are you really asking us to believe that the legacy of Bush's governorship is primarily one of underhanded political trickery, and that meanwhile John Kerry accomplished "a slew" (that's your word--it doesn't really ooze objectivity, does it?) of great things in the Senate? How about interviewing one of the hundreds of Texas Democrats that Bush managed to unite with Republicans to accomplish some serious economic and education reform in Texas, or one of the tens of thousands of Vietnam veterans who believe that Kerry has done grievous damage to the reputation of millions of American soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines?

Why zero coverage of Bush's 2000 presidential race vs. Al Gore? Was that not a "big enough" event in Bush's life to have found it's way onto your radar screen? Or is it too tough for your "fair and balanced" mindset to stomach the fact that America responded favorably to a compassionate conservative?

I have never seen such an obviously biased piece of so-called balanced journalism. The American people are correct to have lost confidence in the media over the last few decades. Next time, don't waste the viewers' time; just turn it into a 30-second spot ending with, "I'm John Kerry, and I approved this message."

Ryan Schiewe
Beaverton, Oregon


I have to agree with them: it was slanted. I am planning to vote for Kerry because of my negative opinion toward Bush. So you didn't change my mind, just reinforced my decision.

However PBS, you owe the public more balanced reporting. (Surely President Bush had other successful ventures beside the Texas Rangers). We all pay for public television and we all want to hear our voices coming through it. I expect this kind of slanted reporting from FOX because they're corporate media. It's stuff like this that gives "liberal" media its name! (Falsely, I might add).

I stand with the Bush supporters on this one thing alone: disappointed in your slanted perspective. If it helped swing undecided voters toward Kerry, my rejoicing is hollow. I want voters to be informed, not brainwashed!

Gail Sullivan
Olympia, WA


After viewing Frontline's Choice 2004, the program gave the public a chance to observe the governing style of two men so anxious to lead the country in the next four years. The two angles this documentary presented was to paint Bush as a strong-handed Texan whose governing style is one of "sure decisiveness" and Kerry as a Vietnam war hero who is often "indecisive and indeterminate" in his political decision making. I

n this era, I will take the strong-handed Texan over the confusing and often paradoxical nature of Kerry any day.

Eric Salzmann
San Diego, California


The program gave the public a chance to observe the governing style of two men so anxious to lead the country in the next four years.

The two angles this documentary presented was to paint Bush as a strong-handed Texan whose governing style is one of "sure decisiveness" and Kerry as a Vietnam war hero who is often "indecisive and indeterminate" in his political decision making. In this era of time, I will take the strong-handed Texan over the confusing and often paradoxical nature of Kerry any day.

Eric Salzmann
San Diego, California


Shame on you for using our tax dollars to promote your own political agenda. How refreshing it would have been, had you just presented the facts and trusted us enough to make up our own minds. During your neverending annual campaign for funding, we should all ask ourselves how dedicated you truly are to education and quality programming?

Gwen Vollbrecht
Edmond, Oklahoma


It confirmed my belief and I'm sure a significant majority of americans that George W. Bush is a dangerous, determined, arrogant, right wing, strict conservative, and a stubborn President. They both showed conviction and adherence to Principles but John Kerry revealed more substance, integrity, true leadership, and a balanced soul.

armand almario
valencia, california


History to date has proven John Kerry wrong with regards to the most significant issues of our generation (e.g., the Cold War, El Salvador, Desert Storm, etc.).

How can you be so sure that Kerry is not wrong again? For Frontline to prostitute itself for its local candidate is tragic. The bias in the press has become a grave problem that requires redress.

Stephen Sustrick
San Mateo, California


I was following the program through the candidates' backgrounds right up until it became a political ad for John Kerry, with all the interviews in his favor. I believe most of the facts presented about time at Yale and in the military were accurate, but then the program fell into opinions of the two of an extremely biased nature, most from press sources such as the New Yorker.

I would wager that both men have changed dramatically from the more radical days of their youth. I know I have.

One of the strengths mentioned earlier in the show was Bush's willingness to bring in knowledgeable people upon tough issues instead of overanalyzing them alone, yet at the end of the program, the opinions were that Bush is ambitious to the nth degree and Kerry will bring in others' opinions on issues. Very contradictory. Too bad, I was really hoping for a program with a little less bias. Please state each of the interviewed persons' party affiliation where you list their credentials.

M. Choitz
Corvallis, OR


Thank you for a very interesting and informative program.I thought you presented the facts of their political careers in a fair fashion..and must admit that you brought George W Bush to life.

I am not a 'Publican..but feel that your reporting maybe helped educate your viewers as to the very stark differences in these two men.Neither one should be under-estimated.! I do have more confidence now in Senator Kerry..and his ability to lead us back towards a healthier Democracy..This because you provided good history and good comments from men who know both of these individuals quite well.We should be maybe a little more rational after seeing political campaigns from your "both sides now" prespective.

Again -- most of us should commend you and your efforts!Hope the video will be used in Curent Events classes all across the nation..

Corvallis, OR


I was stunned to find so much negative feedback.

Bush has some qualities that are very presidential--he does follow through with what he said he would do. He perhaps needs to take off the blinders.

Kerry came across with excellent reflective abilities which sometimes are to his detriment--he can't say easily what he thinks in simple language. Both, seem to me, to rise to the occasions that confronts them, necessary in leadership roles. I may have my own opinion for President, but that opinion was not negatively influenced by Frontline's viewpoints. Kudo's to Frontline.

Ruth Miller
ELk Grove, California


I found your program tonight comparing the two presidential candidates very enlightening. I think balance does not necessarily mean that both candidates come out appearing equally qualified. Balance means telling the truth about each, not propagating the lies about either, and letting the facts speak for themselves. I believe this is what you achieved in this program.

Amy Gertz
Washougal, WA


Dear Frontline ,I had no idea what a wonderful man Kerry was untill tonight. I had no idea that our President was such a drunken misbehaving frat boy! I dont know how we have survived these past 4 years.This IS the Kerry Political BroadCast Service, right??

kelly wages
Anchorage, Alaska


Through this purely partisan charade of purportedly comparing the character and gravitas of our two Presidential candidates, you have added a whole new and nefarious meaning to "Public" Broadcasting System. Your unbelievably biased cheerleading for the Democratic Candidate, particularly this close to the critical election, serves to put a very fine point on the earlier, dastardly assault on the character of the President by your apparent political cronies, Dan Rather, and CBS News. Et tu, PBS?

Although I have contributed generously to PBS for the past two decades, I will not tithe another red cent to any station, TV or Radio, that nurtures such unbalanced political prejudice in the name of fair reporting.

Benjamin Larson
Seattle, WA


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posted oct. 12, 2004

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