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JOIN THE DISCUSSION What are your reactions to this program on the character, experience and worldviews of John Kerry and George Bush? What qualities of presidential leadership do you see in them?


"I think Bush is more ambitious than Kerry...You feel that Bush really wants to change the world in a fundamental way."

Our definitions of morality differ greatly as individuals, however right is right and wrong is wrong. The principles of right and wrong, in my opinion, are respected more and can guide individuals and societies much further than one's 'moral compass.' Unfortunately, one of the candidates disrespects many by imposing his perspective of morality without regard for others ideaologies and ways of life.

The program only provided additional support for my rationale as to how and why we're in the current state domestically and internationally. I trust that the 'ambitions' of one candidate does not obscure the facts and/or logic of voters during this election process. More importantly, I hope the 'ambitions' of one candidate and his fervor to 'change the world in a fundamental way' does not obstruct the election process and 'democracy' as we've known it to be.

Yeadon, PA


I just watched your political ad for Kerry on Frontline and am glad to see that you have proved my feelings about pbs as another one of those liberal media outlets that leave out half the truth. You brought out the falsity about Bush's National Guard Service but did not mention anything about Kerry's Treason with going to North Viet Nam during the war to give aid and comfort to the Viet Cong. You also left out the facts that truly lead to Kerry's receiving the medals that he is proud of and not proud of at the same time. You should look into more of the swift boats against Kerry allegations.

Nor did you bring up the fact that it was Kerry during the Clinton administration that he said that Saddom was a imminent threat and that he must be dealt with. That he must not be left with the ability to use nuculer weapons. This was even before Bush became President. You did not point out that it was not only Bush that thought that Saddam had WMD's but also the U.N. Germany, France, Russia, and most of the E.U. You did not also point out the uses of these weapons in the past.

Quinton Zastawnik Sr
Centerville, Indiana


Thank you for a truly balanced view of these two candidates. This should be mandatory viewing for every American that is going to vote this year. Unfortunately, your level of excellence will not be displayed by most of the media, and instead we will be subjected to a barrage of soundbytes and biased misrepresentations.

Again, thank you.

David Huet
Fairfax, VA


I am amazed that something as stilted as this piece is on PBS. We came upon this program by accident and were held captive by the droaning of the narrator giving an impression of a president and Mr. Kerry that were far from objective. The people being interviewed were no less than liberal media or political figures. This is not what I would have expected from publically sponsored television. We can not only have no trust in the main stream media but what a sad state of affairs for our country. Do I believe that what a conservative soul thinks , I must say no. I am not a born again Christian or a wealthy person just a pretty regular working woman of America who is being made to feel less than an American by the constant banging of the anti Bush drum. Our family has a history of honorable service to our country and the Kerry campaign is frightening to our family.

East Liverpool, Ohio


The liberal bias is self evident. W, the fundamentalist, mean spirited frat boy is the picture the Democrats like to portray. Texan know a thoughtful kind George Bush. Had there been no 9/11 his first term would of been much different. Iraq was the right decision. If Kerry is as intellectual and courageous as your program portrayed his Senate career should be more distinguished and he should of figured out how not to get "boxed in" on voting for the Iraq war.

chris Stokes
Austin, Texas


I just finished watching your commentary on Bush and Kerry. I had been waiting with anticipation for this program since I was so enthralled by the Bush-Gore documentary. I am very sad to see that this volume in the PBS Political library was overly biased. I felt that every comment on Bush was an attempt to impose negativism, ambition, selfishness, slander, and failure on the President. All of the comments on Sen. Kerry were ones that showed him to be personable, empathetic, effective, and underappreciated. Such a stark contrast in how the candidates were portrayed reveals an agenda that is, frankly, very transparent.

It seems that PBS is following in the footsteps of CBS. Too bad.

College Station, Texas


I just watched the Tues. night Frontline on the Bush-Kerry race in 2004. It would have drawn a standing O at the Democratoc Convention. Is PBS a 527 organtization? Between the lingering pans in sepia tones of Kerry being a bureaucrat and Bush being a reformed frat rat muddling through, I learned a little bit more than I knew about Kerry.

Paint him in any tones you want and try to sell him, he is wrong. 16 UN sanctions and ten years did not oust Hussein; strength did. Detente and calls for Nuclear Freezes did not bring down the Soviet Union; basing Pershing missles in Europe to match the Russian's SS-20s did. Kerry and the Euro-socialists all were warning then; they are wrong now.

It's sad to see PBS drop all pretense of political fariness.

bob nelson
tulsa, OK


How can we as citizens expect to elect a President who will act in the best interest of the of the people when the people refuse to hold ourselves accountable for our inability to simply vote? I agree that both Kerry and Bush love the USA, but neither one of them are capable of leading our country on both the domestic front as well as the international front. Who's fault is it? The citizens of the USA, because they refuse to act.

Austin, Texas


Nice hatchet job on the President. So much for an unbiased opinion. I'm glad you take public funds to bite the hands that feeds you.

Robert Denk
Cincinnati, Ohio


I am very displeased with your coverage of President Bush in this program. First, how is it that the majority of "narrative" information about him comes from a journalist (and one who is negative in his views of the president), whereas the information on Sen. Kerry comes from friends and statesmen who do nothing but speak very highly of him? Second, how is it that you use men who have been discretited (e.g. Woodward and Clarke), and who are clearly anit-Bush to speak about the president, whereas that is not the case for Sen. Kerry? Overall, I find your portrayal of Sen Kerry to be blatantly biased in the positive direction, whereas your overall portrayal of President Bush to be blatantly biased in the negative direction. This program is below the standards of public television.

Milwaukee, WI


What a disgraceful show you put on tonight. Honestly, I am stunned. Could you possibly have distorted the records of these two men more than you did. This show is so slanted in the direction of showing John Kerry in the most favorable light and not even once discussing the many negatives which have been discussed over and over again regarding his service in Vietnam, his career in public life and who he is personally. Here's what we learned about George Bush. He was a slackard in school, a party boy, a drunk, a no-show in the National Guard, a drifter, an opportunist, a light weight in the media, a religous nut, a failure in politics until he hooked up with Rove. I couldn't continue watching because it was too insulting to my intelligence to warrant any more of my time. This was propaganda--you might as well have included Michael Moore. I had hoped that you would show a balanced view of these two men but this was an infomercial for John Kerry and paid for by public money. I hope that the Sinclair Broadcasting Company airs their negative documenary on Kerry. Previously I thought this would be unfair. You (the liberal media)want it all one way--you can dish it out but you can't take it. All in all a very disappointing program from Frontline which in the past has done such a fine job of educating us on various issues.

Argie Simon
New York, NY

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posted oct. 12, 2004

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