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JOIN THE DISCUSSION What are your reactions to this program on the character, experience and worldviews of John Kerry and George Bush? What qualities of presidential leadership do you see in them?


I found the first part somewhat balanced, although you did lionize John Kerry some. However, you decidedly failed in not pointing out that Kerry was wrong about Pres. Reagan's approach to the cold war.

We are seeing the first of what appears to be proof that Kerry is on the wrong side in his assessment of the administration's foreign policy. Look at the participation in the election in Afganistan. With the success in Afganistan, the Iraquis will likely feel more confident in their chance for success. John Kerry's vocal comments have probably prolonged the time to get to the point where the Shite in rebellion appear to be laying down their weapons and opting to participate in their new democracy. You have done a disservice to your viewers. You cannot be trusted to give reliable, unbiased information.

James Gilchrist
Waco, TX


Thank you for an excellent, in-depth view of both candidates. I learned a lot of new information about both of them. I found each of their life stories to be quite interesting. I enjoyed the format, comparing what was happening with each candidate at a given time. I found it to be pretty balanced; showing me good & bad things about both Kerry & Bush.

Orlando, FL


Thanks for an excellent show on the Choice: 2004. Very effective editing interspersing Bush and Kerry on there respective life paths. Their vintage footage is rarely seen anywhere else. Once again you've proved Frontline is the highest quality investigative news show on TV.

Adam Bernstein
Portland, OR


i thought it was a very good program because it was just stating the facts and there were no arguments. it wasn't a view from any specific political party.

it showed what each canidate was doing at specific times dates and such. and i just feel that both men come at issues differently, and just aproach things differently. now i support president bush for many reasons, one at the top of my list is not the issues but his character, character means alot to me. now i do agree with president bush on all of the issues, and appriciate his firm and confident stand on the issues. he makes me feel protected, comforted, because of how confident he is. john kerry is so wishy washy, and not confident or firm on any of the issues

jennifer cickavage
BUCKEYE, Arizona


I watched the 2 hour "frontline" yesterday and before i decided to write to this message board i wanted to read some of the messages.

I didn't know much about Kerry but came away with a better understanding of who he is. Being a former Austin resident I was well familiar who Bush was. What I cannot understand is how the people who share their viewpoints think. Most people feel that it was biased. But the truth is that Bush hasn't had many achievements. He has personality and that is what has gotten him to the point where he is at.

I'm not sure of Kerry's accomplishments but Bush's were accurate on the show. It seems that there are those who like Bush so much that they don't actually see him for who he is. Yes, he's a good person and strong. But as a Texan resident he was not as good a Govenor as Ann Richards. Nonetheless it was a very accurate program.

t thomas lewis
houston, tx


I watched your show last night with quite a bit of interest. I saw some points on Kerry I liked that I had not seen before, but there was some pretty damning footage of him making outrageous claims about Nicaragua and Iraq c.1990. It became that his bad experience, indeed America's bad experience in Vietnam heavily influences his decisions even today.

While there was a perceptible slant in your program, most of my beef has to do with using an opinion of one person to summarize the whole program and to influence people by making that the last idea posed in the program.

I had not realized how much better at public speaking G.W. was when he was not running for president. I have been understanding of Bush's shortcomings in that regard during his administration, since he seemed to get the critical speeches right.

I am not wild about any of America's choices this election, and I haven't been during the 10 years since I turned 18. I see a general lack of foresight in our leaders. I think for far too long political expedience and popular reaction has been a priority, rather than making America stronger through long term strategy.

Andy Van Galder
Denver, Co


I liked your Frontline Piece on Bush & Kerry. It certainly had more depth than what I am seeing elsewhere.

After reading other viewer response on your web site regarding this program, it confirms my belief that every one on this planet has a different idea about what reality is.

John Hungerford
Chatsworth, CA


There has been much discussion on winning the war as opposed to winning the peace in Iraq.

In the state of divisiveness that exists in this country in this election year, I'm interested to know what each candidate plans to do to reunite the country. This is in a sense "winning the Presidency" as opposed to winning the election.

Camden, , DE


The truth shall set us free. This show should be required viewing for all voters and future voters of America.

Well done.

Tracy Werth
Phoenix, Arizona


I have naively watched PBS Frontline for years believing that I experienced unbiased journalism in it's purest form. The idealistic illusions I suffered from have ended. I'm sorry for both of us.

Chrystal Elwood


I was an undecided voter until I watched Choice 2004. Thank you for giving me the facts on both the candidates and help me make my decision. This was my first time watching your show, but it will not be my last. Thank you again.

Joya Riggs
Milwaukee, Wisconsin


I was an undecided voter until I watched Choice 2004. Thank you for giving me the facts on both the candidates and help me make my decision. This was my first time watching your show, but it will not be my last. Thank you again.

Joya Riggs
Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Your program painted a fascinating picture of two candidates as polar opposites connected by a common thread. Bush signifies simplicity, Kerry, complexity. Both of them are defined by calculating political careers.

Which is better? Somone who makes quick decisions based on little information, or someone who gets stuck in 'analysis paralysis'?

Kerry may be Bush's antithesis--but that doesn't necessarily make him a better choice. I'm moving to France.

Cristin Couzens
Denver, CO


As a Canadian with family in the United States, I watched FRONTLINE with keen interest last night. I thought the show portrayed a fairly balanced report on both candidates, however I suspect the Ideologues on both side probably will find faults.

It is very interesting to see the ideological split in America and George Bush and John Kerry are perfect examples of the differences your country faces. The perspective many have outside of the U.S. is that your politicians / government is using "terror" as an excuse to exert its foreign policy on the rest of the world. This is a foreign policy that has created a thousand more "Osama" and I fear the "terror" we saw on Sept 11 was just the beginning. No country, no matter how powerful, can go alone.

Shawn Read
Kamloops, BC


I am surprised that there are people who think that your program is anti-Bush and pro-Kerry. I certainly don't agree with them.

I completely enjoyed the program. You have done another excellent and well-informed program. It is a good piece of documentary. I am an independent and voted for Bush in the last election. Your program has really helped me to have a better understanding of the candidates' background. Now I know what to do.

Keep up the great work!

Han Lam
Foster City, CA


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posted oct. 12, 2004

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