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JOIN THE DISCUSSION What are your reactions to this program on the character, experience and worldviews of John Kerry and George Bush? What qualities of presidential leadership do you see in them?



I thought Bush was more defined and Kerry was open ended. I happen to think that since the media dissects every candidate endlessly, your portrail was kind. It didn't change my mind,. I will vote for Bush. I find him to be a likeable, believable and tough president. This is exactly what we need given the terrorist situation. He is born again Christian and that seems to bother alot of people. Why? I don't understand. This country was founded on Christian Values and I think once we loose site of that fact we will be a second rate country.

catherine cronin
new york, new york


The recent Frontline program about President Bush and Senator Kerry was excellent. Your program showed viewers how these two men came to be the men they are. I did not gain a more favorable view of Kerry or a less favorable view of Bush based on your recent Frontline program.

The worst thing said about Bush is that, years ago, Bush dodged Viet Nam, but so did President Clinton. So what? Clinton was a great President - absent his indiscretions. I suppose if you are a death penalty opponent that Bush's decision to allow the execution of a repentant woman to go forward would be objectionable, but that decision was based on the law in Texas. It does not disqualify him to be President. Clinton made the same type of decisions in Arkansas based on that state's law.

Kerry's worst quality is that he still does seem to reflect just a little to much before making his mind up. So what? We live in complex times. This country may be compelled once again to consider how it moves its war machinery across the globe and in the not too distant future. We might want someone who is slower to act alone in this regard. But then maybe not someone who would act so quickly in throwing away his war ribbons that he earned so rightfully in Viet Nam. However, this decision like Bush's conscious decision not to go to Viet Nam is, in my opinion, ancient history.

I am a Kerry supporter because, internationally, I think America's war in Iraq was wrong for many reasons. And, domestically, I think that our best economic approach for this country is to help middle class people by giving them tax assistance and putting the burden on wealthier individuals and corporations to pay a fair share of all of our taxes. If Bush advocated these ideas, I would consider supporting Bush.

Thank you for your excellent program.

Daniel Walsh
Chicago, Illinois


Being a Kerry supported I will admit the program's editing appeared slanted towards Kerry. However, the timelines and overall records of each candidate cannot be edited to appear slanted toward either. They are what they are. If that portrays Bush negatively, it should tell us something about his character.

Kyle Abney
Orlando, FL


I've never joined an online discussion, if that's what this is. It seems more like a diary of thoughtful letters - read 'em and be amazed.

I am truly amazed at what I've read. Mostly, I'm amazed to see such incredible honesty and intelligence in my fellow Americans. Such thoughts shared so articulately, honestly and easily about, what is obviously, a very touchy, personal subject - who each of us percieves to be the better candidate for president of our United States. I think we should all be proud of the America we live in after watching this program. That two such different men can grow up in the same era and come to believe such different things about themselves and how they choose to lead shows what a diverse country we live in, what freedom of choice we truly have to make our lives what we choose to make them. We are free to contribute more than a smattering of tax dollars to our PBS station - or not. We are free to watch the program - or turn it off. We are free to tell the producers that it is complete trash - or truth.

I've always loved Frontline specials - this one is no exception - though some topics are more interesting to me than others. I was disappointed to have missed the first half hour of this program but I look forward to watching it again on my PBS station this Thursday - especially after reading all the remarks I've read in this discussion group.

I look forward to election day with trepidation. I fear the outcome - no matter what direction we choose for ourselves. The future after 9/11 is a new one for all of us. We are still in it together regardless of who is in the lead.

I applaud the producers of Frontline for being brave enough to even attempt to show us both sides of these men of power at a time of such immense, national tension just moments away from the election. As always, I was enlighted and have come to understand - and appreciate - both men more that before. No matter who is put into office, after watching this program, I feel I will know that leader better than I did before. Thank you for that.

Grace Renshaw
Atlanta, GA


I really enjoyed Frontline last night. It actually improved my perceptions of George W. Bush and created more concern about John Kerry (although I still intend to vote for Kerry on November 2nd).

I am deeply disturbed that a climate has been developed in this country in which any criticism of the President is seen as misguided, erroneous, and supportive of John Kerry. Critical thinking should be practiced and applied by all citizens of a democracy!

Lisa Morris
Sacramento, CA


For those who cried bias, were we watching the same program? Old time Bush friends and allies and even Karen Hughes were interviewed in equal number to Kerry's. Two men's experiences were placed side by side. If it looks bad that GW was drifing around while Kerry was serving his country and achieving, is that the fault of PBS? That's reality.

Asheville, NC


Thank you for an insightful and balanced program. Contrary to some of the postings on this website, I was actually more impressed by Bush after the airing of the program. Interviews were conducted with his wife, as well as many of the stalwarts of the Republican Party (George Shultz). I also came away from the program with a deeper understanding of what drives each of these men to make certain decisions at different junctures in their lives. I was even more impressed with the depth of John Kerry. His ability to think through issues and to see the "nuance" is critical in this day and age. My vote will be going for Kerry, but I appreciated the opportunity to see what makes both of them tick.

Whitney Finnstrom
Pittsburgh, PA



I want to salute you on your thought-provoking depiction of the two candidates. While I have decided for whom I will vote, I found it very intriguing to learn about the "other guy" from a source that tried to be balanced and fair. I appreciated how you displayed each candidate's weaknesses and strengths through his own record. If more programs were this way, we'd have a much more informed population of voters. I wish all Americans would watch this program.

Lisa May
Salt Lake City, UT


Do you even realize that you have an obligation - if you expect the viewer to respect you as journalists - to present a report without bias. No wonder cable is growing and the networks (including PBS) is shrinking.

Your report was so blatantly heavy-handed and pro John Kerry that it served as only a campaign ad for Democrats. The funny part is that you must be so overloaded with left wing liberals that you can't see how obviously biased your reporting is to anyone who was hoping to watch a balanced report.

PBS the self professed bastion of diversity! Take a look around at your staff. How many Republicans? I think that half the country is made up of these hard to find Republicans (who might add a little perspective to what you call reporting).

I will not be able to watch another Frontline - on any subject - knowing how unprofessional and one sided you have become. Shame on you for taking your responsibility so lightly. Congratulations! You promoted your candidate. But at what price? I hope it was worth it.

Jon Palmer
Sacramento, CA


I watched the program last night, and contrary to the opinions of many, I found the program slanted towards President Bush. In particular, I felt that much more time was spent developing both his career, and his "character".

John Kerry was portrayed frequently in footage where he was clearly forced to walk a tightrope. Despite the over-abundance (in my view)of Bush footage however, they speak for themselves. One, a mature,thoughtful politician who hopes to lead his country to greatness; the other, an immature, boastful, businessman, who hopes to lead himself to glory. There could not be two more different men running for office.

Evon Hekkala
Covington, ky


You did an excellent job -- better than I had expected. I don't know how the Bushies can say that the program was biased in favor of Kerry. The program did not change my mind about the candidates (I support Kerry because I despise the politics of the religious right), but strongly underscored the weaknesses in both of them. Two vignettes were the most telling:

-For Kerry, being duped by Daniel Ortega, showing himself to have been the foreign policy wimp that the conservatives fear;

-For Bush, being the front man for a bunch of already-rich Texans out to fleece the public on a ballpark, and getting his piece of the action all the while, a powerful indicator of who is behind the Bush "economic plan."

We get this garbage for candidates, while politicians like McCain and Lieberman, with much greater honesty, integrity, and concern for the average citizen, are smeared in the one case and ignored in the other.

How did we get to this point?

-Broadcast media, seeking sound bytes instead of substance.

-Utter lack of education in history and critical thinking in the school system.

-Utter lack of participation by the electorate.

Whichever one wins, the average taxpayer will pay dearly.

Paul Levy
High Point, NC


Thanks for your airing of "The Choice 2004." It has cleared up some misconseptions I had by listening to all the political spin being aired these days. It is refreshing to get unbiased reporting.

I have read these reviews and see that some say your program was slanted. These are people who aren't looking for truth and wouldn't know it if it bit them. Good job! I would sure like to see the program aired again.I have friends who missed it who should see it. Please air it again?

Michael Kohus
Tucson, AZ

FRONTLINE's editors respond:

The program airs again on PBS Oct 14th and again on Nov. 1st.


Your were successfull in painting one pretty picture and one ugly one. The problem is that PBS should not think of itself as art, but rather journalism.

I avoid network news coverage of the election because I find it degrading to have reporters try to influene me rather than inform me. You tricked me. You wasted 2 hours of my time last night because I gave you the benifit of the doubt.

I am one of those elusive "undecided" voters who is despretly trying to get untainted facts on which to base my precious vote. I'll keep looking.

Carol Shaw
St. Pete Beach, Florida


Let me enter this discussion as one who thought the program was incredibly biased in George Bush's favor. The terms "aggressive," "tough", "steely", etc. were constantly used when I though "fanatical", "dishonest" and "dirty" were more accurate.

Finally, Nicholas Lemann's assessment of Bush as a "transformational" leader was the hardest pill to swallow of the entire evening. There is nothing transformational about using fear to silence opposition, and using military aggression as a substitute for more peaceful, if less dramatic, means to solve international disputes. Despots have been doing it for centuries.

Bruce Emory
Chicago, IL


This documentary was such a breath of fresh air!

I briefly read through the comments posted and I guess it’s not surprise to see that people first start with a preference between both candidates and then only seek after things that appeal to their choice and jump on anything that seems to challenge what they want to believe, regardless of the truth. Obviously people are less receptive to the way the facts stack up these days and sadly the commercial driven media is beginning to crumble under this pressure.

Your documentary was indeed brilliant. I do not have any party affiliation, do not plan to vote but I thought this documentary connected all the dots for me about these two men.

Please keep up the good work!!

Yeni Ajay
Houston, Tx


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posted oct. 12, 2004

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