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JOIN THE DISCUSSION What are your reactions to this program on the character, experience and worldviews of John Kerry and George Bush? What qualities of presidential leadership do you see in them?


Dear Frontline:

Once again Frontline has put together an exceptional documentary.

This program emphasized the the bi-dimensional versus multi-dimensional view of world that each of these candidates hold.

I especially appreciated Kerry's views on Iraq before the vote and the "boxing in" of the democrats to not support it absolute.

I also appreciate Kerry's ability to see complexities. The causes for offshore outsourcing are multi-dimensional and can only be curtailed by a finely tuned budget, trade, tax, immigration and a foreign relations policy.

A global economy is not black and white and this documentary

shows me absolute that Kerry is the better candidate to lead in this new economic battlefield.

Robert Oak
Newport, OR


I appreciated your show tonight on the presidential candidates. I liked the parallel presentation, with the lives of the men knit together throughout. It provided an interesting and insightful perspective.

It was enlightening to hear some of the comments from friends and family of both men. Nothing speaks the truth like an old friend!

Thank you again for your balanced presentation.

Ling Thatcher
Madison, WI


Is there such a thing as a political documentary that can please all candidates' fans? I found the program to be a worthwhile look at the elements that shaped both men--elements that are still shaping this election. The fact that it seems to be generating a bit of controversy among the viewers is proof of a job well done. Thanks for an intriguing look into two surprisingly different lives.

B.B Dove
Cleveland, Ohio


I have just finished viewing Choice 2004. Although there was little new information on the 2 candidates, your presentation has provided me with some new perspectives--as well as several questions.

Since early childhood is such an influential period in human development, why did we not learn anything about the candidates before they went to college?

Why does Nicolas Lehman belive that to 'leave a large footprint' a candidate must appeal to a conservative base? Surely FDR left a legacy through progressive positions.

Gail Taylor
Albuquerque, New Mexico


What a (predictable?) disappointment! As a registered (lifelong) Democrat and retired Navy commander, I had hoped that Frontline would rise above partisan politics and produce a balanced program. With all the discussion qbout "liberal" bias in the media, one might have expected a meticulously evenhanded approach. Instead we got a Kerry campign broadcast. Disgraceful.

Steve Roach
Novato, CA


At various points, this program made me uncomfortable with both candidates. Obviously, well done! Both sides would like to feel as though their candidate was above reproach. This program might encourage many to remember, these are just men, who happen to be politicians.

Will James
Charlotte, NC


As a pastor, I was very dissapointed, to say the least, at how your program portrayed the President's faith as nothing more than a way to get the votes of the "religious right." Even that term has a negative connotation. Instead of viewing Christians as a group of people who want to make a stand for what they believe is morally right, the media often refers to the religious right as a bunch of "holier than thou's" who will blindly follow the candidate who says what they want to hear.

I believe that the reason some people have a problem with President Bush is that he does make a stand for what he thinks is right. For those who will do anything to promote relativism and tolerance at any cost, it is unbearable to think that a man will actually do what he says based on his own convictions and beliefs.

Overall, I am very dissapointed with your coverage of the two candidates. Your commentators and the details of the stories you decided to put in and leave out all portrayed Kerry in a positive way and President Bush in a negative and selfish way. Once again, you have shown that journalism is becoming a profession that is not to be trusted, as one's own agenda often takes precedence over the truth!

Todd Scheuerman
Denver, CO


These sorts of programs seem to be a kind of video inkblot test. People see what they want to see. Some people see it as balanced, some see it as a "hatchet job" or a thinly-veiled political advertisement.

What I saw was a pretty straightforward description of the big events in these men's lives. The only real editorializing I saw was the assertion that Bush's presidency was about to coast on with nothing to fill the remaining 3 years, if 9-11 hadn't come along. Frankly, I think that's probably true, but it's still editorializing.

Steve Dockery
Alexandria, VA


Disappointing. I cannot fully describe my disappointment with the report presented by Frontline. To intentionally misrepresent the President as a party-boy turned religious zealot and political opportunist is a very personal insult to the millions of Americans who elected him. Equally disturbing was your remarkable transformation of a singularly undistinguished Senator into the image of a benevolent Statesman. Your agenda is as clear as the unveiled final image of the report – John Kerry’s our guy, vote for him. If there remains any integrity within PBS, the producers of this propaganda should be rebuked and a formal apology given to the supporters and viewers of public television.

Dan Di Iorio
Barrington, Illinois


Thank you for doing what the commercial media seems too timid to do, namely displaying the two candidates objectivelly instead of attempting to artificially balance out all their traits. We need more news broadcasts which are willing to display two battling politicians together transparently even if that might mean to some that one comes across as a stronger choice. Transparent side by side comparisons are much more important to Democracy than artificially balanced "news" reports.

Fred Jones
Falls Church, VA


Thank you for such an in-depth look at both of the candidates political and personal stories. I felt it was very fair and very respectful of both men. To those viewers who felt it was biased against George Bush i say that maybe that's just the way the facts stack-up, and there is nothing anybody doing this type of in-depth, comprehensive, project can do about his decisions, statements, and who can forget those hilarious sound-bytes. Of course this is proven by the way that they portrayed John Kerry. They showed both men as exactly that, men. I would also like to point out that the best thing about this election, and all of the special attention not just from the media, but from everyday people, is great. Getting more people to the polls should be america's number one goal because the lack of participation is sickening. There are counrties where people would kill for a chance to have a fair election, and there are countries where that is exactly what is happening. I hope you all vote, and you research your choice thoroughly, and with the proper amount of care that it deserves. Lastly thank you to PBS again for doing such a great job, as always.

Bret Eich
Waco, Texas


I have been a watcher over the years and have really enjoyed your coverage of many subjects. Tonight, however, I was disappointed. Far from just presenting the facts and letting the voters decide, the dialog, especially of the Frontline reporter, was laced with editorial comments. John Kerry was referred to as "effective" and "professional" while President Bush was described as "arrogant" and "ambitious". Generally, John Kerry was portrayed in positive terms, while the President was portrayed in negative terms. In addition, the recitation of the records of the early years of both men only seemed to propogate the popular media half truths that have had new information or points of view brought to light recently. I dont know if the reporter has an agenda to support John Kerry, but the piece was certainly biased in that direction. Frontline usually does way better.

John Beauford
Arlington, Texas


I believe the program was very well done. It provided me a more honest look at both John Kerry and George Bush. It appears to me that president Bush is sincere and very ambitious. The source of this ambition is unclear to me. It appears his character has wholes larger than most. His rise in public life is undoubtedly due to his talent to "connect" with the right people and the considerable resources he has enjoyed throughout his life.

John Kerry seams to have vastly more depth to his character. I find it incredibly honorable of Kerry to be able to serve in the Navy with distinction even though he obviously did not agree with the war. He appears to serve in public life because of his convictions and the deep concern for this country. However, I believe he does project weakness when he is overly analytical with issues. His analytical nature could be interpeted as uncertainty.

The President of this nation, in my opinion, should be someone intelligent, decisive, articulate. A person that is able to bring people together using compassion and logic. A person that values life and embraces change. A person that can convince someone to vote for him not by making someone else look worse but rather by inspiring them.

Thomas Del Papa
Clifton Springs, New York


It's interesting to see the comments that accuse Frontline of being biased toward Kerry. ‘The Choice 2004’ investigated the truth. What would be the "unbiased" alternative? To report the lies that have dominated the campaign instead of the facts? To characterize Kerry as the program did and simply repeat, in the time allotted to Bush, that he is a "strong and decisive leader?" Hogwash. Those who argue that the program tilts toward Kerry don't like looking in the mirror and seeing their own reflection. This program gave both sides the opportunity to face-up to the agenda and tactics they support.

Sam Post
Salisbury, NC


I was highly impressed with Frontline's program this evening. I learned more about John Kerry which was of value to me. I am perplexed by some of the previous submittals to this forum pertaining to a supposed bias against George Bush. I saw both candidates spoken about by friends and family. I saw both candidates spoken about by persons who would not want them elected. I submit that if Mr. Bush's current record and earlier activities were not flattering, it is not the fault of the reporting. I heard nothing that has not been shown by public record as being factual. Anyone who disagrees with what was shown certainly has the opportunity to dig up the facts themselves. I have done so, and didn't find anything that disagreed with this telecast. Killing the messenger does not alter the message.

Nola Beham
Wichita, Kansas


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posted oct. 12, 2004

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