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George W. Bush

"Remember the Alamo"
Nicholas Lemann, political correspondent to The New Yorker and reporter for FRONTLINE's "The Choice 2004," has written about George W. Bush over the years. In this New Yorker article he looks at some of the moments and some of the patterns of behavior in Bush's life that seem to foreshadow the bold, aggressive direction that he's taken in the White House. (Oct 11, 2004)
"Challenging Rest of the World With a New Order"
An in depth article by three New York Times reporters that analyzes Bush's approach to foreign policy, the startling changes in it following 9/11, and what foreign policy would look like in a second Bush administration. From the Times' "The Bush Record" series. (Oct. 12, 2004)
"George W. Bush"
The Washington Post has indexed here its major stories on the Bush presidency as well as an updated collection of campaign stories. Passages from Bush At War and Plan of Attack, two recent books by Bob Woodward, are among the links. The index also includes the Post's Republican convention coverage, plus sidebars on Bush's record and fundraising.
"Campaign 2004: George W. Bush"
The New York Times' archive of news and background articles on the president that includes "The Bush Record," an in depth series covering the president's domestic, foreign, education, environment and economic policies over the past four years.

John Kerry

"Kerry's Undeclared War"
This New York Times magazine article by Matt Bai, based on interviews that he conducted with John Kerry, illuminates the candidate's thoughtful thinking on how to fight terrorism and why it is difficult for him to talk about these ideas in a political campaign. (Oct. 10, 2004)
"John F. Kerry: Candidate in the Making"
This seven-part series by a Boston Globe team of reporters covers every stage of John Kerry's life, from boyhood to Vietnam, from the failed run for Congress to the Senate years and the decision to run in 2004. Each section has a photo gallery. (June 2003)
"Campaign 2004: John Kerry"
The New York Times' Kerry archive includes daily-updated Kerry articles and links to the Times' series, "John Kerry's Journey." The site also offers a narrated slide show and Kerry's position on the issues.
"John Kerry"
The Washington Post offers an index of its in-depth stories on Kerry and its news archive.
"The Long War of John Kerry"
An early profile of the candidate by New Yorker writer Joe Klein that is drawn from Klein's conversations with Kerry and some of his close friends. (Feb. 2002)

The 2004 Political Landscape

"Continental Divide: A look at America's Polarized Electorate"
This five-part Christian Science Monitor series looks into the issues that highlight the nation's polarization, profiles "red," "blue," and "purple" states and examines how the media reflects the growing divide among Americans. (July 14 - 20, 2004)
The 2004 Political Landscape
A report that examines the electorate's growing polarization, based on political values surveys conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press. It compares results from recent surveys to those collected by the center since 1987, and covers topics ranging from foreign policy to religion. (released Nov. 3, 2003)
"Online Focus: Divided Nation"
Watch the video or read the transcript from a feature on "The Newshour with Jim Lehrer" which analyzes the results of the above Pew Research survey. (Nov. 6, 2003)
"The National Election Studies Guide to Public Opinion and Electoral Behavior"
A collection of data based on surveys of the electorate that, in some cases, date to 1948. The data includes graphs tracking public opinion on a range of topics.

Where They Stand

On the Issues
This site offers information on each presidential candidate's position on the issues, including candidates of third parties.
"Comparing the Candidates"
This Washington Post interactive feature allows a vistor to compare side by side the candidates' positions on abortion, civil liberties, the economy, education, energy/resources, health coverage, national security, and foreign affairs.
Project Vote Smart
An information resource on all candidates that includes financial information, voting records, and issue positions. The site also offers voter registration information and an extensive collection of links to relevant sites.

Third Parties

"Politics 101: Third Parties"
A primer on third parties from the Online Newshour. It offers a brief history of third parties and the role they've played in previous presidential elections.
"Third Parties"
NOW with Bill Moyers provides a summary of third parties in the 2004 election. The page also links to the NOW section on specific third-party candidates and their platforms.
"Third Parties"
CNN offers a summary of seven political parties in the U.S. and which ones are fielding a candidate in the 2004 presidential election.

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posted oct. 12, 2004

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