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JOIN THE DISCUSSION What are your reactions to this program on the character, experience and worldviews of John Kerry and George Bush? What qualities of presidential leadership do you see in them?


If I had wanted to support the political opinions expressed by your show I would have donated to the Kerry campaign. You will no longer receive my money, and I will no longer view your supposedly "unbiased" reporting.

What a shame that the producers of this show could not be honest and have Kerry state that he approves this political ad.

Martha Edwards
Fort, Texas



Your time-frame comparisons of the candidates have highlighted the fundamental differences between them for me.

Neither provides me with a bright sense of future or a clear choice for better management of this country.

This year my choice is not for the better presidential candidate but for the candidate who will do the least damage to our nation in the next 4 years.

Jo Moore
Fernley, NV


As a teacher, I appreciate how much I was able to learn about the candidates in just 2 hours. As a baby boomer, I enjoyed watching each of their lives, characters and haircuts evolve from the 70's on. The program gave me a picture of the total men, warts and all, and both of them became more real and endearing, a feeling which remained for me during their final debate.

Now I feel more secure in my understanding of where they're both coming from.

Thank you for showing us their lives; all we ever hear is what they say.

But please show this special again, because I'm the only person I know who saw it.

Kathleen Bodnar
San Francisco, CA

FRONTLINE's editors respond:

The program will be rebroadcast by PBS on Nov. 1st. It is also available for viewing online.


It was a pleasure to see the true positions of Senator Kerry from actual footage and tapes of him speaking before the Senate (i.e., on the decision to vote for the Iraq War and his reasoning behind not voting for Desert Storm) rather than listening to the half-truths of the Republican (heavily funded by corporate business) political machine. Sorry folks... this is one registered Republican who doesn't always vote on party lines.

... and by the way, don't worry about those that say they will no longer donate to PBS. I didn't before, but the check is on the way. Keep up the good work on presenting the facts.

Wade Paul
Heidelberg, Germany


I watched your show knowing in advance who I'd vote for President. It didn't change my mind. It therefore wasn't surprising that many viewers felt your production was biased, since their minds were made up as well.

...the real difference between Bush and Kerry is that each has personally been involved with the death of another. Bush as Commander in Chief, and Kerry as a military officer. One is remote, the other not. This may be the true telling difference about their prespectives on values and how the county should be governed.

Jan Curtis
Laramie, WY


Thank you again for another outstanding effort.

I've watched Frontline for years and it simply never disappoints. The show reinforced what I already believed: Voters have a responsiblity to take the time to educate themselves regarding the candidates, the issues, the state of the country and the world.

To allow television advertising to make your decision for you is pure folly, yet that's what many busy people do, lacking the time to delve any further. Your show examined both candidates in a fair, unbiased manner.

The next sentence may appear too strong, but I truly believe it. It will be a national tragedy if John Kerry is not elected on November 2.

peter bartlein
milwaukee, wi


Your method of showing alternate stories for the same period of their lives brought a focus I hadn't seen before. Bush comes across as a spoiled and lost younger person. I believe his thinking capacity was seriously damaged by his drinking and while his conversion to Christ will seem commendable to many, I still find his character weak and his intellect ineffective.

I regret that some people (Republicans) regard the truth and expertise you applied as a kind of insult.

Keep up the good work.

Mary Arnn
Pacific Grove, CA


I feel your piece contributed greatly in helping me with my choice. I have found other Frontline topics to be very informative and accurate Tthis one, however, had balance and straightforwardness found nowhere else. Please keep up the good work and honest journalistic brokerage.

Peter Whitson
Vandalia, OH


After watching "Choice", I now feel that there is no reason that Sinclair Broadcasting should not air "Stolen Honor".

In addition to using the public airways, PBS used public funds to provide John Kerry with a free, 1 hour "Ain't I Special" commercial.

I was especially amused by the fadeout of Kerry to American flag at the end, although I think it would have been more to Kerry's liking if someone were setting fire to it.

Tom Swift
St. Paul, MN


Your program title "The Choice 2004" is a misnomer. It should have been "The Selling of John Kerry, The Smearing of George Bush".

I doubt very many viewers were gullible enough to buy the portraits of the two candidates as painted by PBS's transparent political ad.

No matter how many layers of whitewash PBS, CBS, ABC & NBC apply to John Kerry's senate attendance, voting record, anti-war activities and personal beliefs, his true character always bleeds thru. No matter how much muck is smeared on President Bush, his true character still shines thru.

So PBS, your efforts to influence voters insulted their intelligence and will not work. Stick to nature and the arts programs.

M.E. Jay
Dallas, TX


I found your program on Senator Kerry and President Bush to biased in favor of Sen. Kerry who has been on the wrong side of history in the past 20 years. His failure to disclose his military records when President Bush has done so also poses some questions.

In light of the CBS Dan Rather fake document fiasco the "main stream media's bias " shows your show does little to dispel the charges of bias in favor of Sen. Kerry and most liberal viewpoints.

javier castaneda
chino, ca


I thought your program worked hard to achieve balance.

One of the viewers felt that the program was bad because it portrayed Bush as a failure at every business except baseball. But, the fact is that Bush was a failure as a businessman and the program didn't even mention his tenure at Harkin and the accusations of insider trading against Bush.

It is unfortunate that in this polarized atmosphere, Frontline leans over backwards to be balanced and is still accused of partisanship.

Ron Rosenthal
Buena Park, CA


I'm a huge fan of Frontline, but I thought your show on the presidential race was decidedly biased in Kerry's favor. Bush was all warts, and Kerry had none at all. Very disappointing. You are not Michael Moore, so you lack his excuse. You're better than this.

Pat Frank
Hollywood, Florida


Choice 2004 is an educational program with a bias for Senator Kerry.

Pro-Bush voters disliked the program; pro-Kerry voters favored the program.

I enjoyed the program -- in particular, the part that discussed Bush’s amazement with the support he was able to garner from the Religious Right during his run for governor.

Don Harlan
League City, Texas


I have been reading the posts and am surprised how many people react to the most truthful reports on both Bush and Kerry that I have seen. First let me say you have done a wonderful job giving more detail than I have seen anywhere on the lives of both men.

My personal opinion of both men has not changed, only reinforced. I find it disquieting that a lot of people want a president that can be like the guy next door, a buddy they can connect with. If I want a backslapping, nicknaming, BSing buddy, I can find one at any bar. I don't want a president like my next door neighbor, or one that connects with me, I want a president that connects with the other leaders of the world, that can work to form a world network of antiterrorist coalitions. This president is a my way or the highway, we can do it alone because we are better than anyone else on the planet kind of guy. We can do better.

Joseph Cleveland
Towanda, Pennsylvania


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posted oct. 12, 2004

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